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Meeting Name: LICENSES COMMITTEE Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/7/2023 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 301-B
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
231022 01.CommunicationCommunication from the License Division relating to a list of all Class “B” special licenses issued by the City Clerk in 2022.

Minutes note: Jim Cooney - License Division
231023 02.CommunicationCommunication from the License Division relating to “Class B” Tavern licenses issued by the City Clerk.

Minutes note: Jim Cooney - License Division
RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILEPass4:0 Action details Not available
231024 03.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 13 COOK, Thomas M, Agent for "Pacific Bells LLC", Extended Hours Establishments and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "Taco Bell #31507" at 6268 S 27th St. (Expires 11/1/2023) Atty. Richard Donner appeared on behalf of the applicant who said that this a continuation of the hearing held on October 17th where there were questions that the committee had and that he has submitted the answers in writing. He added that they did not receive the photos of the text messages mentioned on the police report. Individuals also present: Mr. Cooney said that we needed consent from the minor to release those text messages but that Officer Thompson from MPD is here to testify. Officer Thompson was sworn in. Ald. Brostoff said that at the last hearing, the committee did not know the nature of those texts messages mentioned on the police report. Officer Thompson said that he saw different conversation threads between the parts that had nothing to do with the investigation. He added that the parts exchanged messages about work (like one manager showing up high and that he might get in trouble), things that could have happened at work or out of work, and threats to call police to tell on each other and to bring guns to the work place to shot each other. Ald. Brostoff asked if there were sex nature texts messages between the juvenile and the manager. Officer Thompson said that he does not recall it. Ald. Brostoff asked specifically about the text message of paying the minor $60 for performing oral sex to the manager. Officer Thompson said that from what he saw on the text messages, the manager offered to pay the juvenile the $60 amount for something and that he cannot confirm that was an offer for performing oral sex. Ald. Coggs said that on the narrative, the victim said that he was offered $60 to perform oral sex and that Officer Thompson could not confirm it on the text messages. Officer Thompson said that the juvenile said that he deleted those sex text messages and that during the manager’s interview (when he was taken into custody days later), they were able to review his text messages, that some were deleted and that there was nothing to confirm the oral sex offer, just the $60 amount. Ald. Coggs asked what was the manager’s reasoning behind the $60 amount. Officer Thompson said that he does not recall it and that he cannot speculate. Ald. Coggs asked if the text messages confirmed that they smoked weed together at work. Officer Thompson said that it is correct. Ald. Coggs asked if the text messages confirmed that they drank alcohol together at work. Officer Thompson said that he couldn’t recall if the text messages confirm it but that the manager admitted it during the interview. Ald. Coggs asked what’s Taco Bell’s policy for the use of weed. Ms. Melissa Johnston (Vice President HR) said that weed is not allowed on the premises. Ald. Coggs asked if having the manager admitting the use of weed and alcohol was not enough for Taco Bell to terminate him immediately. Atty. Donner said that they were not given access to the police report nor the case number and that an internal investigation was done where text messages were provided by the manager and that the minor and his father did not cooperate and that the manager was fired for a different reason. He also said that the internal investigation supports that there were threats regarding rape allegations but that the minor refused to cooperate with the investigation, the police stopped the investigation and the DA did not press charges so Taco Bell did not immediately fire the manager because they did not have the statements and text messages provided on the police report. Officer Thompson said that during the timeline that Atty. Donner said, he spoke to a regional manager and explained her what was happening, that he provided her all the information that he had at that time (from the victim’s side), that the manager was hiding because he knew that the police was looking for him. He added that the juvenile recanted to the regional manager and that is when the employee returned to work and the police was able to arrest him because he finally opened the door. Ald. Coggs asked if the manager was working during the internal investigation. Ms. Johnston said that he was suspended. Officer Thompson said that according to the manager’s statement, he returned to work after the juvenile recanted to the regional manager. Ms. Johnston said that the manager was suspended the day that incident took place on the 13th and returned to work on the 24th. Officer Thompson said that the suspect was arrested on the 15th and that he was working according to what the suspect said. Ald. Coggs asked when the police investigation ended. Officer Thompson said that on the 15th and that he took it to the DA the same day. Ald. Coggs asked when the DA decided not to press charges. Officer Thompson said that on the 16th. Ald. Coggs asked when the police shared the file information with Taco Bell. Officer Thompson said that Taco Bell needed to do an open records request. Atty. Donner said that they filed the open records request but that case number was not filed yet and that they were not able to get anything even with the names involved in the case. Ald. Pratt asked Ms. Johnston what an employee has to do to get fired from Taco Bell when even the employee admitted the use of alcohol, weed and the possible child enticement in the premises. She added that she is positive that if the employee would have taken money from the cash register, he would have been fired immediately. Ms. Johnston said that they were unable to sustain the child enticement allegations and that is why the manager was able to return to work 10 days later. Ald. Pratt asked if the minor had some other advocate besides the parent when he recanted. Atty. Donner said that they refused to participate. Ald. Coggs asked Ms. Thompson why Taco Bell started the investigation. Ms. Thompson said that they started it because they were told that the employee was arrested. Officer Thompson said that they did not arrest the suspect at the store, that they conducted the investigation talking to other employees at the store. Ald. Coggs said that she feels that there is a gap in the timeline that she is trying to understand but asked if when Taco Bell knew about the alcohol, weed and child enticement allegations, someone reviewed the schedules of the two employees and the surveillance videos to check out what it may have happened in the restaurant or at the parking lot. Ms. Johnston said that HR did not do it. Ald. Coggs asked if HR learned something about this situation or if it has affected the procedures for future investigations. Ms. Johnston said that they should have kept the employee suspended until they have received the police report. Ald. Coggs asked if that it will be changed. Ms. Johnston said that it should change and that she will change it. Ald. Brostoff went thru the answers provided in the document attached to the file and asked Ms. Johnston if it is fair to say that they based their decision to bring the employee back to work after receiving text messages that could have been manipulated by the same employee. Ms. Johnston said that it is fair to say so. Ald. Brostoff said that according the report provided by