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Meeting Name: COMMON COUNCIL Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/23/2003 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Common Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Published minutes: Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
030734 0 BudgetCommunication from the Mayor transmitting the 2004 City Budget.

Minutes note: ALDERMAN GORDON moved that the Common Council do now resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for the purpose of hearing from His Honor, Mayor John O. Norquist relative to the Proposed Executive Budget for 2004. PROCEEDING OF THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Mr. John O. Norquist, Mayor appeared and addressed the Committee relative to the Proposed Budget. MAYOR JOHN O. NORQUISTS 2004 Budget Address September 23, 2003 President Pratt, honorable members of the Common Council. Good morning. For some of you, this will be the 16th budget that we've worked on together. By now, there's no mystery left in how we budget. Our budgets are an open book -- what you see is what you get. Call it boring if you want to, but here's what we do: · We look for ways to improve city government and run it more efficiently. · We reduce the size of the city workforce. · We hold down spending. · We keep taxes and fees as low as possible. · We maintain good-sized reserves so taxpayers don't get stuck with surprises down the road. If you're like me, you once thought that this kind of responsible budgeting was the norm. It's what's expected of public officials. And it's what our constituents deserve. But the last few years have taught us that not everybody shares this opinion. We've seen accounting tricks and insider dealing from companies like Enron and WorldCom and learned that those problems don't stop with the private sector. We've seen a lot of government budgets that are like used cars - they look OK on the lot. Just don't look under the hood -- you'll find an engine held together with duct tape. And don't drive it off the lot or the wheels will fall off. Tommy Thompson and Scott McCallum touted themselves as conservative Republicans committed to creating a pro-business tax climate. Instead, they jacked up state spending and piled on new state employees, creating a train wreck that left the state with a $3 billion dollar deficit. Instead of rolling up his sleeves and cutting state government like it needed to be cut, McCallum balanced his first budget by raiding all of the state's tobacco money. Then for an encore, he proposed eliminating all aid payments to cities. In other words, he left a mess. Tom Ament was seen as steady hand who'd keep county government on an even keel. Editorials praised him for “honestly trying to meet the county's diverse …needs while also keeping taxes in check.” But he passed huge pension and sick leave payouts for himself and insiders in his administration that sent the county into major budgetary distress. Scott Walker has the challenge of fixing this mess and he has the right instincts in wanting to protect taxpayers from the effects of the pension scandal. But to meet a no-tax-increase campaign pledge, last year he cut some budgeting corners - underfunding the pension, overestimating revenues and draining reserves down to nothing. The results included unexpected parks layoffs this summer and other budget problems that could erupt later. Given how reckless the Thompson-McCallum and Ament administrations were in squandering tax dollars, who can blame taxpayers for being fed up? Who can blame them for calling for relief at every level of government? In his short time in office, Governor Doyle has demonstrated his character as a budgeter. He recognized that budgeting tricks appear to give taxpayers what they want in the short run, but backfire and hurt taxpayers in the long run. So Governor Doyle cut 2900 positions from the state's bloated bureaucracy. This was his first step towards his goal of cutting 12,000 positions and getting state government back to the size it was before Tommy Thompson took office. He also had the good sense to reject the Republican's local tax freeze proposal as the political stunt it was. Doyle knew that legislators who proposed the freeze for local government would never do that with state tax collections. The governor did ask local officials to share in the pain and help the state out of its mess. He proposed big but acceptable cuts in shared revenue - a $9.7 million cut for the City of Milwaukee, far short of the $24 million that Republicans would have bled from the city so they could transfer it to the wealthy communities they represent. After he signed his budget, the governor asked me to freeze our levy if we could. I considered his request carefully and decided that I would only propose a levy freeze if we could do it responsibly. We'd create a budget with integrity - avoiding short cuts or tricks. If we could freeze the levy, we'd do it. I reported last week that it could be done. Today, I'm proposing a budget that results in a tax levy of $197 million. That's no increase over last year's levy. With this freeze, we maintain our long-term record of keeping levy increases under the rate of inflation. In inflation-adjusted dollars, our property tax levy is $20.1 million smaller now than it was in 1988. You should be proud of your role in establishing this record of protecting and respecting the taxpayers of this city. It's unmatched by county, state or federal government. In 1988, the County tax levy was $112.8 million compared to the City's tax levy of $144.5 million for the same year. The County levy has since grown to $219.0 million in 2003 compared to $197.0 million for the City. This growth in the County levy occurred despite the addition of a countywide one-half percent sales tax. Since 1988, we've held our operating spending under the rate of inflation, while the state's has up at TWICE the rate of inflation. This budget also lowers the tax rate to $9.62 per $1000 of assessed value - 53 cents less than last year's rate and $3.47 less than the rate in 1988 when I took office. In fact, it was 1945 when the City of Milwaukee last had a lower tax rate. No doubt, some of you will remember that in 1945, John Bohn was mayor. And there are no increases in the major fees we charge - and no increases in parking meter rates. We found we could freeze