| 0 | 1. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a new house at 2381 N. Terrace Avenue, in the North Point North Historic District, for Tim Gokhman of At Terrace, LLC.
Minutes note: Ms. Carlen Hatala said that the architect and owner addressed staff concerns with the new proposal. The interior layout is the same, but the house has a new front elevation with a double gable with the gables offset from each other. The gables are connected by a glass hyphen. The house is now much more vertical. The interior elements are in the same place overall, but the house has a different appearance. The skylight won't be visible at all from the public right of way. There will be an attached garage that also isn't visible from the street. There will be a deck with a grill station on the rear of the house. The house fits in with the neighborhood and is sited on the lot similar to other houses. The windows have a shadowbox effect. Staff recommends approval with details to be worked out with staff as detailed in the staff report. Ald. Bauman suggested removing the planter closest to the sidewalk for pedestrian safety. The architect had no objections.
Barbara Elsner - no longer wishes to speak
Margaret Howland - 2420 N. Terrace Ave. - she likes the design, but had some questions - she thinks she'll see the skylight from her bedroom window, so she is afraid of light pollution. She's also concerned about the porte cocher lighting.
Grant, with staff conditions. | ADOPTED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 2. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the repaving of the driveway with permeable pavers at 2822 E. Belleview Place, in the North Point North Historic District, for Michael Hosale.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said that the applicant is requesting retroactive approval for driveway and landscaping work. A stop work order has now been issued by the Department of Neighborhood Services, but wasn't done after the first two anonymous complaints were received. This house was originally a coach house for the family home around the corner - it was re-sited and sold off as a separate property. Between 2009-2011, a front retaining wall was done without a COA. Michael Hosale bought the house in 2017. The driveway is adjacent to the neighbor's driveway, but there was a separation between the two. Now the two driveways have the same paving material so now it reads as one big parking area. Mr. Tim Askin said the staff is okay with the retaining wall on the east side by the driveway. Staff feels the steps are acceptable and appropriate to the property. Staff does not support the same brick being used for both driveways as it appears too much as a parking space. Staff would recommend either continuing the retaining wall or the planter in the driveway area to break up that expanse. Staff recommends denial of the retaining wall that is parallel to the sidewalk.
Michael Hosale - 2604 N. Lake Dr. - there are 3 co-owners for both properties (Mr. Hosale, his wife and Dianne Dziengel). Ms. Dziengel is also present. They were using the same materials and setbacks that were previously approved and the neighborhood found the landscaping very pleasant. Mr. Hosale noted that there are 4 concrete driveways with no differentiation between them. Mr. Hosale also noted there are five retaining walls on Terrace Ave.
Ms. Peltz was concerned that there had been previous applications to HPC, but this work was done without seeking a COA.
Tim Brennan - Brennan Landscaping - there aren't a lot of brick options for a driveway. No retaining wall is needed to separate the driveways.
Susan LaBudde - 2581 N. Terrace Ave. - the neighbor to the west just had an approved retaining wall and she prefers walls as they prevent puddles of ice forming on the sidewalks.
Mr. Jarosz recommended using a different color for the access path between the driveways. Mr. Keating Kahn would like the retaining wall removed. Ald. Bauman didn't object as strongly to the retaining wall, but saw no reason why anyone would merge the two properties and erase the property line between the properties. Mr. Hosale thought the use of concrete wouldn't have been an issue and he used permeable pavers, which are better than concrete.
Ald. Bauman moved for denial of the 2 COAs, as recommended by Staff. | PLACED ON FILE | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 3. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the repaving of the driveway with permeable pavers at 2604 N. Lake Drive, in the North Point North Historic District, for Michael Hosale.
Minutes note: This was heard as part of #2. | PLACED ON FILE | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 4. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for painting a mural on the masonry wall facing S. 12th Street at 1202 W. Historic Mitchell Street, in the Mitchell Street Historic District for Mauricio Ramirez and East Side Management, LLC.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said this was heard at the previous meeting and is also retroactive approval. The staff does not address the content of the mural, only the fact that the wall was painted and the brick detailing was still visible despite earlier painting. There have been at least 15 reported graffiti incidents on this building since 2013 and there is a difference between maintenance painting and painting a mural on a wall.
Ms. Keating Kahn moved, seconded by Ms. Peltz, to hold this until we have guidelines for murals in historic districts. This item will be revisited in 6 months.
