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Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities who cannot access the meeting via phone. For additional information contact the Housing Authority ADA coordinator, Patricia Schmidtknecht at 286-5100, (FAX) 286-3456, (TDD) 286-3504 or by writing to the Coordinator at 650 West Reservoir, Milwaukee, WI 53212. | | | |
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| | | | Call to Order
Minutes note: Meeting called to order at 3:05 p.m. | | | |
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| | | | Roll Call | | | |
Roll call
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| 0 | 1. | Motion | Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 12, 2022 | APPROVED | Pass | 5:0 |
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| 0 | 2. | Travaux Resolution | Resolution approving an award of contract to Sanchez Painting Contractors Incorporated (Milwaukee, WI) for interior painting (TCP-12.1-RB) for Townhomes at Carver Park in the amount of $870,673.00 (Official Notice 58098)
Minutes note: Warren Jones, Travaux Inc.’s Vice President of Construction, stated this was the second time this item was put out to bid with a slight revision in the scope of work. Sanchez Painting has been vetted and has performed satisfactorily for Travaux, Inc. in the past. Mr. Jones noted that Sanchez Painting Contractors Incorporated are a 100% Minority-owned Business Enterprise (MBE) certified contractor. Mr. Jones concluded by responding to Directors’ questions about the bid amount and the extensive scope of work to be performed, to which he assured the Directors that Sanchez Painting Contractors Inc. has a firm grasp of what is needed on the job. | ADOPTED | Pass | 5:0 |
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| 0 | 3. | Travaux Resolution | Resolution authorizing the use of AIA Document A102-2017 for Westlawn Renaissance V LLC, Westlawn Renaissance VII LLC and Townhomes at Carver Park LLC
This resolution will authorize management to use the AIA document A102-2017 as required by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) as lender and tax allocating agency, instead of the previously approved A133-2009. This changes the role of Travaux, Inc. on the contract from Construction Manager to General Contractor. Both documents, however, requires a Cost Plus with Gross Maximum Price methodology in setting the contract amount. Investors are agreeable to this change
Minutes note: Fernando Aniban, HACM’s Assistant Secretary-Deputy Director, informed the Board of a change in the contract forms as required by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) that would change Travaux, Inc.’s role from Construction Manager to General Contractor. Michael Best & Friedrich Attorney Michelle Ebben, HACM’s counsel on this item, explained that the A102-2017 has the same liability risk clause as the A133-2009 contract and switching forms will not add any substantive risk liability. Atty. Ebben added that one difference is that the predevelopment / preconstruction services are delineated in the A133 and not in the A102. However, the substance of the content will not change.
Directors discussed the amendments, potential of additional costs, liability risks, additional licenses, predevelopment / preconstruction fees for services, timeline, and deadlines. There was also discussion that some Directors felt that Travaux should retain its own counsel to review and confirm that Travaux is not taking on additional costs or liabilities, as Ms. Ebben represents HACM, the other party in the agreement, even though it is the parent organization. Director McCarthy wanted to go on record that he is comfortable with the change in forms from A-133 to A-102 and sharing counsel with HACM.
Mr. Aniban stated that it is staff’s intent to provide an edited contract, however there is a timeline for the approval as the closing needs to take place in early July. Mr. Aniban indicated he anticipates having the fully edited form with all supporting documents to WHEDA and to the investors by next week.
Director Hurtado made a motion, seconded by Director Crosby, acknowledging the request to change the contracting structure for Westlawn Renaissance V LLC, Westlawn Renaissance VII LLC, and Townhomes at Carver LLC from Construction Manager at Risk to General Contractor with Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) and that staff be directed to engage counsel to make modifications to and then utilize an A102 agreement so that the liability of Travaux, Inc. is no greater than and its other right and obligations are consistent with its standard A133 agreement previously approved by the Board.
Warren Jones, Travaux Inc.’s Vice President of Construction, in response to the earlier discussion, affirmed that Travaux, Inc. is licensed as a General Contractor with the State of Wisconsin and has all appropriate insurances in place.
President Hines acknowledged the turnaround WHEDA requested and the timeframe of the closing, and assured Directors that staff would work diligently to secure counsel as quickly as possible, and stated that, if needed, the organization will ask for additional time to postpone closing.
| HELD IN COMMISSION | Pass | 4:1 |
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| 0 | | Motion | Motion acknowledging the request to change the contracting structure for Westlawn Renaissance V LLC, Westlawn Renaissance VII LLC, and Townhomes at Carver LLC from Construction Manager at Risk to General Contractor with Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) and that staff be directed to engage counsel to make modifications to and then utilize an A102 agreement so that the liability of Travaux, Inc. is no greater than and its other right and obligations are consistent with its standard A133 agreement previously approved by the Board. | APPROVED | Pass | 4:1 |
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| 0 | 4. | Communication | Report from the President
Minutes note: President Hines asked Mr. Aniban to introduce HACM’s new Chief Financial Officer. Fernando Aniban, HACM’s Assistant Secretary-Deputy Director, introduced Dennis Yaccarino, who will oversee the financials for Travaux, Inc and HACM. He previously worked with the City of Milwaukee as the Budget Director during Mayor Barrett’s tenure. Mr. Aniban considers Mr. Yaccarino an asset to HACM and Travaux, Inc. and welcomes him to the organization. Mr. Yaccarino stated that he is looking forward to working with staff.
President Hines thanked the Board for their time.
Director Wagner made closing remarks, wishing Happy Father’s Day to those who are fathers and a Happy 4th of July to all. | | | |
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| | | | Adjournment
Minutes note: There being no further business, Director Crosby made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 3:56 p.m. Director Hurtado seconded at 3:56 p, m,. | | | |
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| | | | Upon reasonable notice, efforts will be made to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities through sign language interpreters or auxiliary aids. For additional information or to request this service, contact the Housing Authority ADA Coordinator, Patricia Schmidtknecht at 286-5100, (FAX) 286-3456, (TDD) 286-3504 or by writing to the Coordinator at 650 West Reservoir, Milwaukee, WI 53212. | | | |
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| | | | Persons engaged in lobbying as defined in s. 305-43-4 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances are required to register with the City Clerk's Office License Division. Registered lobbyists appearing before a Common Council committee are required to identify themselves as such. More information is available at http://city.milwaukee.gov/Lobbying. | | | |
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