| | | | Meeting convened at 1:30 p.m.
Minutes note: Presiding as chair for the meeting was Vice-Chair Jacquart. | | | |
Roll call
| | | | Individual also present:
Minutes note: Vanessa Koster, Dept. of City Development Planning | | | |
Not available
| | 1. | | Review and approval of the previous meeting minutes from November 12, 2018.
Minutes note: Member Gould move approval, seconded by member Najera, of the meeting minutes from November 12, 2018. There was no objection. | | | |
| | | | Zoning - Public Hearing 1:30 P.M. | | | |
Not available
| 1 | 2. | Ordinance | A substitute ordinance establishing the Harbor District Riverwalk Site Plan Review Overlay Zone for certain properties adjacent to the Kinnickinnic River, in the 12th and 14th Aldermanic Districts.
Minutes note: Individuals appearing:
Samuel Leichtling, Dept. of City Development
Alyssa Remington, Dept. of City Development
Individual testifying in support:
Dan Adams, Harbor District Inc.
Individuals testifying in opposition:
Gregory Bird, resident
Brian Read, resident
Individuals testifying with questions:
John Spigel, resident
Member Gould moved approval, seconded by member Najera. (Prevailed 5-0) | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AND ASSIGNED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| | | | Zoning | | | |
Not available
| 1 | 3. | Resolution | Substitute resolution establishing design standards for the Harbor District Riverwalk Site Plan Review Overlay Zone as established by Section 295-1009(2)(b) of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances.
Minutes note: Individuals appearing:
Samuel Leichtling, Dept. of City Development
Alyssa Remington, Dept. of City Development
Individual testifying in support:
Dan Adams, Harbor District Inc.
Individuals testifying in opposition:
Gregory Bird, resident
Brian Read, resident
Individuals testifying with questions:
John Spigel, resident
Member Gould moved approval, seconded by member Najera. (Prevailed 5-0) | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AND ASSIGNED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| | | | Real Estate | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 4. | Resolution | Substitute resolution authorizing the dedication of a portion of City-owned property at 401 East Greenfield Avenue, as public right-of-way for street purposes, and approving a Land Disposition Report and surplus declaration for the conveyance of 401 East Greenfield Avenue to Komatsu Mining Corp. for the Komatsu Mining Corp. and Harbor District riverwalk projects, in the 12th Aldermanic District.
Minutes note: Individuals appearing:
Dan Casanova, Dept. of City Development
Matt Beaudry, Komatsu Mining Corp
John Koetz, Komatsu Mining Corp
Commissioner Rocky Marcoux, Dept. of City Development
Individual testifying in support:
Lilith Fowler, Harbor District Inc.
Individuals testifying in opposition:
Gregory Bird, resident
Member Gould moved approval, seconded by member Najera. (Prevailed 5-0) | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AND ASSIGNED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
Not available
| | | | Zoning - Public Hearing 2:00 P.M. | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 5. | Ordinance | An ordinance relating to the change in zoning, from Institutional to Parks, of lands located south of West Hampton Avenue and east of North Port Washington Road (6th Aldermanic District).
Minutes note: Individual appearing:
Sarah Toomsen, Milwaukee County Parks
Individual testifying in support:
Ald. Nik Kovac, 3rd Ald. Dist.
Member Altoro moved approval, seconded by member Gould. (Prevailed 5-0) | RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGE AND ASSIGNED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| | | | Zoning - Public Hearing 2:10 P.M. | | | |
Not available
| 1 | 6. | Ordinance | A substitute ordinance relating to the First Amendment to the General Planned Development, GPD, known as the Arena Master Plan to allow temporary banner signs and lighting on the existing parking structure on Block 2 of the GPD, located on the east side of North 6th Street between West Highland Avenue and West State Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District.
Minutes note: Individual appearing:
Mike Abrams, Icon Venue Group
Member Najera moved approval, seconded by member Johnson. (Prevailed 5-0) | RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGE AND ASSIGNED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| | | | Zoning | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 7. | Resolution | Substitute resolution relating to a Minor Modification to the Detailed Planned Developments known as Honey Creek Corporate Center, Phases I, II and III to reduce the amount of surface parking and increase the landscaped open space at 115, 125 and 135 South 84th Street, located on the north side of Interstate 94, west of South 84th Street, in the 10th Aldermanic District.
Minutes note: Individual appearing:
Cassandra Friedli, Greywolf Partners
Member Gould moved approval, seconded by member Altoro. (Prevailed 5-0) | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AND ASSIGNED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| | | | Zoning | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 8. | Resolution | Substitute resolution relating to a Minor Modification to the Detailed Planned Development known as Wisconsin Lutheran Retirement Community to remove references to the use of the building located at 8949 North 97th Street, as senior housing, and include references to use of the property, as a multi-family dwelling, and modify existing signage on land located on the west side of North 97th Street, south of West Allyn Street, in the 9th Aldermanic District.
Minutes note: Individual appearing:
Atty. Christina Ruud, counsel for applicant
Member Altoro moved approval, seconded by member Johnson. (Prevailed 5-0) | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AND ASSIGNED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| | | | Zoning | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 9. | Resolution | Substitute resolution relating to a Minor Modification to the Detailed Planned Development known as St. Rita Square to allow minor changes to the previously approved building design for a senior living facility and church on the north side of East Pleasant Street between North Cass Street and North Van Buren Street, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.
Minutes note: Individual appearing:
Eric Harrmann, AG Architecture
Individual testifying in support:
Ald. Nik Kovac, 3rd Ald. Dist.
Member Najera moved approval, seconded by member Altoro. (Prevailed 4-1) | RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AND ASSIGNED | Pass | 4:1 |
Action details
| | | | Zoning | | | |
Not available
| 0 | 10. | Ordinance | A substitute ordinance granting an air space lease to Yards, LLC and Chatham 51 LLC for a building facade overhanging the sidewalks for the premises at 223 W. Oregon Street in the 12th Aldermanic District.
Minutes note: Individual appearing:
Katie Monachos, Rinka Chung Architects
Member Gould moved approval, seconded by member Najera. (Prevailed 5-0) | RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGE AND ASSIGNED | Pass | 5:0 |
Action details
| | | | Meeting adjourned at 4:27 p.m.
Chris Lee, Staff Assistant
Council Records Section
City Clerk's Office | | | |
Not available
| | | | This meeting can be viewed in its entirety through the City's Legislative Research Center at http://milwaukee.legistar.com/calendar. | | | |
Not available