| | | | The Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee Meeting will be a hybrid with in-person and virtual options available. Instructions, virtual access and meeting details can be found on the Redevelopment Authority website: https://city.milwaukee.gov/DCD/BoardsCommissions/racm. Individuals wishing to provide testimony relating to this matter are encouraged to do so via the following methods:
1. Submit comments via email no later than one business day prior to the start of the meeting: RACMInfo@milwaukee.gov.
2. Microsoft Teams (viewing and participation) - Please see below for details on how to watch the meeting online. There is a chat feature that will allow you to submit questions or comments during the meeting.
Please join the March 20, 2025 RACM Board meeting from your computer or mobile app
Or call in (audio only)
+1 414-251-0392, 627658419# United States, Milwaukee
Phone Conference ID: 627 658 419#
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| | 4. | | Resolution approving the boundary and Project Plan for the Cudahy Farms Tax Incremental Financing District No. 122 (Cudahy Farms).
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| | 5. | | Resolution approving a Second Amendment to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental Financing District No. 94 (1st and Becher).
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| | 6. | | Resolution relative to application, acceptance, and funding of a brownfield grant application to the USEPA for Supplemental Brownfields Revolving Loan Funds for cleanup and redevelopment of various brownfields throughout the City of Milwaukee.
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| | 7. | | Resolution authorizing a License Agreement with Sculpture Milwaukee, Inc. at the Vel R. Phillips Plaza (401-41 West Wisconsin Avenue) for a temporary public art installation.
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| | 8. | | Resolution authorizing an amendment to a contract for Native Landscape Restoration Services in the Menomonee Valley Community Park.
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| | 9. | | Resolution authorizing a 1-Year License Agreement with Liga Premiere, LLC for the property at 212 South 36th Street.
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| | | | In the event that Common Council members who are not members of this committee attend this meeting, this meeting may also simultaneously constitute a meeting of the Common Council or any of the following committees: Community and Economic Development, Finance and Personnel, Judiciary and Legislation, Licenses, Public Safety and Health, Public Works, Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development, and/or Steering and Rules. Whether a simultaneous meeting is occurring depends on whether the presence of one or more of the Common Council member results in a quorum of the Common Council or any of the above committees, and, if there is a quorum of another committee, whether any agenda items listed above involve matters within that committee’s realm of authority. In the event that a simultaneous meeting is occurring, no action other than information gathering will be taken at the simultaneous meeting.
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| | | | Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities through sign language interpreters or auxiliary aids. For additional information or to request this service, contact the City Clerk's Office ADA Coordinator at 286-2998, (FAX)286-3456, (TDD)286-2025 or by writing to the Coordinator at Room 205, City Hall, 200 E. Wells Street, Milwaukee, WI 53202. | | | |
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