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Meeting Name: PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/12/1998 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Room 301B
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultTallyAction DetailsVideo
971712 01)AppointmentAppointment of Peter Lee to the Bicycle Task Force by the Mayor's Office. (4th Aldermanic District)RECOMMENDED FOR CONFIRMATIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
971645 12)OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to parking controls in various Aldermanic Districts.RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass5:0 Action details Not available
971646 13)OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to traffic controls in various Aldermanic Districts.RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass5:0 Action details Not available
971828 04)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing the temporary installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of N. Alois Street and W. State Street during the 1998 stage of the IH-94 (East-West Freeway) Rehabilitation Project.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
971809 05)ResolutionResolution authorizing approval and execution of an extension to the paramedic contract between the City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee County.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
971802 06)Communication-ReportCommunication from the Hunger Task Force of Milwaukee transmitting a report relative to a Food System Assessment Study.

Minutes note: Receive
RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILEPass5:0 Action details Not available
971782 07)Communication-ReportCommunication from the Health Department transmitting a report relative to the 1997 Milwaukee Fetal Infant Mortality Review Project.

Minutes note: Receive
RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILEPass5:0 Action details Not available
971796 17a)ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to application for the Fetal Infant Mortality Review Grant.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
971797 18)ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to application for the Coordinated Coomunity Response Grant.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
971798 19)ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to application for the Specialized Enforcement Project Grant.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
971831 010)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing application, acceptance and funding for the City of Milwaukee's 1998 Community Security Partnerships Grant Program from the U.S. Department of Justice.

Minutes note: Not heard This file is rescheduled to be heard at the special PS meeting on 3/20/98 at 8:45 A.M.
    Action details Not available
971832 011)ResolutionSubstitute resolution authorizing application, acceptance and funding for the City of Milwaukee's 1998 Weed & Seed Program expansion from the U.S. Department of Justice.

Minutes note: Not heard This file is rescheduled to be heard at the Special PS meeting on 3/20/98 at 8:45 A.M.
    Action details Not available
971770 0 Communication-ReportCommunication from the Police Department transmitting a report relative to the quarterly reporting of foot patrol programs ending December 27, 1997.HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass5:0 Action details Not available
971770 012)Communication-ReportCommunication from the Police Department transmitting a report relative to the quarterly reporting of foot patrol programs ending December 27, 1997.

Minutes note: Receive
RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILEPass5:0 Action details Not available
971773 013)Communication-ReportCommunication from the Police Department transmitting a report relative to the Annual Sick and Injury Absenteeism Summary.HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass5:0 Action details Not available
971773 0 Communication-ReportCommunication from the Police Department transmitting a report relative to the Annual Sick and Injury Absenteeism Summary.

Minutes note: Receive
RECOMMENDED FOR PLACING ON FILEPass5:0 Action details Not available
971800 014)ResolutionResolution relative to application, acceptance and funding of a Milwaukee Metropolitan Drug Enforcement Grant. (Police Department)RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION AND ASSIGNEDPass5:0 Action details Not available
971806 015)OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to the fees for removal and storage of vehicles.

Minutes note: Hold 1 cycle to PS on 3/26/98.
HELD TO CALL OF THE CHAIRPass5:0 Action details Not available
971830 116)ResolutionSubstitute resolution relative to textile recycling at Sanitation Division self-help stations.RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTIONPass5:0 Action details Not available
      Meeting Adjourned: 10:27 A.M.    Not available
      Christine M. Todd, Staff Assistant    Roll call Not available