the levy responsibly. Here's how we did it. And here's how we didn't do it: We didn't short-change the pension system, as the county chose to do in 2003. That just puts off a tax obligation and leaves a big bill for future taxpayers. Even though our pension systems is considered fully funded, we'll put $3 million into pension reserves again. This is a tough budget year, but we'll make the same responsible contribution as last year. We're not draining our reserves. We're standing by our practice of maintaining our stabilization fund at 5% of general operating expenditures. This budget uses the fund as it was intended - to stabilize taxes at a time when the state is in fiscal crisis and we're having to absorb a major loss of shared revenue. A responsible withdrawal will leave the fund with an ending balance of about $30 million. That's about $30 million larger than the reserves of the state or county combined. We're protecting our debt reserves. With the enthusiastic approval of City Comptroller Wally Morics, we're withdrawing a million less from them than last year. We're maintaining our infrastructure with a capital budget slightly higher than last year, including money that will help us plan for a new North Side regional library and build a new fire repair shop. We're maintaining our traditional $12 million contribution to M.P.S. for school buildings. We're not overestimating revenues. They're estimated very conservatively in consultation with the comptroller. You won't see the city experience the county's mid-summer parks budget collapse. We're not spinning off any departments or proposing new taxing jurisdictions. No gimmicks: we're freezing the levy with responsible cost reductions. As we prepared to absorb the $9.7 million loss of shared revenue, we had one major factor in our favor: Our health care costs came in more than $9 million under projections. If our increase had been more in line with other major employers, freezing the levy responsibly would have been impossible. Through several rounds of negotiations with unions and several budgets, we've created incentives for them to get out of the expensive fee-for-service plan, where provider choice is unlimited and costs are high. Employees have responded by choosing lower cost plans. It wasn't easy to get unions to accept these incentives, but this work is now paying off for taxpayers. The school board's health plan is out of control. The county's is unaffordable. Ours is helping us save money and provide good health insurance for employees at the same time. Our health care cost increase this year came in at 2% -- compared to a 25% increase at the county. To freeze the levy, we needed more than just health care savings. We needed more cost cuts in city government. And we've made them. As a result, operating spending in this budget increases less than 1% -- well under the rate of inflation. The proposed tax levy in 2004 is actually $20 million smaller than the levy in 1988 in inflation adjusted dollars. In doing the right thing for taxpayers, we're not shortchanging employees, however. We're not reopening labor contracts. We're not asking employees to work a shorter week. Our city employees enjoy fair pay and good benefits. They deserve to earn a decent living. But we need to face the fact that our citizens can only afford so much. That's why that number has had to go down. And why city government must continue to shrink. We've been cutting government for years. Between 1988 and 2003, we cut 750 positions from city government. This budget cuts 643 more positions. By the time these cuts are implemented, our workforce will be 14% smaller. We've worked to minimize layoffs. About 75 of the eliminated positions are currently filled. Some of the affected employees will retire or bump into other positions, but some will actually be laid off. Fortunately, because of our renewed commitment to a hiring freeze, many of the eliminated positions are already unfilled and layoffs are much smaller than they would have been otherwise. Yes, when you eliminate nearly 650 positions and freeze taxes, there's no way to make these cuts invisible. Citizens will notice some changes in how city services are delivered. But I believe they will find these changes acceptable. Under this budget, Milwaukee taxpayers will still be well served by the city. They'll just be receiving the government that they can afford. In the winter months, garbage will be picked up every 8 days instead of every 7. We will prune all street trees every five years - instead of every three years for small trees and every six years for large trees. In the summer months, we will mow boulevards less frequently. Currently, we fertilize our boulevards. We water them. We create this crop that we need to pay people to harvest and haul away to a landfill. Can't we find other ways to keep our boulevards beautiful? Can't we use groundcover and other native plants that don't need mowing - plants with deeper roots that help them survive dry periods? Let me ask you this: Do you want to tell the legislature and the governor that we need shared revenue to keep our boulevards bright green in August? I don't think we'll get a very sympathetic audience. We're not cutting the hours at all of our city libraries, but we are proposing the closing of Villard Library. It's the least used of our branch libraries and would require major substantial renovations. To make city government more affordable, we made changes in every city department, including fire and police. Although we'll eliminate 113 vacant police positions, there will be no layoffs of sworn personnel. And instead of three, there will be two police classes. In the fire department, we eliminate 54 vacant firefighter positions, primarily by standardizing the staffing of engine companies at 4 firefighters per truck. When the City of Chicago surveyed 23 big cities, only Milwaukee, New York and Chicago staffed some of their engine companies with 5 people. Everyone else was at 4, except for Indianapolis, which was at 3. We already staff some of our engine companies at 4 now and this budget brings the rest of them to this big-city standard. Fire Chief Wentlandt proposed the change and vows it will not reduce his ability to fight fires and provide EMS services. In the coming weeks, we'll be happy to review each of the departments in detail and explain how changes were designed to deliver vital