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Meeting Name: COMMON COUNCIL Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/30/2011 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Common Council Chambers, 3rd Fl., City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: Report of Matters Introduced (New Business)
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     The meeting was called to order at 9:12 a.m.    Not available
     The roll was called.    Roll call Not available
     The Pledge of Allegiance was said followed by an invocation offered by Father Robert Turner, pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish.    Not available
     The question was put: Are there any corrections to the Common Council Journal of Proceedings for the regular meeting of November 2, 2011, the budget adoption meeting of November 4, or the special meeting of November 18? There being none, the minutes of these meetings were approved without objection.    Not available
     Commendatory and condolatory resolutions were read and ordered on file without objection.

Minutes note: Ald. Murphy requested unanimous consent for the purpose of offering and having approved a commendation to Milwaukee Brewer Ryan Braun on the occasion of his winning the National League's Most Valuable Player Award. There was no objection.
    Not available
     APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110711 01.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: The question was put: Have the members of the Common Council read the Report and Recommendations of the Licenses Committee? All members present indicated they had done so. Return the application of Efraim Elmazi -- Extended Hours -- "Sal's New York Pizza" -- to Committee.
AMENDEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110711 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.APPROVEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110858 01.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Public Safety Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: The question was put: Have the members of the Common Council read the Report and Recommendations of the Public Safety Committee in these matters? All members present indicated they had done so.
APPROVEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110892 12.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to parking controls.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110893 13.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to traffic controls.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110885 04.ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance, and funding of a Drug Recognition Expert Field Certification grant.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110949 15.ResolutionSubstitute resolution amending Common Council File #100149 relative to the application, acceptance and funding of the Public Health Impact Initiative Grant from the UW-Milwaukee School of Public Health.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110926 06.AppointmentAppointment of Dawn Helmrich to the Milwaukee Commission on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault by the Common Council President.CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110108 11.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to the annual salaries of the mayor and members of the common council.PASSEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
110744 12.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to employee relations, regulations and benefits for city employees.

Minutes note: Identified as amendment #1. The file would be amended as follows: Under Part 2, under section 350-a-4, between the words "holiday" and "hours", add the words "and vacation".
AMENDEDFail5:10 Action details Not available
110744 2 OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to employee relations, regulations and benefits for city employees.

Minutes note: Identified as amendment #2. The file would be amended as follows: Under Part 12, under Part 14, under section 350-37-8, delete the last sentence which reads as follows: "The injury pay benefit shall be administered consistent with the 3-day waiting period under Ch. 102, Wis. Stats."
AMENDEDPass14:1 Action details Not available
110744 2 OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to employee relations, regulations and benefits for city employees.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110798 13.Charter OrdinanceA substitute charter ordinance relating to retirement benefits for certain employes employed by the fire department.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110935 24.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance to further amend the 2011 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110597 15.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to the expenditure of funds to be reimbursed by greater than anticipated revenue. (Election Commission)ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110920 06.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a Revised Project Agreement titled ”State/Municipal Agreement for a Highway Improvement project” between the City of Milwaukee and Wisconsin Department of Transportation for replacement of the West Capitol Drive Bridge over Menomonee River with 75 percent Federal and State aid under the State Trunk Highway Program and to fund the revised design estimate with a City of Milwaukee Share of $25,500 and a grantor share of $76,500.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110937 17.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing city departments to expend monies appropriated in the 2012 city budget for Special Purpose Accounts, Debt Service Fund, Provisions for Employes’ Retirement Fund, Delinquent Tax Fund, Common Council Contingent Fund, Grant and Aid Fund, and Special Capital Projects or Purposes.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110938 08.ResolutionResolution appropriating $50,000,001 from the 2012 Special Purpose Account Reimbursable Services Advance Fund.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110959 19.ResolutionSubstitute resolution implementing a footnote to the 2012 Budget relating to a study of increasing the efficiency of fire suppression systems and transportation in the Fire Department.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110999 110.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to expenditure of funds to be reimbursed by greater than anticipated revenue. (Department of Public Works)ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110983 011.AppointmentAppointment of James Klajbor to serve the remainder of the term as City Treasurer by the Mayor.CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110936 012.OrdinanceAn ordinance to further amend the 2011 offices and positions in the City Service.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110942 013.CommunicationCommunication regarding the "Wellness Your Choice Milwaukee" health assessment and improvement efforts through Froedtert Health Workforce Health.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110993 014.CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Employee Relations relating to the salaries of certain elected officials.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
