| | | | Additional instructions, virtual access and registration information, and meeting details can further be found on the City Plan Commission website: https://city.milwaukee.gov/CPC. Those wishing to view the proceedings are able to do so via the City Channel - Channel 25 on Spectrum Cable or the internet at https://city.milwaukee.gov/cityclerk/CityChannel. | | | |
Not available
| | | | Meeting convened at 1:30 p.m. | | | |
Roll call
| | | | Also present:
Minutes note: Sam Leichtling, DCD Planning
Kristin Connelly, DCD Planning
Sydney Swift, DCD Planning | | | |
Not available
| | 1. | | Review and approval of the previous meeting minutes from January 23, 2023.
Minutes note: The meeting minutes from January 23, 2023 were approved without objection. | | | |
| 0 | 2. | Communication | Communication on the Connecting MKE - Downtown Plan.
Minutes note: Appearing:
Tanya Fonseca, DCD Planning
Kyle Gast, DCD Planning
A presentation was given on the Connecting MKE - Downtown Plan.
Vice-chair Nemec moved to place on file, seconded by member Crane. (Prevailed 7-0) | ORDERED ON FILE | Pass | 7:0 |
Action details
| 0 | 3. | Communication | Communication related to forthcoming Growing MKE planning initiative to encourage housing choice and growth through Milwaukee's Zoning Code.
Minutes note: Mr. Leichting presented on Growing MKE.
Member Sas-Perez moved to hold, seconded by vice-chair Nemec. (Prevailed 7-0) | HELD IN COMMITTEE | Pass | 7:0 |
Action details
| | | | Meeting adjourned at 2:24 p.m.
Chris Lee, Staff Assistant
Council Records Section
City Clerk's Office | | | |
Not available
| | | | This meeting can be viewed in its entirety through the City's Legislative Research Center at http://milwaukee.legistar.com/calendar. | | | |
Not available