services at a cost taxpayers can afford. Earlier, I said I was proposing a tax-levy-freeze budget because Governor Doyle asked me to do it. I decided it was the right thing to do if we could it responsibly. But I've got to admit. I wasn't the only one who had the idea. Council President Marvin Pratt says he agrees with the freeze. Alderman Tom Nardelli wants a freeze, as does fellow mayoral candidate Vince Bobot. County Executive Scott Walker is for the freeze. And the leaders of the police and fire unions - Brad DeBraska and Greg Gracz - have supported both a city levy freeze and the Republican plan to reduce our shared revenue payment by an extra $14 million. State senators Tim Carpenter and Jeff Plale have asked for a freeze. Holding taxes as low as possible makes sense for other reasons. First, it sends the right message to the Governor and the legislature at a time when the state is finally reviewing its own budgets. By keeping our spending low while maintaining acceptable service levels, we show the state that we're responsible stewards of the state revenue they share with us every year. Second, freezing the levy reduces the long-term costs of municipal government for Milwaukee taxpayers. In the short term, having 643 fewer employees on the books saves the city about $30 million per year. In future years, it helps hold down the increases in our employee health care costs. And having 600 fewer people enrolled in our pension system significantly improves its financial stability. Finally, holding down taxes helps the city thrive. It helps us keep our cost of living competitive, which invites people to live and invest in the city and appreciate the great advantages of urban life. Our downtown housing market is booming, with 2040 units added since 1998. The downtown population has increased 77% since 1990. The hot residential market and re-energized office market are fueling a building boom. We added $301 million in new construction in 2002, according to the state Department of Revenue. This unprecedented level of investment creates jobs. We've done a lot to encourage this renaissance by creating a pro-growth tax climate. When I took office, Milwaukee had the second highest tax rate in the county. That ranking confirmed our reputation for high taxes and acted as a drag on development. Our tax rate is currently the eighth highest in the county - closely bunched with others near the middle of the pack. At a time when other municipalities have announced their intention to freeze their levies, this budget will again help us stay competitive. Milwaukee is a great city, a beautiful city. But for a long time, people had negative feelings about cities in general - and Milwaukee was no exception. But that's changed. There's a significant part of the real estate market that wants to live, work and play in the city. If companies want highly educated creative and tech workers, they need to be in an urban setting. As local real estate broker Robert Flood told the Journal this Sunday in explaining why a tech company choose a downtown site: “"If I'm a 20-something IT engineer, I want to look at the services and amenities of downtown instead of going out to a cornfield." Milwaukee has a rich culture, a tradition of excellence in the workplace and beautiful neighborhoods and a downtown that are gaining confidence every day. People in Milwaukee are starting to realize that our city is someplace very special. You saw this with Harley Fest and on Martin Luther King Drive and on Lincoln Avenue, Mitchell Street, West Vliet Street and Chavez Drive. Now we have more work to do. This budget comes at an important time the city's history when we need to demonstrate fiscal responsibility to our bond rating agencies, to state legislators and the governor, and most of all to our own taxpayers. ALDERMAN GORDON moved that the Committee do now rise. The motion prevailed. For comparison of the 2004 Proposed Expenditures and Funding Source with prior years, by Mayor budget sections and subsections. See appendix "A", at the end of the Journal of Proceedings for this data. ALDERMAN GORDON moved that the foregoing proposed budget for 2004 be referred to the Finance and Personnel Committee for its review, consideration and report, to be submitted at a special meeting of the Common Council to be held on Friday, November 14, 2003 at 9:00 A.M. The motion prevailed. ALDERMAN GORDON also moved, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 18.04-6 of the Milwaukee City Charter, that a public hearing on the proposed City budget for 2004 be held jointly by the Common Council and the Mayor on Monday, October 13, 2003 at 6:30 P.M. in the Common Council Chambers, third floor, City Hall, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and that the City Clerk be directed to publish the time and place of said hearing in accordance with the above mentioned Charter provisions. The motion Prevailed.
    Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030689 01)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to the process by which public passenger vehicle driver's licenses are issued.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030720 12)OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to centers for the visual and performing arts.

Minutes note: ALD. BOHL moved to amend 030720 by offering a substitute 1. The motion prevailed as amended by the following vote: Ayes: 16 - Ald. Davis, D'Amato, Bohl, Johnson-Odom, Gordon, Donovan, Richards, Wade, Dudzik, Sanchez, Witkowski, Breier, Nardelli, Murphy, Hines and President Pratt. Excused: 1 - Ald. Henningsen.
PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030694 13)ResolutionResolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to issue a Request for Proposals and award a contract for the replacement of the Water Works' present computerized maintenance management system.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030711 04)ResolutionResolution expressing the City of Milwaukee's support for the United States Treasury's Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau's proposed rulemaking for flavored malt beverages (2001R-136P).ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
021409 05)MotionMotion to approve recommendations of the Utilities and Licenses Committee relative to issuance, denial, renewal, nonrenewal, suspension or revocation of licenses and extension of premises.

