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Meeting date/time: 6/3/2024 3:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 301-B
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: PowerPoint
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
201523 01.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacement of selected windows or mothball status at 2602 N. Grant Boulevard, in the Grant Boulevard Historic District, for Bunny Booker.

Minutes note: Applicant not ready; will be scheduled in August.
HELD IN COMMITTEEPass4:0 Roll call Not available
240057 02.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for a change in roof material from slate to another product at 2525 N. Grant Boulevard, in the Grant Boulevard Historic District, for Laura Dauenhauer.

Minutes note: Applicant not ready; will be scheduled for July
HELD IN COMMITTEEPass4:0 Action details Not available
231653 03.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for an addition to and rehabilitation of the Nunnemacher Estate / Wildenberg Hotel, an individually designated historic property, at 3774 S. 27th Street, for Rakesh Rahan.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said they are few photos, most of which are behind foliage. It is a complete redevelopment of the property with two additions, one to the north and one to the east. HPC only has authority over the building and its immediate footprint, but DCD has design review over the rest of the parcel as the property is city-owned. The south side will have false windows with closed shutters as that property line is very close to another building. Staff recommends approval with conditions in the Staff Report. The preservation tax credits have been dropped from the project. The addition will be a different color. Thomas Stachowiak - architect - Stack Design Group Grant, with conditions.
ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Video Video
240082 04.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for modifications to a previously approved second floor window plan at 725 W. Historic Mitchell Street, in the Mitchell Street Historic District, for Shane McAdams.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the building was previously covered by paneling. Three windows will be put on the second floor to replicate the original windows. Thomas Stachowiak -- Stack Design Group - architect
ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Video Video
240077 05.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement of a rear addition, replacement of an exterior staircase, and window repairs at 2633 N. Lake Drive, in the North Point North Historic District, for Maddie & Murphy McFadden.

Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the applicants want to replace a poorly constructed rear, enclosed porch and alter a non-original roof line. Windows will be repaired in place and new wood storm windows will be ordered. None of the work will be visible from the front. The rear porch seems to be 1970s construction and has 3 roof lines converge, resulting in significant water damage. The porch will be replaced with an open porch in a Tudor style and meets HPC guidelines. A balcony will be added onto the sunroom. Staff recommends approval with standard conditions.
ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Video Video
240076 06.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for a new house at 113 W. Lloyd Street, in the Brewers Hill Historic District for Vera Property Management LLC.

Minutes note: Mr. Andrew Stern said it's a fairly large property, with the majority facing Lloyd St and is more horizontal than vertical. It does meet the scale of the adjacent properties. It has an attached 2-car garage, which was has 3 windows that look into living space (a den). It meets the overlay district restrictions, except for the windows on the upper level. Staff recommends adding windows to the garage facade on the back of the property. The garage pitch doesn't meet the pitch requirements, but it's a small section and the other roof areas do. It's about 2,700-square feet of living space and will have lap siding with wood trim. Porch will be wood. There are no details on the door or window construction. Staff would like windows added to the garage door. The garage doors are not visible from the right of way. Staff recommends approval with some more detailed information needed for approval on the staff level. Approve with conditions.
ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Video Video
240025 07.ResolutionResolution granting permanent historic designation to Schuster's Department Store at 1220 W. Vliet Street, in the 15th Aldermanic District.

Minutes note: Mr. Andrew Stern said this is the former Schuster's Department store and the parcel is L-shaped with an attached parking lot. Edward Schuster, who came to Milwaukee in 1883, soon started a department store business and different stores in Milwaukee. This property was erected in 1910 and doubled the size in 1923/24. They were known for selling home goods and offered a large variety of merchandise. They were also known for Billie the Brownie, who was Santa's fictional helper and sponsored a Christmas parade from 1927 to 1961 (the year the store closed). The building was purchased by Milwaukee County in 1963 and has been used for a number of social services at the property. The decorative parapets have been removed and the first floor windows in-filled. Most of the entrances have been partially in-filled over time. The north facade is very plain with few windows and is stripped of any ornamentation. The architects were Braust and Philipp, who designed St. Joseph Convent and Chapel, as well as hundreds of residential properties and were the largest architectural firm in the state in the 1920s. The upper stories have great integrity and the first floor has a glazing system so the building is in good shape. Mr. Stern is not sure of the interior condition. Staff recommends approval based on e-5, e-6 and e-9. Ms. Peltz moved, seconded by Mr. Jordan, to open the public hearing. The nominator provided a written record. Mr. Jordan moved, seconded by Ms. Keating Kahn, to close the public hearing
ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Video Video
     The following files represent staff approved Certificates of Appropriateness:    Not available
231996 08.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for a fence at 2670 N. Grant Boulevard, in the Grant Boulevard Historic District for Brenda Jackson.ADOPTEDPass5:0 Action details Video Video
240075 09.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for window repair and storm windows at 2411 N. Terrace Avenue, in the North Point North Historic District for Sheila Reynolds and Robert Chang.ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Not available
240081 010.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for awnings and signage at 2633 833 E. Brady Street, in the Brady Street Historic District, for Sip & Purr.ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Not available
240097 011.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for wood window replacement at 2402 N. Sherman Boulevard, in the Sherman Boulevard Historic District for Melvin Reed.ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Not available
240180 012.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for replacement of one storefront bay at 2608 N. Downer Avenue, in the Downer Avenue Commercial Historic District, for Lowlands Group (CafĂ© Hollander) and Bridge 33 Capital.ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Not available
240194 013.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for installation of an air conditioning line set at 2210 N. Lake Drive, in the North Point South Historic District for Jagpal Singh Waraich.ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Not available
240196 014.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for chimney repairs and tuck-pointing at 2419 N. Wahl Ave., in the North Point North Historic District for Beth and Greg Myers.ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Not available
240197 015.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for tuck pointing and masonry repair at 2212 E. Kenilworth Place, in the North Point South Historic District for Edward and Cathy David.ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Not available
240227 016.ResolutionResolution relating to a Certificate of Appropriateness for tuck pointing and window sill replacement at 1125 N. 9th Street, in the Pabst Brewery Historic District for Blue Ribbon Suites LLC.ADOPTEDPass4:0 Action details Not available
   17. Review and approval of the minutes from the May 13th meeting.

Minutes note: Mr. Morales moved, seconded by Ms. Peltz, for approval of the minutes. There were no objections.
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   18. Updates and announcements.

Minutes note: The awards went off well and staff will be proceeding with two church nominations. Ms. Peltz would like the Commissioners listed on the brochure and note who the chair and vice chair are. She would also include the Common Council-City Clerk Office as well if it comes out of their budget. A bylaw change is being proposed to deal with roofs that are over 40% of assessed value. Roofs that are less than that would be considered by the Commission. They are also working on an ordinance revision, which will require 2-3 special meetings. Meeting adjourned: 4:02 PM Linda M. Elmer Staff Assistant This meeting can be viewed in its entirety through the City's Legislative Research Center at http://milwaukee.legistar.com/calendar.
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