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Meeting Name: JUDICIARY & LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/21/2000 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 301-B of City Hall
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
     9:00 A.M.    Not available
991683 01)ResolutionResolution authorizing settlement of lawsuit entitled Keith Harris v. City of Milwaukee, et al., United States District Court Case No. 97-C-786 and Seventh Circuit Appeal No. 00-1135. (City Attorney)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
991609 02)CommunicationAppeal of Charles Butler, Sr. relative to claim for refund of towing fee. (2nd Aldermanic District)RECOMMENDED FOR DISALLOWANCE & INDEF. POSTPONEMENTPass3:0 Action details Not available
991384 03)ResolutionSubstitute resolution to settle claim of Gloria Reyes for property damage.HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass3:0 Action details Not available
991610 04)CommunicationAppeal of Maria Macias relative to claim for personal injuries. (12th Aldermanic District)RECOMMENDED FOR DISALLOWANCE & INDEF. POSTPONEMENTPass3:0 Action details Not available
991611 05)CommunicationAppeal of Frank Gajdos relative to claim for property damage. (16th Aldermanic District)

Minutes note: To May 15, 2000.
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass3:0 Action details Not available
991662 06)CommunicationAppeal of Walter Walker relative to claim for property damage. (1st Aldermanic District)RECOMMENDED FOR DISALLOWANCE & INDEF. POSTPONEMENTPass3:0 Action details Not available
991434 07)CommunicationCommunication from the City Attorney's Office transmitting a communication from Ted Johnson, S.C. on behalf of Robert Thaney relative to claim for personal injuries.RECOMMENDED FOR DISALLOWANCE & INDEF. POSTPONEMENTPass3:0 Action details Not available
     9:30 A.M.    Not available
991678 18)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing cancellation of a portion of the City of Milwaukee's subrogation claim against Kathleen Powalisz, for payments made pursuant to the City's Basic Health Plan.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
991679 19)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing cancellation of a portion of the City of Milwaukee's subrogation claim against Tara Oliver, for payments made pursuant to the City's Basic Health Plan.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
991680 110)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing cancellation of a portion of the City of Milwaukee's subrogation claim against Judith Davis, for payments made pursuant to the City's Basic Health Plan.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
     9:45 A.M.    Not available
991667 011)ResolutionResolution authorizing the expenditure of $60,000 from the Outside Counsel/Expert Witness Fund for the purpose of funding litigation-support expenses in Roman Electric Company, Inc. vs. Board of School Directors of Milwaukee. (City Attorney)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
991625 012)ResolutionResolution to cancel real estate taxes levied against certain parcels bearing various key numbers on the 1998 tax roll, plus interest applicable to date of repayment, if appropriate. (Assessor's Office)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
991631 013)Communication-ReportCommunication from the Office of the Comptroller transmitting a report on revised sewer user rates.

Minutes note: Receive
RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILE   Action details Not available
991671 014)ResolutionResolution authorizing the cancellation of invoices issued to Product Terminalling of Wisconsin Incorporated (PTW, Inc.). (Port of Milwaukee)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
991612 015)ResolutionResolution amending File Number 990413, adopted on July 13, 1999, relative to reduction of weed cutting charges placed on the 1998 Tax Roll. (Sanitation)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
991629 016)ResolutionResolution relative to the cancellation of apartment garbage collection charges. (Sanitation)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
991626 017)OrdinanceAn ordinance relating to revision of various provisions of the code for purposes of correcting errors, clarifying language and eliminating obsolete provisions.RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass3:0 Action details Not available
     10:00 A.M.    Not available
991486 018)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 3206 N. 1st Street, in the 6th Aldermanic District of the City of Milwaukee to its former owner upon payment of all city and county tax liens and any special improvement bonds, with all interest and penalty thereon and all costs as sustained by the City in foreclosing and managing said real estate.RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILEPass3:0 Action details Not available
991487 019)ResolutionResolution authorizing return of real estate located at 5244 N. 45th Street, in the 9th Aldermanic District of the City of Milwaukee, to Richard E. Sanger upon payment of all city and county tax liens and any special improvement bonds, with all interest and penalty thereon and all costs as sustained by the City in foreclosing and managing said real estate.HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass3:0 Action details Not available
991489 020)ResolutionResolution authorizing return of real estate located at 3537 N. 1st Street, in the 6th Aldermanic District of the City of Milwaukee, to Merem Rehab, Inc. upon payment of all city and county tax liens and any special improvement bonds, with all interest and penalty thereon and all costs as sustained by the City in foreclosing and managing said real estate.HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass3:0 Action details Not available
991488 121)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 3324 W. Pabst Avenue, in the 8th Aldermanic District of the City of Milwaukee to its former owner upon payment of all city and county tax liens and any special improvement bonds, with all interest and penalty thereon and all costs as sustained by the City in foreclosing and managing said real estate.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
991490 122)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 5813-15 W. Vliet Street, in the 16th Aldermanic District of the City of Milwaukee to its former owner upon payment of all city and county tax liens and any special improvement bonds, with all interest and penalty thereon and all costs as sustained by the City in foreclosing and managing said real estate.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
991491 123)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the return of real estate located at 5956 North 65th Street, in the 9th Aldermanic District of the City of Milwaukee to its former owner upon payment of all city and county tax liens and any special improvement bonds, with all interest and penalty thereon and all costs as sustained by the City in foreclosing and managing said real estate.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
     10:30 A.M.    Not available
990884 124)ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to various legislative bills.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass3:0 Action details Not available
991691 025)ResolutionSubstitute resolution supporting state legislation creating an optional state holiday to observe the birthday of Cesar E. Chavez.

Minutes note: Ald. Richards, Gordon and Frank to be added as sponsors.
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass3:0 Action details Not available