Minutes note: ALD. HINES moved to amend File 021409 by striking the Public Passenger Vehicle Driver application of Tyrone K. Brown, Sr. from the deny list and adding said application to the grant list. The motion prevailed by the following vote: Ayes: 14 - Ald. Davis, D'Amato, Johnson-Odom, Gordon, Donovan, Richards, Wade, Dudzik, Sanchez, Breier, Nardelli, Murphy, Hines and President Pratt. Noes: 2 - Ald. Bohl and Witkowski. Excused: 1 - Murphy. The motion prevailed. ALD. HINES moved to approve File 021409 as amended.
APPROVEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
021410 06)MotionMotion to approve recommendations of the Utilities and Licenses Committee relative to issuance, denial, renewal, nonrenewal, suspension or revocation of licenses and extension of premises.

Minutes note: Nonrenewal of a Public Passenger Vehicle Driver license for Nicole Lucas. (No written exceptions have been filed) Renewal with a 45-day suspension of the Class "A" Malt renewal application for Ashok Sharma for the premises located at 3801 N. 39th St. (No written exceptions have been filed) The President questioned whether the members of the Common Council read the Report and Recommendations of the Utilities and Licenses Committee in the matter and any written exceptions? Ayes: 16 - Ald. Davis, D'Amato, Murphy, Bohl, Johnson-Odom, Gordon, Donovan, Richards, Wade, Dudzik, Sanchez, Witkowski, Breier, Nardelli, Hines and President Pratt. Excused: 1 - Ald. Murphy. THE CHAIR asked whether the following applicants or their counsel were present and wished to address the Council. Nicole Lucas and Counsel not present. ALD. BOHL moved to refer the application of Nicole Lucas back to the Utilities and Licenses Committee. The motion prevailed. Ashok Sharma and Counsel not present. ALD. BOHL moved for approval as amended. Ayes: 16 - Ald. Davis, D'Amato, Henningsen, Bohl, Johnson-Odom, Gordon, Donovan, Richards, Wade, Dudzik, Sanchez, Witkowski, Breier, Nardelli, Hines and President Pratt. Excused: 1 - Ald. Murphy.
APPROVEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030216 2 OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance to further amend the 2003 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service under control of the Common Council.SUBSTITUTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030216 2 OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance to further amend the 2003 rates of pay of offices and positions in the City Service under control of the Common Council.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030619 2 OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance to further amend the 2003 offices and positions in the City Service under control of the Common Council.SUBSTITUTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030619 2 OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance to further amend the 2003 offices and positions in the City Service under control of the Common Council.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030706 03)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to the fire department's uniform and clothing allowance. (Fire Department)PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030712 14)OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to budgeting and accounting procedures for grant projects and programs.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030521 15)ResolutionSubstitute resolution releasing portions of the 2002 capital project appropriations held by prior Common Council Resolution. (Budget and Management)ADOPTEDPass15:1 Action details Not available
030528 06)ResolutionResolution approving the forms of Preliminary Official Statements used in connection with the sale of City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, debt. (Comptroller)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030545 17)ResolutionSubstitute resolution amending the prevailing wage resolution (Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Iron Workers).ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030632 08)ResolutionResolution relative to acceptance and funding of an Interlibrary Services Grant. (Library)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030633 09)ResolutionResolution relative to acceptance and funding of a Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Grant. (Public Library)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030663 010)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Congenital Disorders Grant. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030664 011)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Covering Kids Grant. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030665 012)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Making Connections Grant. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030666 013)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Hepatitis B Immunization Grant. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030667 014)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Grant. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030668 015)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Early Child Care Grant. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030687 016)ResolutionResolution appropriating $24,137.61 from the Common Council Contingent Fund to supplement the 2003 Special Purpose Account - Firemen's Relief Fund. (Comptroller's Office)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030717 017)ResolutionResolution requesting variance from procedure as adopted in Common Council Resolution File No. 881665 as this procedure relates to financing assessable work in the Capital Program for Sewer Expansion of Capacity Projects. (Infrastructure Services Division)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030722 118)ResolutionSubstitute resolution reserving up to $35,000 in the Common Council Contingent Fund for staffing the Villard Avenue Library.ADOPTEDPass15:1 Action details Not available
030573 019)AppointmentAppointment of Bobbie Webber, Sr. to the Annuity and Pension Board by the Common Council President. CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030546 020)CommunicationCommunication from the Ethics Board relative to various changes to the 2003 Positions ordinance.PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
030564 021)CommunicationCommunication from the Department of Employee Relations relative to amending the Salary and Positions Ordinance to reflect the change in District Council 48 Contract Administrator.PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030424 11)ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to various legislative bills.ADOPTEDPass17:0 Action details Not available
   2) Resolutions to settle various claims against the City:    Not available
030434 1a)ResolutionSubstitute resolution to settle claim of SBC/Ameritech for property damage.ADOPTEDPass16:1 Action details Not available
030561 1b)ResolutionSubstitute resolution to settle claim of Donald Rebella for property damage.ADOPTEDPass17:0 Action details Not available
030562 1c)ResolutionSubstitute resolution to settle claim of Paul Will for unpaid medical bills.ADOPTEDPass17:0 Action details Not available
030678 0d)ResolutionResolution authorizing payment of the claim of James Bocek, C.I. File No. 00-L-171. (City Attorney)ADOPTEDPass17:0 Action details Not available
030679 0e)ResolutionResolution authorizing payment of the claim of Thomas Johnson, C.I. File No. 99-L-89. (City Attorney)ADOPTEDPass17:0 Action details Not available
030685 0f)ResolutionResolution authorizing payment of the claim of Beyer Construction, File No. 03-L-32. (City Attorney)ADOPTEDPass17:0 Action details Not available
030680 03)ResolutionResolution authorizing and directing the City Attorney to establish internal protocol for community improvement in rem foreclosure actions. (City Attorney)ADOPTEDPass17:0 Action details Not available
030681 04)ResolutionResolution to cancel real estate taxes levied against certain parcels bearing various key numbers on the 2002 tax roll, plus interest applicable to date of repayment, if appropriate. (Assessor's Office)ADOPTEDPass17:0 Action details Not available
030683 15)ResolutionSubstitute resolution opposing 2003 Assembly Bill 444 and Senate Bill 214 of the Wisconsin Legislature relating to carrying of concealed weapons.