Taco Bell, the employee was terminated for failing to follow the handling cash procedures and that the termination has nothing to do with the child enticement, alcohol and weed use allegations. Ms. Johnston said that it is correct. Ald. Brostoff asked if Taco Bell understands why it is so upsetting for the committee to hear that nothing further was done after knowing the serious level of the allegations against the manager and allowed him to return to work around minors. Ms. Johnston said that she understands. Ald. Borkowski said that he is concerned because Taco Bell has many stores everywhere here and in the country and that he feels that there is a massive disconnection between the stores and the top management. He added that someone inside the company must have ended this serious situation somehow and that he does not get any kind of effect that management cares. Atty. Donner said that it is a serious matter, that he understands the frustration, that this is not a reoccurring situation, that the record reflects that this is a good corporate citizen over the years and that they are making changes to avoid that it happens again. He added that there are procedures in place and that there could have been a miscommunication or lack of communication between Taco Bell and the police department. Ald. Spiker asked if this store is a franchisee. Ms. Thompson said that all the stores in Milwaukee are a franchise and that the agent resides in Texas. Ald. Spiker said that whatever the committee decides to do would be tied to the other stores and that hopefully it does not happen again. He also asked Ms. Johnston what substantial changes will be made besides what was presented to the committee prior the meeting. He also said that there is a huge failing (besides the possible child enticement) in the structure with the use of alcohol and marijuana inside store and confirmed by the accused employee. Ms. Johnston said that she is happy to rewrite the entire investigation policy and to provide it to the committee. Atty. Donner said that this was taken very seriously, that there were failings in the investigation techniques, that there are procedures in place with some holes that are going to be fixed immediately. He added that this business is in the community and that they have shown good faith writing the report submitted and that Ms. Johnston is willing to rewrite the investigation policy this evening to be included in the file. Ald. Chambers asked what are the hours of operations. Mr. Cooney said that they are open from 7am to 2am Sun – Thu and closes at 3am on Fri & Sat. Ald. Spiker suggested a suspension of the Extended Hours given the activity that happened there. Ald. Borkowski said that he heard Ald. Spiker’s recommending suspension but that he is inclined for nonrenewal. Ald. Brostoff said that he would like to move for nonrenewal because the company is not taking any responsibility and allowed the manager return to work around minors. He added that items on the police report were not considered in the termination’s decision. Ald. Brostoff moved nonrenewal based upon the preponderance of the evidence in police report that demonstrates the operation results in a threat to the health, safety and welfare of the community. The motion failed 2 3 (Pratt, Chambers and Cogg). Ald. Chambers said that there was a lack of many things, that he takes the health and safety of the children in consideration and moved renewal with a 30 day suspension of the Extended Hours Establishments license and renewal with a 10 day suspension of the Food Dealer license based upon the preponderance of the evidence in police report that demonstrates the operation results in a threat to the health, safety and welfare of the community. The motion passed 3 2 (Brostoff and Borkowski).
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 08 SINGH, Gurmukh, Agent for "Scott Beer & Food LLC", Class A Fermented Malt and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "El Rincon Grocery" at 1201 S 33rd St. (Expires 12/12/2023) Atty. Vincent Bobot appeared on behalf of the applicant and said that regarding the police report; he has taken care of the fines, that his client has been in the business for many years and that everyone is on board to ensure that it never happens again. Individuals also present: Ald. Zamarripa said that she did not received any calls from neighbors, that the applicant takes this matter very seriously and that she would like to add a warning letter. Ald. Chambers moved approval with a warning letter based upon the preponderance of the police report. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 08 BROWN, Brian, Agent for "WALGREEN CO", Food Dealer License Renewal Application with Change of Agent for "WALGREENS #07809" at 2625 W NATIONAL Av. (Expired 9/28/2023) Atty. Sarah Butler appeared on behalf of the applicant Atty. Butler said that the citation has been taken care of and that Mr. Carr is here to speak. Russell H. Carr – said that the two items happened at different locations and that both individuals were terminated immediately because it is part of the training to ensure that no cigarettes are sold to minors. Individuals in opposition: Tina Rule – 1023 S 26th St – said that she is speaking for her community, that she was there before this business came in and that it is not a community player. She added that Walgreens falls short on security and that if there is an increase in theft; there should be an increase in security. She added that there are 3-4 panhandlers outside and that it makes it difficult for them to get to the store without being harassed. She also said that they support the business but that they are not fulfilling the needs of the community. Loraine Gremlin -1030 S 26th St – said that they are here because they have serious concerns about the deterioration of their neighborhood. She added that there is a criminal behavior around the premises and that people do not feel comfortable walking to the door because they are harassed. She said that the people hanging around the store are very comfortable because they do it for hours and they live condoms, needles and trash. She also said that when they walk around the next day, they see the same condoms, needles and trash in the same spot/still there. Ald. Borkowski said that it is a common practice to clean up around the premises daily. Mr. Carr said that they have cleaned up the corral behind the building to prevent the congregation. He added that they have ordered a fence, that they have a company to do the clean ups and that they just were made aware about the program that the City can collect the needles. Ald. Borkowski said that it is not complicated to keep the premises clean and asked the applicant to address the security issues. Michelle Martensen – Protection Manager – said that she gets there on the regular basis and that she acknowledges what the witnesses say. She added that the security guards have limitations because they cannot chase the retail thefts. She added that they have a device (LVT) to help. Martha Alamo – 716 S 26th St - said that she goes to Walgreens everyday and that she has the same complaints as her neighbors, that management is not good and that the employees are not happy there. She added that customers are treated rude. She said that she is concerned about the elderly who get harassed and that the machine does not give them security. Individuals also present: Ald. Coggs asked Mr. Cooney what is the current plan for security and cleaning. Mr. Cooney said that there is no security and that there is supposed to be cleaning, sweeping and pressure washing on the daily basis. Ald. Coggs asked Mr. Carr what is the expected cleaning cycle. Mr. Carr said that the expectation is to clean twice/day. Jason – District Manager - said that they are out multiple times a day and that the teams are held accountable. Ald. Coggs asked Mr. Jason if this store has been held accountable. Jason said that it has not. Ald. Zamarripa said that after this item was held at the last meeting, Atty. Butler was able to bring all these staff members here, that they have heard the neighbors, that they don’t want the LVT machine, that there are multiple citations from DNS and that she hopes that they understand that the garbage must be picked up on a daily basis. Ald. Coggs asked Atty. Butler to amend the application to include clean ups twice/day around the perimeter to be consistent with what Mr. Carr just testified. Att. Butler agreed. Ald. Chambers moved to amend the application to include clean ups twice/day around the perimeter. There were no objections. Ald. Coggs suggested contacting MPD to have a CEPTD done and to include Ald. Zamarripa so she can bring the neighbors’ concerns. Ald. Zamarripa asked if the motion could be contingent of having the CEPTD completed. Mr. Cooney said that it is possible. Ald. Pratt moved to hold the application to the call of the chair with the intention to have it on November 21, 2023 after the CEPTD is completed and to determine the number of security guards instead of the LVT machine. