| 0 | 1. | APPEAL | Appeal of Mesteshia Coleman for reinspection fees (3229 W Vliet St.) (4th Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: This appeal was heard by the City of Milwaukee's Administrative Review Board of Appeals at the date and place listed above. The Board's decision in this matter is recorded below. The Board's decision may be appealed by commencing an action in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County no later than thirty (30) days from February 13, 2025. The phone number for general information for the Court is (414) 278-4120.
| DENIED | Pass | 3:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 2. | APPEAL | Appeal of Gregory Nawrocki for reinspection fees (4838 S 14th St.) (13th Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: Mr. Bobot recused himself as Mr. Nawrocki is a client of his.
This appeal was heard by the City of Milwaukee's Administrative Review Board of Appeals at the date and place listed above. The Board's decision in this matter is recorded below. The Board's decision may be appealed by commencing an action in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County no later than thirty (30) days from February 13, 2025. The phone number for general information for the Court is (414) 278-4120.
| DENIED | Pass | 3:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 3. | APPEAL | Appeal of Gurpuneet Dhillon for reinspection fees (2010 S 17th St.) (12th Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: This appeal was heard by the City of Milwaukee's Administrative Review Board of Appeals at the date and place listed above. The Board's decision in this matter is recorded below. The Board's decision may be appealed by commencing an action in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County no later than thirty (30) days from February 13, 2025. The phone number for general information for the Court is (414) 278-4120.
| DENIED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 4. | APPEAL | Appeal of Brittany Schoenick for reinspection fees (2864 N Sherman Blvd.) (7th Aldermanic District) | | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 5. | APPEAL | Appeal of Eldon Boddie for reinspection fees (6516 W Carmen Ave.) (2nd Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: This appeal was heard by the City of Milwaukee's Administrative Review Board of Appeals at the date and place listed above. The Board's decision in this matter is recorded below. The Board's decision may be appealed by commencing an action in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County no later than thirty (30) days from February 13, 2025. The phone number for general information for the Court is (414) 278-4120.
| DENIED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| | | | 9:15 AM | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 6. | APPEAL | Appeal of Alexander Esuoso for vacant building registration fees (4030 N 11th St.) (1st Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: Per the Chair, they need to hire an attorney because it's a multi-person LLC.
Mr. Ade Esuoso argues that he or Alex have always represented themselves.
A legal opinion will be requested by the Board.
| HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 7. | APPEAL | Appeal of Ade Esuoso for vacant building registration fees (4527 W Medford Ave.) (7th Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: Per the Chair, an attorney needs to be present as it's a multi-person LLC.
The Board will request a city attorney opinion.
| HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 8. | APPEAL | Appeal of Hasan Dhoondia for garbage and litter nuisance fees (2109 W McKinley Ave.)
Minutes note: Grant, by Mr. Yandell. There was no second
This appeal was heard by the City of Milwaukee's Administrative Review Board of Appeals at the date and place listed above. The Board's decision in this matter is recorded below. The Board's decision may be appealed by commencing an action in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County no later than thirty (30) days from February 13, 2025. The phone number for general information for the Court is (414) 278-4120.
| DENIED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 9. | APPEAL | Appeal of Ricky Harris for garbage and litter nuisance fees (6475 N 66th St.) (9th Aldermanic District) | | | |
Action details
Not available
| | | | 9:30 AM | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 10. | APPEAL | Appeal of Mark Rolison for bulky waste fees (508 N 29th St.)
Minutes note: Held as has to have a visual
| HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 11. | APPEAL | Appeal of Mark Rolison for tall grass and weeds nuisance fees (508 N 29th St.) (10th Aldermanic District).