Minutes note: Ald. Dudzik moved that File No. 030683 be referred back to the Judiciary and Legislation Committee. Ayes: Ald. Donovan, Dudzik, Breier and Nardelli - 4. Noes: Ald. Davis, D'Amato, Henningsen, Bohl, Johnson-Odom, Gordon, Richards, Wade, Sanchez, Witkowski, Hines and Pratt - 12. The motion failed. Ald. D'Amato moved for separate action on this matter. Prevailed.
ADOPTEDPass11:4 Action details Not available
030691 16)ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving a revised Municipal Court deposit schedule.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030710 07)ResolutionResolution urging the United States Congress to adopt legislation to reduce the exposure of children to media violence.

Minutes note: ---Add All Aldermen as co-sponsors.
ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030714 08)ResolutionResolution authorizing the Office of the City Attorney to resolve various Milwaukee Municipal Court cases, either through permanent stay of the forfeiture or dismissal. (Municipal Court)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030715 29)ResolutionSubstitute resolution urging Tyson Foods to negotiate in good faith with its employees.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030651 010)AppointmentReappointment of Catherine Halloran to the Ethics Board by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
   11) Various claims against the City:    Not available
030540 0a)CommunicationCommunication from the City Attorney's Office transmitting a communication from Joseph Scardino relative to a claim for property damage.DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030583 0b)CommunicationAppeal of Laura Manriguez relative to a claim regarding health abatement charges. (12th Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030606 0c)CommunicationAppeal of Master Allison relative to a claim for property damage. (1st Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030608 0d)CommunicationAppeal of Atty. William Fenger on behalf of George Vomberg relative to a claim for re-inspection fees. (12th Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030609 0e)CommunicationAppeal of Mayola Singer relative to a claim for fees for snow removal. (13th Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030610 0f)CommunicationAppeal of Ralph Bellamy, Sr. relative to a claim for loss of property. (5th Aldermanic District)DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030617 0g)CommunicationCommunication from the City Attorney's Office transmitting a communication from Werner Frank relative to a claim for personal injuries.DISALLOWED AND INDEFINITELY POSTPONEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030429 11)OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to parking controls in various Aldermanic Districts.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030430 12)OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to traffic controls in various Aldermanic Districts.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030555 03)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of a 2002 COPS Secure Our Schools Grant, and authorizing a subgrant to Milwaukee Public Schools for security measures in public schools (Police Department). ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030556 04)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of a Pedestrian Safety Enforcement Patrol 2003 Grant (Police Department).ADOPTEDPass14:2 Action details Not available
030557 05)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of a Bicycle Safety Enforcement Patrol 2003 Grant (Police Department).ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030658 06)ResolutionResolution relative to application for the Steps to a Healthier US Grant. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030659 07)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Urban Partnerships Tobacco Control Grant. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030660 08)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the STD/HIV Prevention Training Grant. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030661 09)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the AIDS/HIV Testing and Counseling Grant. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030662 010)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of the Beach Monitoring Grant. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030669 011)ResolutionResolution amending Common Council File 021548 as amended by Common Council File 030397 relative to application, acceptance and funding of the 2003 Consolidated Contract. (Health Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030676 012)ResolutionResolution relative to application for, and acceptance and funding of, a 2004 State of Wisconsin Recycling Grant (Department of Public Works).ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030692 013)ResolutionResolution renaming the City of Milwaukee Bicycle Task Force to the City of Milwaukee Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force. (Infrastructure Services Division)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030693 014)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of a Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Funding Assistance Program grant. (Fire Department)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030697 115)ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to application for, and acceptance and expenditure of, a 2004 State of Wisconsin Recycling Efficiency Grant (Department of Public Works).ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030698 016)ResolutionResolution relating to the Milwaukee Fire Department's application, acceptance and expenditure of grant funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030709 017)ResolutionResolution authorizing the execution of an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Milwaukee and the Village of West Milwaukee for emergency medical and fire services. (Budget and Management Division)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030534 018)AppointmentReappointment of Eric Johnson to the Fire and Police Commission by the Mayor. (1st Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass15:1 Action details Not available
030581 019)AppointmentReappointment of La Verne Hermann to the Safety Commission by the Mayor. (4th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030648 020)AppointmentAppointment of Richard Butula to the Safety Commission by the Mayor. (5th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030200 021)CommunicationCommunication from the Fire Department, Health Department, Police Department and Department of Public Works regarding plans for code and law enforcement activities and the provision of City services during the Harley-Davidson 100th anniversary celebration in August, 2003.PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
030201 022)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to the procedure for establishing areas where cruising is temporarily prohibited.PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
030577 023)Communication-ReportCommunication from the Fire and Police commission transmitting their 2002 Annual Report.PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030514 21)ResolutionSubstitute resolution appropriating $15,000 to the Wisconsin Business Resource Center, Inc., for Wisconsin Minority Business Opportunity Center services.

