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Meeting Name: FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/7/2004 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 301-B, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
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     Meeting Convened: 9:05 A.M.    Roll call Not available
040795 01)BudgetCommunication from Mayor Tom Barrett transmitting the 2005 Proposed Budget for the City of Milwaukee.

Minutes note: Also appeared: Mark Nicolini, Director (DOA-Budget), Wally Morics (Comptroller's Office), Barry Zalben (Legislative Reference Bureau), Marianne Walsh, Manager (Fiscal Review) DPW-ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIVISION Jeffrey Mantes, Dorinda Floyd, Thomas Bell & Jim Carroll appeared. Mr. Bell read his budget overview. Mr. Carroll thereupon gave a summary of his fiscal report. Mr. Mantes appeared and discussed the DPW budget highlight. He also discussed the City Hall restoration project and other projects that they are currently working on and will be throughout 2005. Ald. D'Amato commented about the call center and asked how are the calls logged and if the log is available to the public. Ms. Floyd replied that the public doesn't have access to that information, but it could be made available. Ald. D'Amato referred to the fiscal report that stated the average call is answered in 60 seconds. Ms. Floyd noted that most of their calls are answered in 10 seconds. She also noted that they project that they will receive 200,000 calls next year. Mr. Mantes noted that 190,000 calls came in last year. He also advised that they take all street light, street maintenance and sanitation calls. Chairman Murphy questioned the drop in the workload in the Sanitation Division's ward yards due to the call center taking those calls, and asked if those positions were being moved out of those areas. Ms. Floyd replied that 3 positions were eliminated in the sanitation budget and the call center picked up one auxiliary position. Chairman Murphy commented on the implementation of several citywide technological applications. He asked if it would reduce cost and be more efficient to consolidate ITMD with DPW-Administrative Services. Ms. Floyd replied that there could be some consolidation and there could be some savings. Chairman Murphy asked if Ms. Floyd could submit to him detailed information on that for a possible amendment. Ms. Mantes noted that he has had some discussion with ITMD regarding working together. Chairman Murphy questioned the $5 million in capital funding for the new phone system and whether the system will be within the budgeted amount. Ms. Floyd noted that they will be under budget. Chairman Murphy commented about the DPW's responsibility for the processing of large amounts of financial transactions. He asked what improvements could be made to the citywide financial system that would make the processing of those transactions more efficient. Ms. Floyd discussed their automated accounts receivable application and noted that the Comptrollers Office should pursue a citywide application. Mr. Morics replied that they presently own and pay licensing fees to Peoplesoft for a FMIS accounts receivables module and they plan to implement that sometime in the near future. Chairman Murphy commented on the elimination of one Safety Specialist position and DPW dividing the responsibilities among the remaining 3 positions. He then asked what impact, if any, has this change had on DPW's safety record. Ms. Floyd replied that the Safety Specialist position was eliminated in the 2004 budget. Mr. Dan Thomas appeared and advised that the trend relative to the number of injuries has gone down over the past five years. Ald. Davis noted his concern about the Residential Preference Program. Ms. Floyd noted that she would follow up on the progress of that program. Ald. Davis also noted that he requested an audit of DPW in 2005. Ald. D'Amato discussed the special pickup calls. Mr. Engelbart appeared and explained the sanitation connection to the call center in relation to special pickups. Ald. D'Amato asked if one main call number, like 311 would work as a one number for all city services, etc. Ms. Floyd noted that they have talked about a 311 number and plan to further look into that once the phone system is completed. DPW-OPERATIONS DIVISION---SANITATION Jeffrey Mantes, Preston Cole, James Purko, Michael J. Engelbart, Wanda Booker, Leonard Streich-Business Manager of Local 61, Michael Campbell-President of Local 61, Ken Wischer-President of Local 423, Patrick Hartmann & Jim Carroll appeared. Mr. Hartmann gave a brief budget overview. Mr. Carroll gave a summary of his fiscal report. Ald. Donovan commented about the $1.2 million reduction in snow and ice control operation funds for 2005. He asked if this reduction will result in any changes in the way snow and ice control operations are handled in 2005 from the way they are performed in 2004. Mr. Purko replied that over the past three years monies had been returned back. Mr. Nicolini noted that there are some operational changes which will use the resources more efficiently, and there is also money budgeted in the Contingent Fund just in case. Ald. Witkowiak questioned the special pick-up process. Mr. Cole gave a brief powerpoint presentation on the DPW-Sanitation Divisions 2005 Budget Initiatives. He noted that their goals are to reduce program costs, increase revenues and resize routes. They will begin an extensive re-education campaign for all citizens and their workforce. He then referred to key elements of the 2005 budget in his powerpoint presentation and noted that they are going to eliminate the collection of large brush piles and reduce the maximum amount collected to four cubic yards. They are going to discontinue collection of appliances. He noted that bulky items can be placed with regular garbage for collection. He then discussed the creation of a landlord box and move-out program that would be available from March-November. Ald. Davis asked who will be monitoring the EBE participation requirements in the new solid waste and recycling contracts. Mr. Mantes replied that the DPW will be doing the monitoring. Mr. Purko then explained the process of the monitoring. Ald. Donovan asked if someone could explain what unfunded auxiliary positions means in relation to the six Sanitation