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Meeting date/time: 6/14/2021 3:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 301-B
This is a virtual meeting. Those wishing to view the proceedings are able to do so via the City Channel - Channel 25 on Spectrum Cable - or on the Internet at http://city.milwaukee.gov/citychannel.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: PowerPoint
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
201639 01.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for re-siding the Disch-Rising-Morgan Puddler’s Cottage, an interim individually designated property, in the proposed South Superior Street Puddlers’ Cottages Historic District, at 2530 S. Superior Street, for 2530 S. Superior, LLC.

Minutes note: Mr. Askin said the house currently has vinyl siding and there is asbestos shingle under the vinyl. Applicant would like the LP SmartSide to replace the vinyl on the house and garage. The house is so old the construction is very unusual; there may be stud cavity, it might just structural sheathing. He is slightly on the approval side. Mr. Jarosz is inclined to approve due to the unique situation relating to the house construction.
ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Not available
210215 02.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for installation and replacement of storm windows at 1501 N. Marshall Street, a condominium in the individually designated Graham Row Building, for Alexandra Hanson.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the applicant is going with Acker; it would have been staff approval, but the Board asked that no staff approvals be done at this address. He has no objection.
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210221 03.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacing the front door at 120 W. Reservoir Street, in the Brewers Hill Historic District for Justin & Alyssa Trad.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the door in question is on the far left and is one third light over 5 panels. The door is very badly damaged and 75% of the wood would need to be replaced and would be a painted door at the end. Staff would like to recommend that the door replicate the existing restored doors. A custom-made door may cost around $5,000. A replica might be around $2,000. The applicant is requesting permission for any of the 5 choices. The commission supported the one on the left, which most closely matches the other two existing doors. Grant the door on the left.
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210194 04.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for masonry repairs and mothball status at 210 E. Michigan Street, in the East Side Commercial Historic District, for the Grand Avenue Club.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the Grand Avenue Club has been doing some fundraising and would like to tackle their main entrance on Michigan Street. The sandstone has suffered 150 years of salt and the canopy also needs work. They have a violation for installing EIFS on the north facade, which was done without approval - they will address remediating that next month. They are seeking mothball status on that violation. He would support mothball status for at least one month and grant the COA for the work on the south wall. Grant mothball for 6 months, as recommended by staff.
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210017 05.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for construction of a garage at 1635 S. 8th St., the Albert Kunzelmann House, an individually designated historic property, for Cameryne Roberts.

Minutes note: Ms. Jacqueline Drayer said the proposal is to construct a new house to the west of the alley way and it will be only visible minorly from the public way and matches the house style. Staff recommends approval. Camryn Roberts - owner
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210102 06.ResolutionCertificate of Appropriateness for amending the design of a previously approved new garage (CCF 180822) at 2018 N. 1st Street, in the Brewers Hill Historic District, for Brian Holoubek & Natalie Streppone Holoubek.

Minutes note: Ms. Jacqueline Drayer said the construction was approved in 2018, but this application is for a change in materials. The design is generally compatible with the district. Staff recommends approval as the garage does mirror the house design. Grant, with staff conditions.
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210113 07.ResolutionCertificate of Appropriateness for a storefront remodel and various repairs at 815 - 817 W. Historic Mitchell Street, in the Mitchell Street Historic District, for Hector Salinas.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the glass part of the storefront is currently caving in. A proposed design with aluminum storefront and windows and some bricking-in has been proposed. The building was built in 1888, but there is no evidence of its initial construction; the known photos are from 1939. Staff recommends approval with conditions, one of which is to not brick up sections. The roof changes will be reviewed by Plan Exam. The arch in the windows will be retained as those windows will not be touched. Keith Schultz - architect; he has no objections to the conditions and he is not sure the owner has any funds for the roof work. They would leave the existing facade as it is; just revise the doors and windows. Grant, with staff conditions.
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210151 08.ResolutionCertificate of Appropriateness for demolition of a concrete block garage at 2527 N. Wahl Avenue, in the North Point North Historic District, for Scott & Christine Hansen