Minutes note: ALD. HINES moved for adoption of substitute2 in lieu of substitute 1. The motion prevailed.
ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030558 12)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds to update the City of Milwaukee's Purchasing Power Profiles.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030670 03)ResolutionResolution approving a Relocation Assistance Agreement with Bank One, N.A. (DCD)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030704 04)ResolutionResolution authorizing acceptance of a developer deposit from Tandem Development to partially fund traffic circle and street light improvements in the Brewers Hill Commons project area. (DPW)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030482 05)ResolutionResolution approving a Public Improvement Development and Maintenance Agreement for the Lincoln Village Business Association (Lincoln Avenue Streetscaping) between the City of Milwaukee and the Lincoln Village Business Association. (DCD)PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
030563 06)Communication-ReportCommunication from the Department of City Development relative to the International Council of Shopping Centers Convention.PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
     PASSAGE OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
020632 11)OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from a General Planned Development (GPD) to a Detailed Planned Development (DPD) known as Rivercrest, on land located on the South Side of North Commerce Street and East of North Humboldt Avenue, in the 6th Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
020633 22)OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance relating to Amendment No. 2 to the General Planned Development (GPD) known as Humboldt Yards, on land located on the South Side of East North Avenue and East of North Humboldt Avenue, in the 6th Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030162 13)OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance relating to the First Amendment to a Detailed Planned Development (DPD) known as Riverbridge, located on the North Side of North Water Street and West of North Humboldt Avenue, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030350 14)OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from Two-Family Residential (RT3) to Local Business (LB2) on land located on the West Side of North Teutonia Avenue and North of West Keefe Avenue, in the 10th Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030437 15)OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance relating to Amendment No. 1 to the General Planned Development (GPD) known as Friendship Village on land located on the North Side of West Dean Road and West of North 72nd Street, in the 9th Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030438 16)OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance relating to Amendment No. 1 to the Detailed Planned Development (DPD) known as Friendship Village on land located on the North Side of West Dean Road and West of North 72nd Street, in the 9th Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030444 17)OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from Industrial Mixed (IM) to Local Business (LB2) on land located on the North Side of West National Avenue and West of South Cesar E. Chavez Drive, in the 12th Aldermanic District.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030621 08)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to fire prevention regulations.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030688 09)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to permit requirements for stationary engineers.PASSEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030112 110)ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving various final certified survey maps.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030629 011)ResolutionResolution approving the Land Disposition Report for the property at 2838-40 West Atkinson Avenue for sale to Chulew and Venn LLC for mixed-use commercial/residential development in the 1st Aldermanic District. (Redevelopment Authority)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030630 012)ResolutionResolution approving a Relocation Plan for the spot acquisition of 2002 North 14th Street and 2004 North 14th Street. (Redevelopment Authority)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030631 013)ResolutionResolution approving a Relocation Plan for spot acquisition of 2140 North 27th Street. (Redevelopment Authority)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030653 014)ResolutionResolution approving the Land Disposition Report for the property at 4244-46 North 27th Street for sale to Chulew and Venn LLC for residential development in the 1st Aldermanic District. (Redevelopment Authority)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030654 015)ResolutionResolution approving the Land Disposition Report for the property at 725-725(A) West Virginia Street for sale to Atlas Development Corporation for parking lot expansion for its existing development in the 12th Aldermanic District. (Redevelopment Authority)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030655 016)ResolutionResolution declaring surplus and authorizing the sale of the improved, tax-deed property at 1117 South 10th Street, in the 12th Aldermanic District. (DCD-Real Estate)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030672 017)ResolutionResolution permitting a minor modification to the Detailed Planned Development (DPD) known as Risen Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church, located on the North Side of West Brown Deer Road and West of North 95th Street, in the 15th Aldermanic District. (DCD)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030677 018)ResolutionResolution declaring it necessary to take or use certain property or property rights for continuation of the Milwaukee Riverwalk Segment in the Historic Third Ward. (City Attorney)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030702 119)ResolutionSubstitute resolution appealing the Historic Preservation Commission's action denying a certificate of appropriateness for the remodeling of 3230 West McKinley Boulevard (Cold Spring Park Historic District).ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
   20) Various Reappointments to the Board of Zoning Appeals and City Plan Commission by the Mayor:    Not available
030645 0a)AppointmentReappointment of Henry Szymanski to the Board of Zoning Appeals by the Mayor. (14th Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030646 0b)AppointmentReappointment of Scott Winkler to the Board of Zoning Appeals by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030647 0c)AppointmentReappointment of Craig Zetley to the Board of Zoning Appeals by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030649 0d)AppointmentReappointment of Larri Sue Jacquart to the City Plan Commission by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030650 0e)AppointmentReappointment of R. Gray Mitchem to the City Plan Commission by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
870858 121)OrdinanceSubstitute ordinance relating to the change in zoning from Industrial (I/A/125), Manufacturing (M/A/125, M/B/85, M/C/60) and Local Business (L/A/85, L/B/60, L/C/60) to Commercial Service (CS/B/60), lands located north and south of West Wisconsin Avenue between North 37th Street and North 40th Street, in the 16th Aldermanic District.PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
001214 022)OrdinanceOrdinance to amend the Development Incentive Zone (DIZ) for land located on the north side of West Capitol Drive and east of North 60th Street, in the 2nd Aldermanic District. (DCD)PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
010412 023)OrdinanceOrdinance approving the rezoning from Multi-Family Residence (R/C/40) to a General Planned Development (GPD) known as Palermo's Pizza, located on the North Side of West Maple Street between South 8th and South 9th Streets, in the 12th Aldermanic District. (DCD)PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
030019 024)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to zoning regulations for campgrounds.PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030571 21)ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to the establishment of the Year 2004 Funding Allocation Plan.