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 08 KHAN, Aroosa, Agent for "AK PURPLE HOOKAH BAR INVESTMENT LLC", Class B Tavern License Application for "Purple Lounge Hookah Bar" at 2308 S 27TH St. The applicant was present and read her statement. Individuals also present: Ald. Zamarripa said that some neighbors reached out to her and that some others are recorded on the file in objection to this business. She added that she told the applicant’s husband that she was not in support of this application and that she was not consulted before the applicant purchased the two storefronts where they are pursuing to expand their business. She added that she understands the applicant’s frustration but that they proceeded the wrong way because the neighbors are not in support. She also explained that there is a parking issue on top of the concern that she has about the DR does not having the capacity to check these establishments because there is no law for underage. Mr. Khan said that his business partner has a parking lot available at 2925 W Lincoln Av. and that they will offer valet parking. Ald. Chambers asked if he has signed a contract and if he has met with the neighbors. Mr. Khan said that he has no contract yet and that he has no met with the neighbors. Ald. Chambers explained Mr. Khan that this is a new application and that the committee has no obligation. He added that he hopes that this hookah loophole gets addressed as soon as possible. Ald. Pratt moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-1)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 10 KLER, Mandeep S, Agent for "Lisbon 71 Supermarket Corp.", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor, Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Applications for "Sentry Foods" at 7101 W LISBON Av. The applicant was present. Individuals also present: Ald. Murphy said that he is in support of this application as it is a long standing business in the community. Ald. Chambers moved approval. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 10 KAUR, Sarbjit, Agent for "Bani Foods Inc", Class A Liquor License Application for "Express Pantry" at 2719 N Blaine Pl. The applicant was present. Individuals in support: Kimberly - 2727 N Carlton Av – said that she lives right next door and that she has no problem with this establishment. Individuals also present: Ald. Murphy said that he has been very consistent with liquor stores and that he is not in support of this application because neighbors have many opportunities to buy it somewhere else. Ald. Chambers moved denial based on concentration. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 04 KASTELIC, Stephen J, Agent for "REAL CHILI OF MILWAUKEE, INC", Class B Tavern, Extended Hours Establishments, Food Dealer and Sidewalk Dining License Renewal Applications for "REAL CHILI" at 419 E WELLS St. (Expired 10/3/2023) Atty. Randall appeared on behalf of the applicant and said that the business was responsive and cooperative regarding the item of the police report. He added that the incident was very unfortunate and that this is a long-standing business with no issues in the past. Individuals also present: Ald. Bauman said that he has no objections. Ald. Brostoff moved approval. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 04 DEUSTER, Andrew C, Agent for "BOOBY JDK, LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "McGillycuddy's Bar & Grill" at 1133-37 N Water St. (Expires 11/29/2023) The applicant was present and said that the first three incidences on the police report are part of the previous license period and that he received a 10 day suspension. He added that he has now the patron’s id scanner, that he is being able to communicate with other bars and that it has proved that it is a valuable tool. He said that they have not gotten any item on the police report on the last seven months and that he thinks it is also for the implementation of these new tools. Individuals also present: Ald. Bauman asked Mr. Cooney to verify what the applicant said about the first three items. Mr. Cooney said that those were not considered at the previous hearing. Ald. Bauman said that he is very concerned about the people carrying guns and that MPD spoke to management about using wands. The applicant said that they have fully implemented the wand after the last hearing and that those incidences happened in between. Ald. Bauman said that the applicant might be right. Ald. Brostoff asked about the sexual assault. The applicant said that the victim did not alert the staff or the management and went directly to the police. He also said that there are no surveillance cameras in the bathrooms and that he does not know what they could have done to avoid it. Ald. Bauman said that the applicant has explained himself and that the technology that he has put in place has proved that is working because there are no items after. Ald. Chambers moved to include a surveillance camera in the emergency exit hallway as part of the plan of operations. There were no objections. Ald. Brostoff moved approval with a warning letter based upon the preponderance of the evidence in the police report. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 12 ASHRAF, Zahid, Agent for "MKE Towing & Recovery LLC", Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises Application Requesting Non-Consensual Towing and Dealing, Storing and/or Transporting; Removing and/or Recycling Junk and Valuable Metal (10 Vehicles) for "MKE Towing & Recovery LLC" at 1434 S MUSKEGO Av. The applicant was present and Atty. Vincent Bobot appeared on behalf of the applicant. Atty. Bobot said that they are pleading not guilty on the item of the police report. Individuals also present: Ald. Perez asked to hold the application to the call of the chair to wait for the court’s verdict. Ald. Borkowski moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 12 COTO-VALENTIN, Roberto, Agent for "FIESTA CAFE & BAR DOS LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Food Dealer License Applications Requesting Instrumental Musicians, Bands, Patrons Dancing and 3 Amusement Machines for "FIESTA CAFE" at 1407 S 1ST St. The applicant was present along with Joanna Polanco as interpreter. Individuals in opposition: Deborah Holzhauer – said that she has had problems in the past with this establishment and that she has asked them in several occasions to turn the volume down. She read a letter that she wrote to address all of her concerns. She added that she is also opposing to the amusement machines because they attract children. Ald. Perez asked the witness if the noise comes from the indoor or the outdoor operations. The witness said that it is from the outdoor operations. Mrs. Sosa (the applicant’s wife) said that they are not planning to have outdoor entertainment (live music) and that they are trying to do things different. Ald. Perez said that this applicant is willing to amend the application to avoid the noise issues. Ald. Pratt moved to amend the application not to have live music on the outdoor area. The applicant asked if they can have special event permits to celebrate the holidays for example. Ald. Perez said that they can work with those and that they won’t be after the curfew hours. Ald. Pratt moved approval as amended. