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Meeting Name: JUDICIARY & LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/16/2020 1:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 301-B, City Hall
AMENDED - 3/16/20 - File 191874 has been added to the agenda
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     Meeting Convened at 1:33 pm    Roll call Video Video
     Please be apprised that less than 24 hours notice is being given for this file because it is impractical to give the 24 hours' notice.    Not available
191614 01.ResolutionResolution relating to the appeal of Paul Worthy for property damage. (6th Aldermanic District)

Minutes note: Appearing: Paul Worthy -appellant Katryna Rhodes - ACA Chad Chrisbaum - DPW Infrastructure Based on City Attorney's recommendation and City Department's testimony, Ald. Zielinski moved denial of this appeal.
191316 02.ResolutionResolution relating to the appeal of Curtis Brewer for property damage. (9th Aldermanic District)

Minutes note: Appearing: Curtis Brewer Chad Chrisbaum Katryna Rhodes Based on CIty Attorney's recommendation and City Depatment's testimony, Ald. Johnson moved to denial of this appeal.
191551 03.ResolutionResolution relating to the claim of Josephine Santiago

Minutes note: Appearing: Josephine Santiago Leroy Schank - Contractor Based on City Attorney's recommendation, Ald. Bauman moved denial.
191770 04.ResolutionResolution authorizing payment of the claim of Robert and Daphne Kozlicki in the amount of $7,085.95;RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
191799 05.ResolutionResolution authorizing payment of the claim of Brian Lewandowski, in the amount of $25,000.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Video Video
191859 16.ResolutionSubstitute resolution cancelling real estate taxes levied against a certain parcel bearing a tax key number on the 2019 tax roll, plus interest and special charges applicable, if appropriate.

Minutes note: Appearing: Patty Doherty - on behalf of Ald. Donovan who is in support of this resolution Mr. Eduardo Loera - Pastor Iglesia Apostolica Nueva Vida, Inc., aka New Life Apostolic Church.
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
191841 07.ResolutionResolution opposing India’s National Register of Citizens and Citizenship Amendment Act and reaffirming Milwaukee as a welcoming city that accepts all peoples regardless of their religious background.

Minutes note: Appearing: Ald. Johnson - Sponsor Add Dodd as co-sponsor. There were no objections.
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Video Video
191798 08.ResolutionResolution cancelling real estate taxes levied against certain parcels bearing tax key numbers on the 2017 tax roll, plus interest applicable to date of repayment, if appropriate.

Minutes note: Appearing: Peter Bronex - Chief Assessor
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
191765 19.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 1958 W. Fairmount, in the 1st Aldermanic District, to its former owner Jerrell S. Cathey.

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum Gathing Tanz Rome Jim Klajbor Nicole Larsen Jerrell S Cathey Applicant has outstanding traffic violations judgments in the amount of $529.80
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Video Video
191719 110.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 5635 N. 39th Street, in the 1st Aldermanic District, to its former owner True Unique Inv. LLC c/o Sylvia F. Williams RA.

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum Gathing Tanz Rome Jim Klajbor Nicole Larsen Ms. Sylvia Williams Timothy Evans, son in law The Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions website indicates that True Unique Investments, LLC was administratively dissolved on 8/11/2015. Organization would need to be reinstated if property is recommended to be returned.
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Video Video
191503 111.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 5044 N. 33rd Street, in the 1st Aldermanic District, to its former owner Charles Singleton.

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum Gathing Tanz Rome Jim Klajbor Nicole Larsen Mr. Charles Singleton Mr. Singleton has outstanding parking violations judgments in the amount of $318.00 The applicant has outstanding building code violations judgments in the amount of $3075.00 (if paid by 3/23/2020, $6648.15, if paid by 4/23/2020, $6673.36)
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass5:0 Action details Video Video
191762 112.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 5877 N. 80th Street, in the 2nd Aldermanic District, to its former owner Rodney J. and Jean M. Fischer.

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum Gathing Tanz Rome Jim Klajbor Nicole Larsen Mr. Rodney Fischer
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Video Video
191761 113.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 7407 W. Sheridan Avenue, in the 2nd Aldermanic District, to its former owner Kenneth Taylor.

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum Gathing Tanz Rome Jim Klajbor Nicole Larsen Ms. Linda Taylor, Mr. Kenneth Taylor's wife Mr. Taylor has outstanding traffic violations judgment in the amount of $98.80
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Video Video
191718 114.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 3828 N. 79th Street, in the 5th Aldermanic District, to its former owner David Barland.

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum Gathing Tanz Rome Jim Klajbor Nicole Larsen Mr. David Barland
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Video Video
191721 115.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2737 N. 88th Street, in the 5th Aldermanic District, to its former owner Nancy L. Cychosz.

Minutes note: Appearing: Deborah McCollum Gathin Tanz Rome Nicole Larsen Jim Kjajbor Atty Taylor Ranz on behalf of Ms. Cychosz perspective buyer of the property, Mr. Rizwan Ahmad Based on the discussion, Ald. Dodd moved to denied the return of this property.
RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILEPass5:0 Action details Video Video
191721 1 ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2737 N. 88th Street, in the 5th Aldermanic District, to its former owner Nancy L. Cychosz.RECONSIDEREDPass5:0 Action details Not available
191721 1 ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2737 N. 88th Street, in the 5th Aldermanic District, to its former owner Nancy L. Cychosz.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
191505 116.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2971 N. 6th Street, in the 6th Aldermanic District, to its former owner 123 Helping Hands Personal Care Agency LLC c/o Debbie Lewis.