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said it's a concrete block garage from 1951. He supports demolition.
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210152 09.ResolutionCertificate of Appropriateness for construction of a new garage at 2527 N. Wahl Avenue, in the North Point North Historic District, for Scott & Christine Hansen.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the proposed garage is bigger than the existing garage and it will be constructed out of a hardy material to meet fire rating issues. Flat, membrane roof hidden by the parapet. The proposed Hardy product only exists with a smooth finish and he thinks it will look okay. He believes applicant would go with clapboard. The garage isn't visible from the street at all. Grant, with staff conditions.
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210168 010.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for landscaping and paving alterations at 2710 E. Belleview Place, in the North Point North Historic District, for Robert & Allyn Travis.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said sub-par landscaping work was done and there were defects in the construction and it worsened the drainage issues on the neighboring properties. The driveway was poured while a stop-work order was in effect. The steps have to meet building code as they are the only means of egress from the front door. The houses are close as there are 4 houses on 2-3 lots. There is also a structure in the back yard that touches a neighbor's house that was never approved. The neighbor objects to this project as the prior work also worsened her drainage issues. A new landscape plan was submitted and it was done by a professional company, Flagstone. They propose to re-do the retaining wall, re-build the steps, re-do the driveway to correct drainage and remove all the timbers in the front yard. The neighbor is asking that the walkway on the west side by re-done to address drainage; that would need to be added. Mr. Askin thinks it's reasonable as proposed. Atty. Tom Gartner for the owners. Bob Travis - he did a survey and the west walkway is on his property and the window wells are on her property. They would like to put paving stones along that walkway. The wood rack is on his property and not touching her house. He objects to moving the wood rack, which isn't an HPC issue. He wants something done with that west walkway and he would like a condition that the adjacent owner has to agree that he can touch her window well. Grant, as proposed and they will need to settle the west walkway matter between themselves. That is satisfactory to the homeowners.
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210173 011.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for an addition at 217 W. Reservoir Avenue, in the Brewers Hill Historic District, for Jamison and Suzanne Klinkner.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the mass was approved in March 2020. The house has an addition from 1970 or so and the owner is proposing another addition on the rear off the alley. There is no way for them to build a garage that isn't attached due to fire variance and setbacks; there only options are an attached garage or a parking slab. The HPC approved an attached garage. The applicants will add a fixed window in the dormer and will move the 2 windows closer to make the gap less than 8 feet. Jamison Klinkner - owner - they would like to introduce a small window. Staff is fine with that, but it would be up to DNS or DCD. Grant, with staff conditions.
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210181 012.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for demolition of the garage at 3002 W. State Street, in the Concordia Historic District, for Patrick Kennelly.

Minutes note: Ms. Jacqueline Drayer said it's an existing single-car garage, which doesn't contribute to the character of the property. The garage is not visible from the front of the house. Staff recommends approval.
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210183 013.ResolutionCertificate of Appropriateness for construction of a new garage at 3002 W. State Street, in the Concordia Historic District, for Patrick Kennelly.