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 12 MALDONADO, Julio C, Agent for "Keen Hospitality Group LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises, Food Dealer and Sidewalk Dining License Renewal Applications for "Snifters" at 606 & 610 S 5th St. (Expired 10/10/2023) The applicant was present. Individuals also present: Ald. Perez said that he has spoken with the applicant in many occasions and that he is fine with the applicant’s plan to move forward. Ald. Brostoff moved approval. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 12 NASH, Vincent M, Agent for "V&N Nash Real Estate Group LLC", Rooming House License Renewal Application for "V&N Nash Real Estate" at 802 S 3RD St. (Expires 11/28/2023) The applicant was present along with his partner Noratda Hanesakda. Individuals in objection: Dave Hollister – 1810 S 3rd St - said that he has been threatened by the residents and that there are lot of drug transactions in front of his house, that there is an individual living in his car and using the facilities at the rooming house. He added that he has been the source of many of the videos submitted to support his testimony. Mr. Nash said that those videos are about his tenants receiving delivery services for food, groceries or that something was dropped off for them according to what his tenants said. Ashley and Anuj Rastogi – 1806 S 3rd St – said that they moved there in 2020 and that only on the last year they have seen the activity that Mr. Hollister said. He also said that they have voiced their concerns to the management, that they are concerned about the drug transactions, that his wife has been verbally assaulted and that it was never addressed by the management. He said that he understands that everyone deserves a place where to live but that they must be respectful as well. Mrs. Rastogi said that she was at her backyard when the resident showed her his private parts while saying that he was going to come and assault her sexually if she does not stop videotaping what they do. Mr. Nash said that he has submitted copies of the communication that he has with Mrs. Rastogi and that this is the first time that he hears this. Oscar Tovar – 1824 S 3rd St – said that this rooming house has been there for over 50 years with another two in the area and that they have been dealing with these issues since Mr. Nash took over this one. He said that he is concerned because they are surrounded by children that walk to school back and forth. He added that there is illegal activity on the alley, that he has videotaped as well, and that he has not seen Mr. Nash over there at all. Ald. Coggs asked the witness what could be the difference now. Mr. Tovar said that he does not know but that probably is that there used to be a manager on site. The applicant said that he considers himself the manager and that he is there once a week. Individuals also present: Ald. Perez said that Mr. Nash took over this business a year ago, that there have been mobile drug deals, prostitution and other issues in the area and that he needs that Mr. Nash pays attention to that. He added that there are many videos on file that are related or linked to this rooming house activity and reminded the applicant that he is responsible for what his tenants do. He also said that rooming houses are fixing part of the home crisis in the city and that there are some other rooming houses in the area with no issues at all. He added that it is difficult to deny or give disciplinary actions to this type of license but that Mr. Nash must be on board. Ald. Perez requested a plan of operations be submitted prior the common council meeting on the 21st. Mr. Tovar said for the record that on Mr. Nash responses, he mentions a tenant that is not on the list of the current tenants provided by him. Ald. Perez said that it is important to get on the record that the applicant is responsible for the tenant’s behaviors because it is a licensed establishment. Ald. Brostoff moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 4-1)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 07 SINGH, Pakhar, Agent for "P S Gas Corporation", Extended Hours Establishments License Application Requesting to Open 24HRS Everyday for "P S Gas" at 3114 N Sherman Bl. The applicant was present and Atty. Coral D. Pleas appeared on behalf of the applicant. Atty. Pleas said that the incidences recorded on the police report were reported by the applicant, that he has been operating this business since 2006 and that they are always cooperative with MPD. She added that for security reasons it would be good to have this business running 24 hours to avoid incidences like item 14 when someone was trying to gain access through the roof. She also said that his business has a clean record. Individuals also present: Ald. Chambers said that he does not agree with Atty. Pleas comment. Individuals in objection: Mrs. Lee -2855 N Sherman Blvd - resident of the area for 25 years said that it is very ridiculous to think that they can open after midnight when they have a lot of crime in the area. She added that this gas station is a problem. Mr. Lee - 2855 N Sherman Blvd – in addition to what his wife just said, he added that they live in a high crime area and that it will also increase traffic and problems. He also said that he goes out 2-3 times daily to pick up the debris from the service stations and corner stores in the area and that they have had enough. He said that he worked his entire life to pay off his house and to enjoy his retirement. Doris Wallace – said that she has worked hard her entire life to own a house and that there is nothing but litter, loiter and bad behaviors around. She added that she has seen kids casing each other and that this type of establishments attracts kids like these. Mabel Lamb – 3526 W Fond du Lac Av – said that we need to increase MPD response to this establishment and she would like cameras installed on top of the building; she doesn’t believe having more hours open will make it more secure. Individuals in support: Mr. Stray – 5230 N Sherman Blvd – said that he started to work back in June and that no incidents have happened ever since. Rosa - 4829 N Hopkins St – said that she does not think that the gas station has connection with what is going on in the area. Ms. McCullum – said that she does not live in the community but that the gas station feeds panhandlers and that there are fights everywhere. She said that there is nothing that the gas station can do about it. Sedan Smith – said that the family of Sylville’s Smith loves the applicant, that his brother’s legacy was about to rebuild the neighborhood and that this business have always helped out the community. Anthony Turner - 4242 W Burleigh St – said that there are no business open to buy toilet paper at night. Individuals also present: Ald. Rainey said that he recommends denial based on the testimony of the neighbors that were present to testify. Ald. Chambers said that there are 4 items on the police report that happened after the security guard was hired back in June. Ald. Chambers said that he respects the applicant and that the people who came here to testify in support do not live in the area and that those that are here in objection are the neighbors that are going to be immediately affected. Ald. Chambers move denial based upon the preponderance of the police report and the objection from the alderperson and neighbors present here to testify. There were no objections. (Prevailed 4-1)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 07 SINGH, Lakhbir, Agent for "SEHRA SONS LLC", Class A Fermented Malt, Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Applications for "Green Leaf Supermarket" at 4412 W CAPITOL DR. Mr. Cooney said that the applicant withdrew the application on November 6, 2023.