     ---The following item may be referred from the SPECIAL Finance and Personnel Committee meeting held on Wednesday, November 30, 2011 at 8:30 A.M.    Not available
110998 115.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to limitations on professional service contracts with retired city employees.PASSEDPass13:1 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110056 11.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to legislative bills.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
110895 12.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to the claim of Jeff Carl for property damage. (2nd Aldermanic District)ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
110899 13.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 3703 N 22nd St, in the 6th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Shavanaka Feagin by Ronald Kelly)ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
110900 14.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 3412-3414 N 15th St, in the 6th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Nannie Triggs represented by Darlene Rose)ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
110927 15.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 1908-1910 N 34th St, in the 15th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Phua Vang)ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
110928 16.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 3714 N 2nd Lane, in the 6th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Robert Triplett)ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
110929 17.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the proper City officers to enter into a contract for the collection of receivables.ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
110940 18.ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 2968 N 9th St, in the 6th Aldermanic District to its former owner. (Calves Haynes)ADOPTEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
   9. Claims against the city:    Not available
110415 0a.ResolutionResolution relating to the claim of Sharon Megna relating to property damage. (6th Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
110879 0b.ResolutionResolution relating to an appeal from Corves Coleman for property damage. (1st Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
110903 0c.ResolutionResolution relating to an appeal from Pamela Jordan for the loss of her dog. (6th Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
110905 0d.ResolutionResolution relating to an appeal from Nikola Stojsavljevic for appeal costs. (12th Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass14:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
071364 21.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to a change in zoning from General Planned Development to a Detailed Planned Development, Phase II, known as ReadCo, on land located on the north side of East North Avenue and east of North Humboldt Avenue, for residential and commercial development, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110586 12.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to the First Amendment to the General Planned Development known as ReadCo, to facilitate development, on land located on the north side of East North Avenue and east of North Humboldt Avenue, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110692 13.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to the establishment of the East Side architectural review board.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110738 24.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to fence regulations.PASSEDPass14:1 Action details Not available
110862 15.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to the establishment of a Master Sign Program Overlay Zone known as East Pointe Marketplace, to establish signage standards for a portion of the property located at 605 East Lyon Street, on the north side of East Ogden Street and east of North Jefferson Street, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
061018 16.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relating to the sale of surplus property at 1136-46 East North Avenue to 1150 North, LLC for mixed-use development, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
090688 17.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the Project Plan and a Term Sheet authorizing expenditures for Tax Incremental District No. 75 (Reed Street Yards), in the 12th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
101340 08.ResolutionResolution approving a final Certified Survey Map for property located on the west side of South 6th Street and north of West College Avenue, which will create one lot and dedicate land for public purposes, in the 13th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110693 19.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving the boundary and design guidelines for the East Side Architectural Review District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110572 11.ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to the acceptance and funding of a United States Department of Labor Green Jobs Innovation Funds Grant.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110908 02.ResolutionResolution to review and approve modifications to the contract used by the Community Development Grants Administration for 2012 community development activity and to authorize execution of contracts and subcontracts by City departments.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110915 03.ResolutionResolution authorizing the transfer of the 2012 Community Development Block Grant and 2012 HOME funding for Neighborhood Improvement Project activities from the YMCA-Community Development Corp. to the Community First Inc. organization.ADOPTEDPass14:1 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110361 04.ResolutionResolution appropriating $100,000 from the Development Fund for a Building Restoration Grant to TMB Development Corp. for the Iron Block building, in the 4th Aldermanic District.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110921 05.Communication-ReportCommunication from the Office of Environmental Sustainability on the City’s Sustainability Accomplishments.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110975 06.Communication-ReportCommunication from the Public Policy Forum relating to the report, "Assembling the Parts".PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