Minutes note: Appearing: Nicole Larsen Deborah McCollum Gathing Tanz Rome Jim Klajbor 123 Helping Hands Personal Care Agency c/o Debbie Lewis The Wisconsin Department of Financial Institution website revelaed that 123 Helping Hands Personal Care Agency, LLC was admnistratively dissolved in 2019 and needs to be reinstated. Other properties owned by the applicant 3641 N Port Washington Avenue 2017- 2019 outstanding $5,805.34 This also needs to be taken care of, before real estate can be returned, per Ald. Bauman's motion.
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Video Video
191693 117.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 3453 N. 11th Street, in the 6th Aldermanic District, to its former owner Robert Harris.

Minutes note: Appearing: Nicole Larsen Deborah McCollum Gathing Tanz Rome Jim Klajbor Mr. Robert Harris The applicant has outstanding traffic violations judgments as follows: $477.00
RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Video Video
191715 118.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 3569 S. 92nd Street, in the 11th Aldermanic District, to its former owner Phillip & Susan Krawczyk.

Minutes note: Appearing: Nicole Larsen Deborah McCollum Gathing Tanz Rome Mr. Phillip Krawczyk Mr. Krawczyk requested more time to gather the funds owed.
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass3:0 Action details Video Video
191622 119.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2513 N. 9th Street, in the 15th Aldermanic District, to its former owner Nathaniel Smith.

Minutes note: Appearing: Nathaniel Smith Sam Smith his Dad
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass4:0 Action details Video Video
190839 120.ResolutionSubstitute resolution indemnifying the 4th District Alderman from damages resulting from litigation in the matter of Milwaukee County Circuit Court Case No. 2007CV13965.

Minutes note: Ald. Zielinski moved suspension of the Rule. There were no objections. and further moved to amend the file by inserting the additional Whereas clause: Whereas, WIs. Stat. sec. 893.80(3) explicitytly limits the amount recoverable by a person for damages in any tort action against any officer or official of any Wisconsin municipality and which respect to officers and officials of the City of Milwaukee, is $50,000; and Amend the Further Resolved clause to read as follows: Further Resolved, That the City of Milwaukee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the 4th District Alderman, Robert J. Bauman, from and against all losses or damages and, in the event that the jury or court determines him to be within the scope of employment, shall pay any judgment up to the amount permitted under Wis. Stat. sec. 893.80(3), that is, up to $50,000, resulting from any and all litigation related to MilwaukeeCounty Circuit Court Case No. 2007CV13965; and, be it Further Resolved, That the City of Milwaukee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the 4th District Alderman, Robert J. Bauman, from and against all losses or damages and, in the event that the jury or court determined him to be outside the scope of employment, shall pay any judgment resulting from any and all litigation related to Milwaukee County Circuit Court Case No. 2007CV13965. There were no objections.
AMENDEDPass4:0 Action details Video Video
190839 2 ResolutionSubstitute resolution indemnifying the 4th District Alderman from damages resulting from litigation in the matter of Milwaukee County Circuit Court Case No. 2007CV13965.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AND ASSIGNEDPass4:0 Action details Not available
191874 021.CommunicationCommunication from the Election Commission relating to the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Spring 2020 election.

Minutes note: Appearing: Neil Albrecht
RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILEPass5:0 Action details Video Video
     The Judiciary and Legislation Committee may convene into closed session on Monday, March 16, 2020 in Room 301-B, City Hall, 200 E. Wells St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin, pursuant to s. 19.85(1)(g), Wis. Stats., for the purpose of conferring with the City Attorney who will render oral or written advice with respect to litigation in which the city is or is likely to become involved and then will go into open session for the regular agenda.    Not available
     This meeting will be webcast live at www.milwaukee.gov/channel25.    Not available
     Meeting adjourned at 3:33pm Joanna Polanco Staff Assistant    Not available
     In the event that Common Council members who are not members of this committee attend this meeting, this meeting may also simultaneously constitute a meeting of the Common Council or any of the following committees: Community and Economic Development, Finance and Personnel, Judiciary and Legislation, Licenses, Public Safety and Health, Public Works, Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development, and/or Steering and Rules. Whether a simultaneous meeting is occurring depends on whether the presence of one or more of the Common Council member results in a quorum of the Common Council or any of the above committees, and, if there is a quorum of another committee, whether any agenda items listed above involve matters within that committee’s realm of authority. In the event that a simultaneous meeting is occurring, no action other than information gathering will be taken at the simultaneous meeting. Times for specific agenda items are estimations. If items cannot be heard at their specified times, they will be heard as soon as practicable thereafter.     Not available
     Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities through sign language interpreters or auxiliary aids. For assistance contact the Legislative Services ADA Coordinator at 286-2998, (FAX)286-3456, (TDD)286-2025 or by writing to Room 205, City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202.    Not available
     Parking for persons attending City Hall meetings is available at reduced rates (5 hour limit) at the Milwaukee Center (southwest corner of E. Kilbourn Ave. and N. Water St.) Parking tickets must be validated in the first floor Information Booth in City Hall.    Not available
     Persons engaged in lobbying as defined in s. 305-43-4 of the Milwaukee Code are required to register with the City Clerk's License Division. Lobbyists appearing before a Common Council committee are required to identify themselves as such. More information is available at http://city.milwaukee.gov/Lobbying.    Not available