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 06 CARTHRAN, Soraida C, Agent for "A VYBE LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Applications Requesting Disc Jockey, Jukebox and Karaoke for "A VYBE" at 634 W NORTH Av. The applicant was present. Individuals also present: Ald. Coggs said that she will need to hold this application to the call of the chair and that she will have her back for the special meeting on the 21st. Ald. Brostoff moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 06 SCHAEFER, Matthew A, Agent for "Uncle Wolfie's Breakfast Tavern LLC", Class B Tavern, Food Dealer and Sidewalk Dining License Renewal Applications with Change of Hours From Closing at 9PM to Close at 11PM Everyday for "Uncle Wolfie's Breakfast Tavern" at 234 E Vine St. (Expires 12/9/2023) The applicant was present and said that he has paid the citation of the item on the police report. Individuals in objection: Glen Givens - 224 E Vine St – said that he has a problem with the people who thinks that it is ok to walk through his property and with those who park almost at his driveway. He added that he cannot guarantee that these people are patrons of this establishment and that he is concerned about the traffic and the noise at night extending the hours. Mr. Schaeffer said that he is looking forward to have pop-ups to try different items on Fri & Sat. There was a conversation between the applicant, the neighbor and the committee. The applicant will work on special permits as suggested by Ald. Coggs to see how it works for a couple of months. Ald. Chambers moved approval with no change of hours. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 06 BARNETT, Peter A, Agent for "Dollar Tree Stores, Inc.", Food Dealer License Renewal Application with Change of Agent for "Dollar Tree Stores #1880" at 320 E Capitol DR #380. (Expired 5/3/2023) Atty. Josh Gimbel appeared on behalf of the applicant. Individuals also present: Ald. Coggs asked Atty. Gimbel to have conversation along with the new agent before moving forward. Atty. Gimbel said that he is fine but that he wants to bring to the committee’s attention that the police report carried the items from the previous owner and that his client do not sale cigarettes. Ald. Brostoff moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 06 AZZAM, Nayef M, Agent for "Penny Saver, LLC", Class A Fermented Malt and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "Penny Saver" at 510 W VINE St. (Expires 11/21/2023) The applicant was present. Individuals also present: Ald. Coggs asked the applicant if he had a time to put in writing what they discussed to be included in the plan of operations. The applicant said that he posted it on the window. Ald. Coggs told the applicant to submit the list to the License Division. Ald. Pratt moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 06 SINGH, Benipal S, Agent for "818 Pantry LLC", Extended Hours Establishments, Filling Station, Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Renewal Applications with Removing Stockholder and Transfer of Stock for "818 Pantry LLC" at 818 W ATKINSON Av. (Expires 12/12/2023) The applicant was present and said that they started remodeling and that issues like the ones on the police report came up. He added that everything has been updated. Individuals also present: Ald. Coggs said that she has no problem in moving forward with a warning letter. Ald. Borkowski moved approval with a warning letter based upon the preponderance of the evidence in the police report. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 15 ISSA, Ala I, Agent for "GROCERY KING, INC", Class A Fermented Malt and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "BRIGHT FOOD MARKET" at 2500 W LISBON Av. (Expired 9/20/2023) The applicant was present and said that he believes that he has court date tomorrow to take care of the pending item on the police report. Individuals also present: Mr. Ellzey asked the applicant if he is operating. The applicant said that he is not selling beer. Mr. Cooney said that both licenses are expired. Mr. Ellzey asked the applicant if he is operating without a license. The applicant said that he did not know. Mr. Ellzey asked that the application be held while the office contacts DNS and that there must be repercussions for been operating without a license. Mr. Cooney said that the provisional license will remain in place until is canceled. Ald. Chambers moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 4-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 15 JONES, Gwendolyn L, Agent for "NOR'VICE LIQUORS LLC", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor License Application for "NOR'VICE LIQUORS" at 1711 W CENTER St. The applicant was present. Individuals also present: Mr. Ellzey said that they are not in support of this application based on concentration and that they did not held a community meeting responding to Ald. Chambers’ question. Ald. Pratt moved to hold the application to the call of the chair in order to have a community meeting. There were no objections. (Prevailed 4-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 14 GUZMAN, Julissa M, Agent for "SAL B, LLC", Class B Tavern License Application for "Piggly Wiggly Supermarket # 71" at 123 W Oklahoma Av. The applicant was not present. Individuals also present: Ald. Dimitrijevic said that she would like to hold this application since the applicant is not present and there are some issues to discuss about this application. Ald. Coggs moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 14 NUNEZ-CRUZ, David, Agent for "BUCKSHOTS BAR LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "BUCKSHOTS BAR" at 3219 S 13TH St. (Expired 10/12/2023) The applicant was present along with Atty. Vincent Bobot. Atty. Bobot said that regarding the fatal incident, the owner was present most of the night, that he left a little after 1am and that they do wand for weapons. He added that the individual who had the gun, he was not in the premises at any time as the video shows. He also said that his client was cooperative with MPD, that he provided the surveillance video to the investigation. Atty. Bobot said that regarding the vigil’s event, the applicant was outside monitoring the event to make sure that there was no further violence. Individuals also present: Ald. Dimitrijevic said that including the fatal shooting, the additional problems at the vigil and that looking at the record of the past disciplinary actions (including a suspension and warning letters almost every year); she wants to see improved security and recommended a 60 day suspension. Atty. Bobot cross examined his client after Ald. Dimitrijevic’ s recommendation. The applicant said that he was there until 1 am, that he wanded all his customers, that the gun was not inside the premises, that the police have the recording, and that the shooting happened outside the bar (35 feet from the door). Atty. Bobot said that he has represented this business on the last 4 5 years, that he has been there, that his client is very active and hands on type, that he calls the police, that he always cooperates and that the shooting happened outside. Ald. Chambers moved approval with a sixty (60) day suspension based upon the preponderance of the evidence in the police report and the applicant’s testimony that demonstrates the operation results in a threat to the health, safety or welfare of the public, disturbance of peace and lewd conduct. