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Meeting Name: TRAVAUX INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/11/2024 3:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Virtual Call-in No. (866) 899-4679 Access Code: 542-351-901#
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     Call to Order

Minutes note: Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m.
    Not available
     Roll Call    Roll call Not available
T333 01.MotionApproval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on February 15, 2024APPROVEDPass6:0 Action details Not available
T334 02.Travaux ResolutionResolution approving a contract with the Housing Authority of the City of Milwaukee to be the Construction Manager as Adviser for the construction of the Market-Rate Homes at Westlawn Gardens

Minutes note: Fernando Aniban, HACM’s Assistant Secretary, presented the Board with a draft of the contract between the Housing Authority and Travaux, Inc. Mr. Aniban specified that HACM’s engagement with Travaux is for Travaux to manage the project. Mr. Aniban stated, that these future townhome units will be Market Rate units, meaning that they are not funded by Capitol Fund grant dollars from HUD. These five buildings, consisting of 11 units, will be funded by the state’s allotment of the American Rescue Plan Act through the City of Milwaukee, and a portion will be funded by non-federal sources. Warren Jones, Travaux’s Vice President of Construction, answered Directors’ questions regarding risk types covered in the contract and future change orders.
ADOPTEDPass6:0 Action details Not available
T335 03.CommunicationReport from the President

Minutes note: Jackie Martinez, HACM’s Section 8 Program Director, summarized the Section 8 Utilization Update data provided with the agenda. Director McCarthy applauded how the information in the report is being presented. Ms. Martinez responded to Directors’ questions regarding applicants suitability for a unit versus eligibility and leasing dips in the reporting metrics. Director McCarthy requested that for the next Board meeting information be provided on what the projections have been for Westlawn Renaissance lease up, and the impact thus far. Greg Anderson, Travaux’s Vice President of Asset Management, summarized the Occupancy and Work Order Reports for the Public, Affordable and Market Rate Housing provided with the agenda. Directors discussed developing a work order system to provide a trigger that will alert staff when a work order has exceeded 30, 60, and 90 days.
    Action details Not available
   4. The Board may receive a motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Section 19.85(1) (g) Wis. Stats. to confer with a representative of legal counsel who will render oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the Board with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved. The Board may then reconvene in open session concerning any such item following the closed session.

Minutes note: Director Manzanet made a motion to convene in closed session at 3:40 p.m. Director Crosby seconded the motion. There being no objections, the motion carried. President Hines convened the Travaux Board in closed session pursuant to Section 19.85(1) (g) Wis. Stats. to confer with a representative of legal counsel who will render oral or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the Board with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved.
    Not available

Minutes note: There being no further business, Director McCarthy made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:28 p.m. Director Guszkowski seconded the motion. There being no objections, the motion carried.
    Not available
     Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities through sign language interpreters or auxiliary aids. For additional information or to request this service, contact the Housing Authority ADA Coordinator, Marquetta Treadway at 286-5100, (FAX) 286-3456, (TDD) 286-3504 or by writing to the Coordinator at 650 West Reservoir, Milwaukee, WI 53212.    Not available
     Persons engaged in lobbying as defined in s. 305-43-4 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances are required to register with the City Clerk's Office License Division. Registered lobbyists appearing before a Common Council committee are required to identify themselves as such. More information is available at http://city.milwaukee.gov/Lobbying.    Not available