Minutes note: Held as no visual. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 12. | APPEAL | Appeal of Mark Rolison for overhanging branches nuisance fees (1219 N 33rd St.) (4th Aldermanic District) | SETTLED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 13. | APPEAL | Appeal of Mark Rolison for tall grass nuisance fees (425 N 30th St.) (10th Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: Held as no visual. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 14. | APPEAL | Appeal of Brandon Methu for overhanging tree branches nuisance fees (3056 N Palmer St.) (6th Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: This appeal was heard by the City of Milwaukee's Administrative Review Board of Appeals at the date and place listed above. The Board's decision in this matter is recorded below. The Board's decision may be appealed by commencing an action in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County no later than thirty (30) days from February 13, 2025. The phone number for general information for the Court is (414) 278-4120.
| DENIED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 15. | APPEAL | Appeal of Judy Wright for tall grass and weeds nuisance fees (2401 N 45th St.) (15th Aldermanic District).
Minutes note: Held at her request.
| HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 16. | APPEAL | Appeal of Matt Mikeulecky for tall grass and weeds nuisance fees (2366 N 44th St.) (15th Aldermanic District) | | | |
Action details
Not available
| | | | 9:45 AM | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 17. | APPEAL | Appeal of Sarah Floyd for tall grass and weeds nuisance fees (1841 N 27th St.) (15th Aldermanic District) | | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 18. | APPEAL | Appeal of Huifang Jia for tall grass and weeds nuisance fees (9439 W Capitol Dr.) (5th Aldermanic District). | | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 19. | APPEAL | Appeal of Melissa Schoeffel for tall grass and weeds nuisance fees (2951 N Buffum St.) (6th Aldermanic District). | | | |
Action details
Not available
| 0 | 20. | APPEAL | Appeal of Jason Sucre for overhanging branches nuisance fees (4021 N 69th St.) (2nd Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: This appeal was heard by the City of Milwaukee's Administrative Review Board of Appeals at the date and place listed above. The Board's decision in this matter is recorded below. The Board's decision may be appealed by commencing an action in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County no later than thirty (30) days from February 13, 2025. The phone number for general information for the Court is (414) 278-4120.
| DENIED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 21. | APPEAL | Appeal of Mark Roessger for overhanging branches nuisance fees (2576 N 1st St.) (6th Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: This appeal was heard by the City of Milwaukee's Administrative Review Board of Appeals at the date and place listed above. The Board's decision in this matter is recorded below. The Board's decision may be appealed by commencing an action in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee County no later than thirty (30) days from February 13, 2025. The phone number for general information for the Court is (414) 278-4120.
| DENIED | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 22. | APPEAL | Appeal of Tara Janssen for overhanging branches nuisance fees (7317 W Lisbon Ave.) (10th Aldermanic District) | | | |
Action details
Not available
| | | | 10:15 AM | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 23. | APPEAL | Appeal of Michael Pflughoeft, Jr. for nuisance property designation. (4937 N 39th St.) (1st Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: Atty. Daniel Conway also present on this matter.
Hold items 23-26 as police need to be present on each case and so they can be cross examined. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 24. | APPEAL | Appeal of Atty. Michael Pflughoeft, Jr. for nuisance property designation. (2850 W Highland Blvd.) (4th Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: Atty. Daniel Conway also present on this matter.
Hold items 23-26 as police need to be present on each case and so they can be cross examined. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 25. | APPEAL | Appeal of Atty. Michael Pflughoeft, Jr. for nuisance property designation (4264 N 27th St.) (1st Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: Atty. Daniel Conway also present on this matter.
Hold items 23-26 as police need to be present on each case and so they can be cross examined. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 26. | APPEAL | Appeal of Atty. Michael Pflughoeft, Jr. for nuisance property designation (4102-4114 N 27th St.) (1st Aldermanic District)
Minutes note: Atty. Daniel Conway also present on this matter.
Hold items 23-26 as police need to be present on each case and so they can be cross examined. | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 4:0 |
Action details
| | | | Review and approval of the 2024 Annual Report.
Minutes note: Mr. Yandell moved, seconded by Mr. Bobot for approval of the annual report. There were no objections.
Next meeting April 15th at 9 AM
Meeting adjourned: 10:37 AM
Linda M. Elmer
Staff Assistant
This meeting can be viewed in its entirety through the City's Legislative Research Center at http://milwaukee.legistar.com/calendar.
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Not available