110257 11.ResolutionSubstitute resolution amending a special privilege to Marquette University to construct and maintain additional chiller lines in the public right-of-way for the university campus at and adjacent to 1801 West Wisconsin Avenue, in the 4th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110890 02.ResolutionResolution relating to application, acceptance and funding of a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 2012 Urban Forestry Grant.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110894 13.ResolutionSubstitute resolution directing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a revised project agreement titled “State/Municipal Agreement for a Highway Improvement Project”, with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), for the improvement of North 91st Street/North Swan Road from West Hampton Avenue to West Flagg Avenue, with 80 percent Federal and/or State aid, under the STP Urban Improvement Program; with an estimated total cost of $5,810,500, which is due to a change in project scope from resurfacing to reconstruction, is an increase of $2,075,500, and a total estimated increase in preliminary engineering cost of this project is $215,500 of which the City’s share is $43,100 and grantor’s share is $172,400.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110901 04.ResolutionResolution authorizing the proper City officers to execute four Release of Easements.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110914 05.ResolutionResolution rescinding various special privileges that are no longer necessary.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110916 06.ResolutionResolution relative to the cost participation and installation of traffic control devices in conjunction with the Federal and State Aid paving of North Port Washington Avenue from North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive to the North City Limit in the 6th Aldermanic District at a total estimated cost of $86,718.20, with an estimated grantor share of $69,374.56, and an estimated City share of $17,343.64.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110917 07.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to issue a Request for Proposal to select a consultant to provide professional engineering services for the rehabilitation of the St. Paul Avenue Lift Bridge over the Milwaukee River.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110919 08.ResolutionResolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for the installation, operation, and maintenance of a fiber optic subduct connection through the City Conduit System between the County Courthouse and the Medical Examiner’s Complex in the Fourth Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110922 19.ResolutionSubstitute resolution determining it necessary to make various assessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $207,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $3,028,000.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110923 110.ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving levying of assessments and construction of assessable public improvement projects at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City cost of these projects approved by this resolution is estimated to be $11,360,700 for a total estimated cost of $25,218,185.85.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110924 111.ResolutionSubstitute resolution determining it necessary to make various nonassessable public improvements at various locations and appropriating funds for these purposes with the City engineering cost estimated to be $710,000 for a total estimated cost of these projects being $9,788,340.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110925 012.ResolutionResolution directing the Commissioner of Public Works to apply for a 2012-2013 Wisconsin Coastal Management Program grant from the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
110941 013.ResolutionResolution authorizing the Department of Public Works, to accept and expend a contribution of $50,000 from the Carton Council of North America, Inc., to support the inclusion of aseptic and gable top cartons in the City’s curbside recycling program.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
070959 014.ResolutionResolution to grant a special privilege to Renaissant Lafayette LLC to construct and maintain a storm water discharge metering manhole for the premises at 2036 N. Prospect Ave., in the 3rd Aldermanic District.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
110843 015.Communication-ReportCommunication relating to a MATA Community Media 2012 Plan of Operations to the City of Milwaukee.PLACED ON FILEPass15:0 Action details Not available
     Communications from city officers were read and ordered on file without objection.    Not available
     IMMEDIATE ADOPTIONS:    Not available
111059 01.Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution amending Common Council Resolution File Number 100416 to extend the reporting deadline for the Pension Task Force.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
111060 02.Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution approving final certified survey maps.ADOPTEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
     Announcements were made.    Not available
     There being no further business to come before the Common Council, the meeting was adjourned at 10:42 a.m. -- Jim Owczarski, Deputy City Clerk    Not available