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5 0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 01 ALI, Nagmeldin M, Agent for "N&W 2018 Properties LLC", Recycling, Salvaging, or Towing Premises and Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer License Applications Requesting Dealing, Storing and/or Transporting; Removing and/or Recycling Junk/Valuable Metal, Waste Tires and Salvaged Motor Vehicle Parts (including tires and batteries) for "Rohr Auto and Salvage Yard" at 3901 W Rohr Av The applicant was present who said that the item on the police report is about a building that he owned before. Individuals in objections: Atty. Michael Maistelman appeared on behalf of Milwaukee Iron and Metal. He added that on August 6, his client got one of his trailers full of valuable metal stolen from his premises on Green Bay Av. and; that it was tracked back to this location. Individuals also present: The applicant said that he has not heard about this and that he is the only one who has the keys. Ald. Pratt moved to hold the application to the call of the chair to wait for a clarification from MPD. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: THAYER, Brandon Class D Operator’s License Renewal Application The applicant was not present. Individuals also present: Ald. Chambers moved denial based upon second nonappearance. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: RICHART, Noah Class D Operator’s License Application The applicant was not present. Ald. Brostoff moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 09 SINGH, Iqbal, Agent for "9026 FUEL LLC", Extended Hours Establishments License Application Requesting to Open 24HRS Everyday for "9026 FUEL" at 9026 W BROWN DEER Rd. Mr. Cooney said that this application was withdrew earlier today.
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 09 VELARDE, Adam J, Agent for "Cave Enterprises Operations LLC", Extended Hours Establishments License Application Requesting to Open 24HRS Everyday for "Burger King #3019" at 6544 N 76th St. Atty. Brian Randall appeared on behalf of the applicant and Jacob Cobbs (employee). Individuals also present: Ald. Taylor said that she would like to hold this application. Ald. Pratt moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 09 MAYS, James, Agent for "AMAYSING AUTOMOTIVE SALES LLC", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "AMAYSING AUTOMOTIVE SALES" at 9005 W BROWN DEER Rd. The applicant was not present. Individuals also present: Ald. Taylor said that they have sent two letters to the applicant requesting a plan of operations. She added that she went to the location, that the applicant is open for business and requested him the same thing and that she has not heard from him. Mr. Cooney said that the License Division has not received the plan yet. Ald. Taylor said that she would like to disqualify this applicant. Ald. Brostoff moved denial based upon nonappearance. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 09 PERRIN, Pamela D, Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications Adding Disc Jockey and Karaoke as Types of Entertainment and; Change of Hours From Closing at 11PM on Sun and 12AM Mon-Thu To Close at 2AM Sun - Thu for "Coconut Bowl" at 4707 W MILL Rd. (Expires 11/22/2023) The applicant was present and said that the items on the police report are only two incidences that have been handled. Individuals also present: Ald. Taylor said that there are neighbors in opposition and that she would like to hold a neighborhood meeting before moving forward. Ms. Melendez said that she received two calls yesterday asking if the hearing was still happening because someone is going around saying that it has been postponed. Ald. Chambers moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 05 KAMERMAYER, Jeffrey P, Agent for "KAM'S CORNER TAP, LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "KAM'S CORNER TAP" at 8340 W LISBON Av. (Expires 11/21/2023) The applicant was present and said that he was there when the item on the police report happened. Individuals also present: Ald. Westmoreland said that he has no objections. Ald. Chambers moved approval. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 05 LEPOLD, Jakub B, Agent for "Kam's Thistle and Shamrock LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "Kam's Thistle and Shamrock" at 3430 N 84th St. (Expires 11/28/2023) The applicant was present. Individuals also present: Ald. Westmoreland said that he has no objections. Ald. Chambers moved approval. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 05 CHEN, Fu jiang, Agent for "RED CRAB MILWAUKEE LLC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications with Transfer of Stock and Public Entertainment Premises License Application requesting Disc Jockey and Jukebox for "Red Crab Juicy Seafood" at 5547 N Lovers Lane Rd. (Expires 12/14/2023) The applicant was present. Individuals also present: Ald. Westmoreland would like to hold this application to give the applicant an opportunity to speak about his request. Ald. Chambers moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 05 ROUSE, Kryctal S, Agent for "The Lunchroom LLC", Public Entertainment Premises License Application Requesting Disc Jockey and Karaoke for "The Lunchroom" at 8000 W Capitol DR. The applicant was present and said that the pool table was for a promotional event and that she was told that the temporary event was good for 4 times and that later she found out that it is only to be used once. Individuals in opposition: Margaret Studenec - 3954 N 80th St – said that it was supposed to be a restaurant bar and that is more like a bar now, that they play loud music and that her windows rattle and that she lives across the street from Capitol Dr. She added that patrons use the Dunkin Donuts parking lot, that she does not know if they have a permission to do so but that when patrons arrive, there is noise with cars and that patrons are loud. She added that she called about 6 times to police and the alderman’s office as well. A second neighbor (husband & wife) came up front to testify but she said that she is not going to provide her name and address because the applicant already showed to be defensive with the first testimony and that she does not feel comfortable with her reaction. She added that this is a nice neighborhood and that they have enough with the noise, garbage and other issues around the gas station nearby. She