Minutes note: Alderman Sanchez moved to amend the Funding Allocation Plan as follows: 1. Under Homebuyer Counseling/Homebuyer Counseling Services (page 7) increasing the line item for "United Community Center" by $14,400 from $25,747 to $40,147. 2. Under Youth Services (page 10) by reducing the line item "Latino Community Center" from $78,800 to $50,000. 3. Under the same category, by increasing the line item "United Community Center" by $14,400 from $45,000 to $59,400. The motion prevailed. Ayes: 16 - Ald. Davis, D'Amato, Henningsen, Bohl, Ald. Johnson-Odom, Gordon, Donovan, Richards, Wade, Dudzik, Sanchez, Witkowski, Breier, Nardelli, Hines and President Pratt Noes: 0 Excused: 1 - Ald. Murphy Aldermen D'Amato, Hines and Gordon moved to amend the Funding Allocation Plan as follows: 1. Under Housing/Neighborhood Improvement Program (page 10) decreasing the allocation for the line item "Opportunities Industrialization Center of Greater Milwaukee" and "Proposed CDBG 2004" by $77,810 to $98,656 and under "Proposed HOME 2004" by $270,000 from $612,500 to $342,500. 2. Under the same category, creating the line item "SELECT Milwaukee" and allocating $77,810 under the category "Proposed CDBG 2004" and allocating $270,000 under the category "Proposed HOME 2004" and adding a footnote to the effect that 50% of the properties to be rehabilitated shall be done in the OIC-Greater Milwaukee NSP area. The motion prevailed. Ayes: 15 - Ald. Davis, D'Amato, Henningsen, Bohl, Gordon, Donovan, Richards, Wade, Dudzik, Sanchez, Witkowski, Breier, Nardelli, Hines and President Pratt Noes: 1 - Ald. Johnson-Odom Excused: 1 - Ald. Murphy
ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     ADOPTION OF THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
   1) Substitute resolutions to vacate portions of various streets/alleys:    Not available
001647 1a)ResolutionSubstitute resolution to vacate a portion of the East leg of alley in the block bounded by North 12th Street, North 13th Street, West Burleigh Street and West Ring Street, in the 10th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030239 1b)ResolutionSubstitute resolution to vacate a portion of North Hopkins Street located between West Mill Road and West Woolworth Avenue, in the 9th Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030359 02)ResolutionResolution authorizing acceptance of engineering design funds and authorizing the proper City officers to execute an Out-of-Program Agreement between Tameister Development Company, LLC and the City of Milwaukee for construction of public improvements to serve phase II of a residential subdivision located at the current termini of South 85th and South 86th Streets south of West Oklahoma Avenue. (DPW)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
   3) Substitute resolutions to grant/amend various special privileges:    Not available
030418 1a)ResolutionSubstitute resolution to grant a special privilege to Delma Hasan to install, use and maintain a covered walk, excess door swings and building façade encroachment on the east side of North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive at 2370 North Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive within the public right-of-way at the building entrance, in the 6th Aldermanic District in the City of Milwaukee.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030419 1b)ResolutionSubstitute resolution granting a special privilege to Floyd Berggren to keep and maintain two groundwater monitoring wells, both in North Fratney Street, adjacent to 709-33 East Capitol Drive, in the 3rd Aldermanic District in the City of Milwaukee.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030432 1c)ResolutionSubstitute resolution amending a special privilege granted to Bay View Business Association to erect and maintain four signs attached to municipal street light poles, located on South Kinnickinnic Avenue, South Howell Avenue and East Oklahoma Avenue to now grant permission to place and maintain movable planters on South Kinnickinnic Avenue, South Howell Avenue and East Lincoln Avenue, in the 14th Aldermanic District in the City of Milwaukee.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030532 14)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing and directing the proper City Officials to negotiate and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Milwaukee and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company regarding various elements associated with the improvement of West Canal Street and the redevelopment of the Menomonee Valley.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
   5) Resolutions declaring as surplus and authorizing the disposition of the following improved, tax deed properties:     Not available
030625 0a)ResolutionResolution declaring three vacant, tax-deed lots surplus and authorizing their sale to Inner City Redevelopment Corporation for new residential construction, in the 6th Aldermanic District. (DCD-Real Estate)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030673 0b)ResolutionResolution declaring nine vacant, tax-deed lots surplus and authorizing their sale to Milwaukee Habitat For Humanity, Inc., for new residential construction, in the 17th Aldermanic District. (DCD-Real Estate)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030634 06)ResolutionResolution authorizing the transfer of $50,000 from the 2003 Traffic Capital Program Project/Grant Number ST220030000 for the installation of a new traffic control signal at the intersection of West Oklahoma Avenue and South 30th Street in the 8th Aldermanic District. (Infrastructure Services Division)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030635 07)ResolutionResolution determining it necessary to make various assessable public improvements at various locations. (Infrastructure Services Division)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030636 28)ResolutionSubstitute resolution approving construction of nonassessable public improvement projects at various locations.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030637 19)ResolutionSubstitute resolution determining it necessary to make various nonassessable public improvements at various locations.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