Mauricio Ramirez, the artist, is present. The building owner is in Europe.
| HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 5. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the retention of current exterior and awning signage, the modification of window signage, and the replacement of the existing La Perla sign with a new sign at 322 W. State Street, in the Old World Third Street Historic District, for Seth Dehne.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the applicant seeks approval for exterior signage on the wall, awning signage and signage of the windows. No COA or permit were obtained for any of the signs on the building as well as no closed-out occupancy permit. All signs are in non-compliance with the zoning ordinance. Staff recommends either hold for referral to the Board of Zoning Appeals or deny as not in compliance with the zoning code. Orders have been issued on these signs.
| HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 6. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for AC unit installation and window replacement at 2050-52 N. Summit Avenue, in the North Point South Historic District, for Julie Ann Solochek.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the applicant withdrew her request to replace windows at 2:00, so that is no longer before the Commission. Staff recommends approval of the air conditioning unit as proposed. | ADOPTED | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 7. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a new garage at 2903 W. McKinley Boulevard, in the Cold Spring Park Historic District, for Ben Tomes.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the first proposal is for a garage. The house originally had a garage, but there may also be zoning issues for an attached garage; a detached garage may be possible. The materials proposed were vinyl windows and vinyl siding and the windows may be so close to the adjacent property that the windows may need to be fire-rated. Staff recommends holding this application.
Mr. Ben Tomes said that there is space on the property and he is working out how to do so. The driveway is very narrow and he is willing to make as many changes as possible to make this work.
Staff would have no objections to building a garage based upon Mr. Jakubovich's drawings. Staff would like a complete plan brought back before the Commission, but they are happy to work with the applicant.
The Commission approves conceptual approal of a one-car garage. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 8. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of windows with glass block and repairs to rotting woodwork at 2903 W. McKinley Boulevard, in the Cold Spring Park Historic District, for Ben Tomes.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said that it it unclear to staff which windows will be replaced with block glass. The owner said that the existing windows are propped in with plywood and are very open to the elements. With a new garage, those windows won't be visible from the public right of way. Staff doesn't object to non-visible windows being glass block, but the other windows may not be glass block . Staff recommends laminating glass or security bars, which are detailed in their book, Living With History. The owner is also willing to brick off those windows as there is no existing frame. Ald. Bauman suggested bricking over the window might be the best option.
Ms. Keating Kahn moved, seconded by Ms. Peltz, to hold in committtee so the applicant can work with staff. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 9. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the removal of the existing rear porch and construction of a new rear porch at 2251 N. Lake Drive, in the North Point South Historic District, for Lise and Madhu Sadagopan.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said that a rear entry porch was probably put in in the 1960s or 1970s. It does not add character or feel appropriate to the district. The owner has proposed a new porch. Staff recommends approval with the standard conditions listed in the staff report.
Mr. Jarosz moved for approval with staff review of the final details, seconded by Ms. Peltz. | ADOPTED | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 10. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of solar panels on the new garage at 2045 N. 2nd Street, in the Brewer’s Hill Historic District, for Dale and Renata Bunger.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said that the new garage that was approved last year is now substantially built and they have now picked out the panels they want to use. Staff believes this is a qualifying solar system and staff recommends approval as proposed with the condition that the panels be installed as close to the roof surface as possible and parallel to the roof planes.
Grant, with conditions listed in the staff report as well as two feet away from the edge, dormer, ridge and gutter.
Renata Bunger - there will be 7 panels on each side for a total of 14; 3 on top, 2, 2 and one.
Mr. Jarosz will trust that it is proportioned properly. | ADOPTED | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 11. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for masonry and roof rehabilitation and window replacement at 1909 N. 2nd Street, in the Brewer’s Hill Historic District, for Dan Keehn and Joyce Smyth Keehn.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said that this will be a major masonry project. Staff recommends approval with the standard conditions. Flashing also needs to be repaired or replaced. The masonry and roof work are acceptable as proposed with the standard conditions. Staff would like more details on the windows they wish to replace; most seem repairable to staff. The owner is proposing Marvin windows or Colby and Colby, both in wood and staff is satisfied with the window types as proposed. Staff would prefer that the existing glass block be removed and replaced with windows during this project. The owner will repair all the glass windows, rather than replacing them. The owner will bring specs for all the windows and the type of glass that will be installed.
Mr. Jarosz moved for approval of the masonry and roof repairs with staff recommendations and applicant provide window specs. | ADOPTED | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 12. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a new house at 116 W. Vine Street, in the Brewer’s Hill Historic District, for Kevin Baumgart and Allison Scrivner.