Minutes note: Mr. Jaqueline Drayer said the proposal is to build a 4-car garage off the public alley and will be Flemish bond brick mimicking the main house as do the design features. The stucco will match the house as will the roofing slope. The carriage lights also match the house lights and the doors are on the approve list. A very competent design that is very complementary to the property. There are conditions set by staff as part of the report. Mr. Patrick Kennelly - owner Ms. Allyson Nemec - architect - they are proposing the shortened ridge so the edges of the gables don't get wet as recommended by the manufacturer. The owner is willing to do what staff wants, but it is against manufacturer's recommendations. It won't be as obvious as it is in the elevation. There are a number of 4-car garages in the area. Ald. Bauman supports following the design specs Grant, absent the condition relating to the shortened ridge.
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210075 014.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for demolition of the standalone garage at 116 W. Vine Street, in the Brewers Hill Historic District, for Mike Warecki.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the garage demo was approved two years ago, but it was never razed. The concrete block garage is the only thing on the lot.
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210192 015.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for construction of a new house at 116 W. Vine Street, in the Brewers Hill Historic District, for Michael Warecki.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said a 2.5-story house with attached garage facing the alley is proposed. The garage is the full width of the house and some details still need to be worked out. Staff thinks that a detached garage is feasible. The roof line does not delineate where the house ends and the garage begins. There will be living space above the garage and the east elevation is exposed to the neighborhood and will be highly visible, even with the proposed fence. Staff is disinclined to approve the skylights on the west elevation. They have pretty much met all of the zoning overlay rules. The house is tall, but not unprecedented and is near to industrial buildings. Something needs to be done to separate the body of the house from the body of the garage visually. Staff would not support slider doors, as preferred by the owner; staff recommends French doors. Staff report does include conditions. For the garage, the Commission has supported detached garages where feasible. Staff is concerned with the unfinished bonus space above the garage. If approved, it needs design revisions to break up the visual between the house and the garage. Staff recommends holding and re-scheduling for July. The Commission supported the house, but saw the need to differentiate between the house and the garage on the east elevation. Mr. Askin was incorrect; there isn't a room for a detached garage. He retracts that statement. Mr. Michael Warecki - there is a trellis to break up the east elevation between the house and the garage. Ms. Keating Kahn is fine with an attached garage as it's a nice amenity. Mr. Jarosz would recommend setting back the garage by a foot or so by the second set of doors. Grant with the condition of working with staff to differentiate on the east wall between the house and garage.
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210150 016.ResolutionCertificate of Appropriateness for demolition of the collapsed rear wing at 4444 N. 26th Street, in the Garden Homes Historic District, for the City of Milwaukee.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the wing collapsed before the city owned it. Ms. Jacqueline Drayer said the city took possession under tax foreclosure in March. The collapsed wing does not contribute to the character of the house; the foundation will be kept by the city. This wing was constructed in 1960 and is not very visible from the street. Staff recommends approval; the state does not object.
ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Video Video
     The following files represent staff approved Certificates of Appropriateness:    Not available
210099 017.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for a metal fence at 2536 N. Sherman Boulevard, in the Sherman Boulevard Historic District, for Noel Coronel.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Video Video
210116 018.ResolutionCertificate of Appropriateness for a wood fence at 3115 W. Kilbourn Avenue, in the Concordia District, for Kokugonza Kaijage.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
210117 019.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of solar panels on the east slope of the roof at 2827 W. McKinley Boulevard, in the Cold Spring Park Historic District, for Bill Hanel.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
210126 020.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacing roofing material at 3034 W. State Street, in the Concordia Historic District, for Vancaito George.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
210127 021.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for a projecting sign at 1216 E. Brady Street, in the Brady Street Historic District, for Nashville North.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
210187 022.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for masonry repairs at 2015 N. Lake Drive, in the North Point South Historic District, for Dr. John Hambrook.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
210193 023.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for new signage at 2703 N. Sherman Blvd, in the North Sherman Boulevard Historic District, for Milwaukee Math & Science Academy.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
210204 024.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for window replacement at 1696 - 1698 N. Marshall Street (AKA 701 E Brady Street), in the Brady Street Historic District, for FoxBeach LLC.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
210213 025.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacing roofing material at 3022 W. State Street, in the Concordia Historic District, for Christin Peto.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
210214 026.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for installing HVAC equipment at 2552 N. Summit Avenue, in the North Point North Historic District, for Beth Kinsella.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
210219 027.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for a wall sign at 624 W. Historic Mitchell Street, in the Mitchell Street Historic District for Smoker’s Haze and Vape (Fahad Farooqui).ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
210251 028.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for installation of HVAC equipment at 3230 E. Kenwood Blvd, the Mrs. Myron T. MacLaren House, an individually designated historic property, for Andy Nunemaker.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
210252 029.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for repairs to the house at 2105 E. Lafayatte Place, in the North Point South Historic District, for David Quadracci.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said a citizen called in to complain about work at the property with no building permits or COA applications. Wisconsin Historical Society did sign off on this work. Ms. Peltz noted that the adjacent owner is doing full landscaping, possibly for sale of the lot.
ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Video Video
210256 030.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for installation of stair railings and replacement of selected storm windows at 2571 N. Grant Boulevard, in the Grant Boulevard Historic District, for Willestine Riley.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
   31. Review and approval of the minutes from the May 3rd meeting.

Minutes note: Ms. Peltz moved, seconded by Mr. Jarosz, for approval of the minutes. There were no objections.
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   32. Updates and announcements.

Minutes note: Special meeting for Garden Homes on July 7th. The Commission will review the exteriors, but staff and the state will review the interiors and exteriors. Meeting adjourned: 4:51 P.M. Linda M. Elmer Staff Assistant This meeting can be viewed in its entirety through the City's Legislative Research Center at http://milwaukee.legistar.com/calendar.
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