said that this place was not a restaurant in the first place and that it seems more like a nightclub than a restaurant. A third neighbor also appeared to testify, she did not said her name. Ald. Westomoreland said that he would like to hold this application to hold a neighborhood meeting. He added that he went to check on the neighbors who live behind the establishment and that only one was in opposition but that he did not check with those across from Capitol Dr. Individuals in support: Ronald Roberts. Ald. Chambers moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 05 MORRIS, Debra M, Agent for "Jamaican Season Island, LLC", Class B Tavern License Application for "Picasso" at 9207 W Capitol DR. The applicant was present. Individuals in opposition: Greg Fait – 3015 N Sheppard - said that he owns the apartment building right on the alley – he said that he has issues with this business because it is causing problems to the neighborhood which is quiet and long term residents. Individuals also present: Ald. Westmoreland said that he sent letters around 250 feet (about 36 addresses) and that he would like to do service bar only. Mr. Cooney said that the applicant currently holds a Class B Beer and Class C Wine and Food Dealer licenses and that the hours of operation are 8AM to 12AM. Ald. Westmoreland said that he is concerned about the applicant being alone at the establishment with alcohol. Ms. Morris said that she will be adding security. Ms. Morris said that she tries her best to have a good relationship with neighbors and to keep her business, customers and herself safe. Ald. Chambers moved to amend the plan of operations to service bar only until 9:00 pm everyday. There were no objections. Ald. Chambers moved approval as amended. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 05 KLER, Mandeep S, Agent for "Lisbon 92 Supermarket Corp.", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor, Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Application for "Sentry Foods" at 9210 W LISBON Av. The applicant was present. Individuals also present: Ald. Westmoreland said that he has no objections. Ald. Brostoff moved approval. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 03 URLAUB, Rhonda A, Agent for "GPM Southeast LLC", Extended Hours Establishments, Filling Station, Food Dealer and Weights & Measures License Renewal Applications for "Jetz #4524" at 1425 N FARWELL Av. (Expired 11/4/2023) Atty. Jim Channing appeared with the applicant. Atty. Channing said that the employee no longer works with them as a result of the items on the police report. Individuals also present: Ald. Brostoff said that he has some complaints about the clean ups and shoveling the snow on the sidewalks. Atty. Channing said that they received the same complaints and that they have been improving and that they will do three clean ups daily and that they will have a new vendor for the sidewalk maintenance. Ald. Brostoff asked to have it reflected on the plan of operations. Atty. Channing agreed. Ald. Chambers moved to amend the plan of operations to have three clean ups daily and that they will have a new vendor for the sidewalk maintenance. Ald. Brostoff moved approval as amended. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 03 SAVAGLIO, Alfred C, Agent for "Dolgencorp, LLC", Food Dealer License Renewal Application for "Dollar General Store # 14272" at 1300 E Locust St. (Expired 10/3/2023) Atty. Brian Randall appeared on behalf of the applicant along with Angelita Handy, District Manager. Individuals in opposition: Teresa Buck – 1220 E Locust 111 – said that she lives next door to the store and that her windows look upon the store. She added that before the previous hearing, the store kind of started to clean up and that just yesterday, the dumpster was placed behind the corral. She said that Atty. Randall said that the dumpster, the racks, and other things were going to be placed in the corral after the September 26th hearing. She said that it took 42 days to fulfill the promises made and that in the meantime, they dealt with dumpster divers, noise and trash during the day and night. Individuals also present: Atty. Randall said that they have a written supplemental plan that he wants to make it part of the record. Ald. Pratt moved to accept the supplemental plan as part of the record. There were no objections. Atty. Randall mentioned that the regular fonts are part of the plan that was presented at the previous hearing and that the italicized font editions are the new updates to the plan. He went thru the plan top to bottom with the committee members: 1. He said that the corporation has committed to additional employee shift hours as Ald. Brostoff requested. 2. Atty. Randall asked to include the power point presentation submitted at the September 26th hearing about the condition of the store because it still applies to this file. 3. As for the rolltainers, he said that they use them for taking merchandise inside the store and to take the empty boxes/garbage out. He added that there are 5 rolltainers, that a store of this type needs 3 to 5 to operate and; that they should be behind the corral as they are today. 4. He said that he has been to the store dozens of times the last 43 days and that he has not seen an excess of litter outside and that they will continue to do the site sweeps. 5. He said that the dumpster and corral enclosure have been the main issue, that the lids were put on, that the dumpster has wheels now and that it has been wheeled in the corral area. 6. He added that they will check around the premises and do pickups 3 times/day as it has been suggested for other businesses. 7. There will be signs of no trespassing and that violators will be recorded and prosecuted posted on the back of the property where the corral is. 8. He said that he will continue to be a local resource for the district’s alderperson. He added that they know that the alarm went off but that it happened at the time when the manager was not fully on board and that those local contacts were not in place. As for the property issues, he said that they are working on getting the notices themselves and not the property owner. He also said that Ald. Brostoff has given them the contact information for any illegal dumping like it has occurred in the past. Ald. Borkowski acknowledged Michael Tonelli (DNS) who said that he is here to answer any questions. Ald. Brostoff said that after the last hearing, he still was hearing from neighbors and he saw it too, that the basic requests made at the hearing were not met. He also said that the store was given the opportunity (due staff challenges and new management) to work on the issues that they needed to correct. He mentioned that he tried to reach out to the new manager several times and never received a phone call. Ald. Brostoff said that when the police arrived to the attempted break in, he immediately sent an e mail to Atty. Randall (9/27) and that