Minutes note: Held as design details needed. The applicant withdrew the morning of the meeting. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 13. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the modification and redesign of the southern and western elevations at 4243 W. North Avenue, in the Sherman Boulevard Historic District, for Matthew T. Bohlmann.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said this is the former Finney library and Mr. Bohlmann is the second owner of this property. The proposed changes all relate to a 1979 addition rather than the 1953 original building. The applicant wants to convert the loading dock entry to a patio and build a new entry facing the parking lot, which will provide accessibility access. The building will be called Finney Market. The building will have a mid-20th-century look with its panel windows and paneling on the exterior walls. The windows, which are bare aluminum frame, are original to the building. The proposed patio is generally compatible with the building. Staff would like more details on the guards and railings for the new entrance, as well as window product specifications and other details outlined in the staff report.
Matthew Bohlmann - the brown cladding is horizontal wood, but he is fine changing it and working with staff. He would use aluminum panels with a plastic substrate. The color palette will be the automotive colors from 1953; the color choice will be set by the tenant. The tenant will likely be a restaurant; he has 60% of the North Ave. elevation leased. The neighbors are supportive.
Grant, with the staff conditions and the new condition that he use the aluminum-based panels, which Mr. Bohlmann is fine with. | ADOPTED | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 14. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the construction of a roof supported by columns over the front terrace at 2214 N. Terrace Avenue, in the North Point South Historic District, for Art and Rhonda Downey.
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said that the proposal is to build a roof on the front porch. The property has had extensive changes over a number of years. Staff supports the addition of a front membrane porch roof which will never be seen at the same time as the back porch, which isn't in the same style. Staff recommends approval with simple conditions on the materials outlined in the staff report. There always was a porch and prior to 1915 it had a roof.
Jim Dorr - contractor
| ADOPTED | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 15. | Resolution | Substitute resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the removal of bubble protrusions above the roof line and replacing with a new flat frame cap for an existing "solar energy system" at 2581 N. Terrace Avenue, in the North Point North Historic District, for Susan LaBudde.
Minutes note: Ms. Carlen Hatala said that the applicant appeared in Sept. 2018 for retroactive approval of 4 solatubes on the roof. One was granted and three were denied, based upon their locations on the roof. The decision was appealed and denied by the Zoning, Neighborhoods and Development Committee. Ms. LaBudde is providing more information and that the Commission does not have the ability to opine on these matters. Ms. LaBudde is selling this property.
Ms. LaBudde said this COA is to remove the existing solatubes and install different ones. The new ones offer a slimmer profile.
Keith Johnson - Brighter Concepts Solatube - the solatubes are low-profile and closer to the roof.
Ms. LaBudde said that she wants to install the two side panels, not the front one, which is 18" square, which is comparable to other roof elements other individuals have in historic districts. Due to the low-slope roof, they are not visible from the street as they only project 2" and take up 1% of the roof surface.
After hearing from the applicant, the information being provided doesn't match the application that was filed. The application did not mention removing and replacing a solar panel.
The applicant needs to submit the missing information and accurately depict what she wishes to do.
| HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 6:0 |
Action details
| | | | The following files represent staff approved Certificates of Appropriateness: | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 16. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for rear wall and southern chimney masonry work at 2251 N. Lake Drive, in the North Point South Historic District, for Lise and M. Shyam Sadagopan. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 17. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacing the front concrete steps at 2857 and 2859 N. Sherman Boulevard, in the Sherman Boulevard Historic District, for Jesse and Henrietta Lee. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 18. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for relocation of the electric meter at 2229 N. Terrace Avenue in the North Point South Historic District for the Wisconsin Corporation of Seventh Day Adventists. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 19. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the rehabilitation of the lower front porch guard rails and balusters at 939 N. 31st Street, in the Concordia Historic District, for Pat Boeck. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 20. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the installation of new front porch steps and railings at 4407 N. 25th Street, in the Garden Homes Historic District, for Balance Investments LLC and MPI Property Management. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 21. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for roof, masonry, and related repairs at 2617 N. Wahl Avenue, in the North Point North Historic District, for Gregory and Joan Gnadt. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 22. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for landscaping at 2803 E. Bradford Avenue, in the North Point North Historic District, for Lisa Groskopf-Gleason. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 23. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the removal of a decommissioned police call box at the south end of the Ravine Road Bridge in Lake Park at 3133 E. Newberry Boulevard, in the North Point North Historic District, for Milwaukee County Parks and the City of Milwaukee. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 24. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for repairs to the roof at 2479 N. Sherman Boulevard, in the Sherman Boulevard Historic District, for Greater Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 25. | Resolution | Resolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for required repairs at 3034 W. State Street, in the Concordia Historic District for New Will Properties, LLC. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| | 26. | | Review and approval of the minutes from October 14th meeting.
Minutes note: Ms. Peltz moved, seconded by Mr. Jarosz, for approval of the minutes. There were no objections. | | | |
Not available
| | 27. | | Updates and announcements.
Minutes note: There will be a special meeting on Nov. 11th .
| | | |
Not available