   10) Resolutions authorizing the installation of new traffic signals at various locations:    Not available
030657 0a)ResolutionResolution authorizing the installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of North Green Bay Avenue and West Silver Spring Drive ramps in the 1st Aldermanic District.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030675 0b)ResolutionResolution authorizing the installation of a new traffic control signal at the intersection of North Commerce Street and East Pleasant Street in the 6th Aldermanic District. (Infrastructure Services Division)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030684 011)ResolutionResolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to enter into an agreement with the Milwaukee County Department of Public Works for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of a new traffic signal and upon the agreement execution, to transfer $32,000 from the 2003 Traffic Capital Program Project/Grant Number ST220030000 for the installation of a new traffic signal at the intersection of West Fond du Lac Avenue and West Mill Road in the 15th Aldermanic District. (Infrastructure Services Division)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030686 012)ResolutionResolution authorizing and directing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a cost-sharing agreement with the City of Wauwatosa for programming and construction of North 124th Street from West Ruby Avenue (extended) to West Hampton Avenue. (Infrastructure Services Division)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030690 113)ResolutionResolution relative to acceptance and funding of an unsolicited grant from the Wisconsin Dept. of Transportation provided through a federal congressional bill for homeland security for U.S. Ports. (Port of Milwaukee)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030696 014)ResolutionResolution authorizing the installation of interim street lighting, installation of permanent lighting improvements, and the removal of the interim lighting on West Clybourn Street/West Tory Hill/West Michigan Street from a point west of North 16th Street to a point east of North 9th Street in conjunction with Marquette Interchange reconstruction. (Infrastructure Services Division)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030700 115)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing and directing the proper City officers to execute a Permit and Agreement document, SA-2734, allowing the City of Greenfield to connect proposed City of Greenfield storm and sanitary main sewers to existing storm and sanitary sewer facilities in the City of Milwaukee.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030716 016)ResolutionResolution approving the terms of an Amendment to the Badger Cement Lease Agreement. (Port of Milwaukee)ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
   17) Various reappointments to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District by the Mayor:    Not available
030639 0a)AppointmentReappointment of Preston Cole to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District by the Mayor. CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030640 0b)AppointmentReappointment of Dennis Grzezinski to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District by the Mayor. CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030641 0c)AppointmentReappointment of Ald. Michael D'Amato to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District by the Mayor. CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
030642 0d)AppointmentReappointment of State Representative G. Spencer Coggs to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District by the Mayor. CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030643 018)AppointmentReappointment of Daniel Steininger to the Harbor Commission by the Mayor. (3rd Aldermanic District)CONFIRMEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
     PLACING ON FILE THE FOLLOWING:    Not available
030695 019)Communication-ReportCommunication from the Department of Infrastructure Services transmitting the Special Assessment Rates Report for 2004.PLACED ON FILEPass16:0 Action details Not available
030638 020)AppointmentAppointment of Ald. Fredrick Gordon to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District by the Mayor. CONFIRMEDPass15:0 Action details Not available
030565 0 MotionMotion approving a Schedule of regular meetings of the Common Council and the Standing Committee meetings for the year 2004.

Minutes note: Alderman Gordon moved to take File Number 030565 from the Steering and Rules Committee. The motion prevailed.
APPROVEDPass16:0 Action details Not available
030754 0 Resolution-Immediate AdoptionResolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to issue a permit to the Hunzinger Construction Company allowing occupancy of North 51st Street from West Chambers Street to a point approximately 150 feet north during construction of a skywalk for St. Joseph Regional Medical Center.ADOPTEDPass16:0 Action details Not available