he never received a response from him. He said that not receiving a call back from the store manager and from the attorney are huge red flags for him. He added that the dumpster was not in the corral yesterday, that he saw it himself, heard it from the neighbors, and asked what took so long to fix a significant part of the problem. Ald. Brostoff moved approval with a 43 days suspension based upon the preponderance of the evidence that the issues were not corrected as it was promised and not on the day before committee. Atty. Randall asked for the photos that were shared by the neighbors and he said that he wanted to lay some foundation because Ald. Brostoff said very clear that he was speaking for people who could not stay here or were here and asked him if he took those photos and what is the relevance to the store after it was recognized that they were not at the store’s property. Ald. Brostoff said that the relevance is that the store has been a magnet for behaviors that continue even after the store “cleaned up”. Atty. Randall said that the photos taken as evidence are not from his client’s property. He added that they have presented a plan that can be achieved, maintain and commit to it and that it is before the committee. He also said that it may have not been implemented on September 26 but today is November 7 and that they are here to stand behind to serve the community and asked that the license be renewed. Ald. Brostoff moved for a 43 day suspension based upon the preponderance of the neighborhood, aldermanic and applicant testimony which represents excessive littering and failure to comply with the plan of operations and requests made at the previous hearing. There were no objections. (Prevailed 4-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 03 CALLOWAY, JR, Edward R, Agent for "NICRAY INVESTMENTS LLC", Food Dealer License Application for "PASS ME DA HOOKAH" at 1229 E BRADY St The applicant was present and said that he wants to add frozen pizza in addition to the tobacco hookah. Individuals also present: Ald. Brostoff said that the applicant is already in violation for selling tobacco hookah. Mr. Cooney said that the hookah must be tobacco free. Ald. Brostoff said that the applicant said at the neighborhood meeting that he was serving hookah to patrons that came in with alcohol. The applicant said that he did not know that he could not do it because things are set up that way on Brady St.; where patrons buy their drinks and walk along the street. He also said that he has corrected the issues that were brought up at the meeting, that he has added security and that he is there everyday. Ald. Brostoff moved denial based on the red flags and violations that has explained. There were no objections. (Prevailed 4-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: 02 HANSI, Lakhvir S, Agent for "Hansi Brothers, LLC", Hotel/Motel License Renewal Application with Transfer of Stock for "Diamond Inn Motel" at 6222 W Fond Du Lac Av. (Expired 10/30/2023) The applicant was present along with Atty. Michael Maistelman. Atty, Maistelman said that this application was held at the previous hearing for a neighborhood meeting. Individuals also present: Ald. Chambers said that the neighborhood meeting was held and that it was well attended. He added that some disturbing things were said and that the most disturbing item to him was item 12. He also said that the applicant and his attorney have agreed on a self-imposed 10 (ten) day suspension of/for not accepting new clients and as other hotels and rooming housing, they have long term tenants that are not going to be evicted. Ald. Chambers moved to accept the 10 (ten) day self-imposed suspension based upon the updated plan of operations. There were no objections. Atty. Maistelman said that they are going to be closing from November 15 to November 24 to new customers, that they will have 24 hours security onsite and training to identify sex trafficking. Ald. Chambers moved to amend the plan of operations with 24hr security and training to identify sex trafficking. There were no objections. Ald. Chambers said that he will be monitoring this location and thanked the neighbors who came to meeting. Ald. Chambers moved approval with a warning letter based on the amended plan of operations and the self-imposed 10 (ten) day suspension. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: Agenda Only 03 DEBEBE, Yigletu, Agent for "ETHIOPIAN COTTAGE RESTAURANT, INC", Class B Beer, Class C Wine and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications with Change of Hours From Opening at 1PM on Sun, at 11:30AM Tue - Fri and at 12:30PM on Sat; To Open at 4PM and Close at 9PM from Tue -Sun for "ETHIOPIAN COTTAGE RESTAURANT" at 1824 N FARWELL Av. 03 EICHINGER, Timothy C, Agent for "Black Husky Brewing LLC", Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application with Transfer of Stock for "Black Husky Brewing" at 909 E Locust St. 03 STREGE, John W, Agent for "RIVERWEST ENTERPRISES, LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications with Change of Hours From Opening at 10AM on Sun and at 2PM Mon - Sat; To Open at 11AM Everyday for "RIVERWEST TAVERN" at 900 E AUER Av. 08 MARTINEZ, Antonio, Agent for "EL Inferno LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications with Change of Hours From Opening at 12PM on Sun and at 3 PM Mon - Thu; To Open at 7AM on Sun and at 2PM Mon – Thu; for "EL Inferno" at 2000 W Mitchell St. 11 KUSZ, David L, Agent for "MERRY J'S, INC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Food Dealer License Transfer Applications Adding Instrumental Musicians, Disc Jockey, Bands, Wrestling, Karaoke, Battle of the Bands, Patron Contests, Comedy Acts, Dancing by Performers and Patrons Dancing for "MERRY'S" at 5100 W HOWARD Av. 12 KAUR, Raminderjit, Agent for "Paul's Liquor LLC", Class A Malt & Class A Liquor and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications with Change of Agent for "Paul's Liquor" at 1600 W Becher St. 13 MILAM, Donovan N, Agent for "MKE Hospitality LLC", Class B Tavern License Transfer Application with Change of Agent for "Hampton Inn" at 1200 W COLLEGE Av. Ald. Brostoff moved approval of the "Agenda Only" items. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: Warning Letter 02 DAVIS, Charlie E, III, Agent for "Syrs Restaurant and Lounge LLC", Class B Tavern, Public Entertainment Premises and Food Dealer License Renewal Applications for "Syrs Restaurant and Lounge" at 9316 W Appleton Av. Ald. Pratt moved approval on the "Warning Letter" items. There were no objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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231024 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relating to licenses.

Minutes note: Ald. Brostoff moved approval of the 231024 as amended. There were no objections. (Prevailed 4-0)
RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVALPass4:0 Action details Not available