Inspectors. Mr. Cole replied that they are seasonal workers and are laid off in the off-peak months. Ald. D'Amato commented about cart fees and asked if they could charge absentee owners for the cart fees and not owner-occupied residents. Mr. Purko noted that it would be best to request a City Attorney's opinion on that issue. Ald. Bohl appeared and questioned what DPW is doing on getting the message out on recycling. Mr Mantes replied that the contract calls for extensive education and they use a variety of mechanisms, such as mailings and public service announcements. Mr. Engelbart appeared and discussed the mechanisms used by DPW. Ald. Bohl then commented on the snow plowing operation. He asked when DPW begins to plow during a standard winter. Mr. Purko replied that they determine when to start plowing when snow accumulates to 3-4 inches and what the temperature and the forecast is at the time. Ald. Dudzik asked if DPW-Sanitation has installed GPS systems in their vehicles. Mr. Cole replied that they are continuing the installation on garbage trucks. Mr. Pearson noted that there is $170,000 budgeted for the installation of GPS units in city vehicles. Ald. Murphy asked what part of the Budget is the GPS system stated in. Mr. Pearson noted that it is in the operating budget. Mr. Leonard Striech, Business Manager of Union Local 61 appeared and addressed the Committee. He advised that DPW is in violation of 2002 MOU and noted that the volition is in the Office Staff policy. He further discussed the requirements stated in the MOU agreement and the violation. Mr. Campbell, President of Local 61 appeared and advised that they are in objection to the proposed garbage collection route changes in the 2005 budget. He noted that the change would cause a loss of eight positions. He further discussed other problems relative to garbage collection routes. Mr. Pruko responded to the issues Mr. Campbell brought up. Mr. Cole then elaborated on the issues and problems Mr. Campbell raised and explained the process of garbage collection, salting and snow plowing operations. Mr. Wischer, President of Local 423 noted his concern about the equipment that isn't going to be used next year. Recess: 11:50 A.M. Reconvened: 1:10 P.M. DPW-OPERATIONS DIVISION---FORESTRY Jeffrey Mantes, James Purko, Preston Cole, Robert McFadyen, Patrick Hartmann & Jeff Osterman appeared. Mr. Hartmann gave his budget overview. Mr. Osterman followed with a summary of his fiscal report. Chairman Murphy mentioned that the 2005 Proposed Budget eliminates roughly 100 flower beds for a savings of $261,250 and noted that it makes a very visual impact on the City. He then asked how that relates to the strategic plans. Mr. McFadyen replied that the reduction of 19,000 square feet of flower beds are the remaining flower beds that they have left and, once eliminated, they would then seed them over with grass. They would then seek revenue sources for the remaining flowers and sell them. Chairman Murphy then discussed the Mayor's press conference regarding Friends of the Boulevards, where businesses would adopt a boulevard. Ald. Donovan stated that it is an excellent idea to approach the private sector for funding for the boulevards, and that he is in support of that. Mr. Mantes hopes it will be successful. Ald. D'Amato asked what is the breakdown of the 30% savings in relations to salaries and equipment. Mr. McFayden replied that it is some supplies, but mostly salaries. Ald. D'Amato further questioned the greenhouse issue. Ald. Murphy questioned the 90% reduction in the cost of mowing equipment. Mr. McFayden replied that it equates to holding off one year to purchase 4 lawn mowers, which would cost $105,000. He noted that their current equipment could do the job for another coming year. Ald. Davis noted that last year DPW was budgeted to water the flower beds and not the boulevards. He then asked if that's what they are still doing. Mr. McFayden replied that, " yes", they are continuing with the bed only watering and they will continue doing that unless the Council changes that. He further noted that it was a cost cutting measure and that it could affect the grass turning brown and could also affect some trees. Mr. Cole commented that it would take about 40 years to completely convert to the watering of only flower beds. Chairman Murphy commented on the miscellaneous charges in terms of tree removal on private property and noted that they collected $250,000 last year. He asked if that cost is up from the previous year. Mr. McFayden replied that the cost is up and noted that City forces do not remove trees from private property; that is done under private contract. He then explained the tree removal process. DPW-OPERATIONS DIVISION---BUILDINGS & FLEET SERVICES Jeffrey Mantes, James Purko, Venu Gupta, Dan Blosser, James Fields-Local 33, Ken Wischer - President of Local 423, Mr. Rute - President of TEAM, Gary Kulwicki, Patrick Hartmann & Mark Ramion appeared. Mr. Hartmann gave his budget overview. Mr. Ramion presented his fiscal report. Mr. Gupta then gave a brief overview of the Bldgs. & Fleet Budget. Ald. D'Amato questioned the reduction of five positions. Mr. Gupta noted that of the five positions being eliminated, three of those are filled. Ald. D'Amato asked Mr. Gupta to keep the committee updated as far as those three people finding other positions. Ald. D'Amato commented that under the facilities Development and Management section there is currently an estimated backlog of deferred maintenance that exceeds $130 million for the next 10 years. He asked if that is inclusive of the City Hall Restoration project. Mr. Gupta replied that it was and noted $40 million is City Hall restoration and $9 million is for deferred maintenance per year for 10 years. Mr. Kulwicki, Facilities Manager appeared and explained the Facility Condition Index Reporting System that they incorporated in 1995. He noted that the $9 million includes component renewal and things that need to be replaced, because their service life had been exceeded. It is also used for necessary additions, improvements, repairs and grounds maintenance. Ald. D'Amato further questioned the building maintenance. Mr. Kulwicki continued to explain the building maintenance process. Mr. Hartmann discussed the outstanding deferred maintenance and noted that it needs to be further analyzed because the industry standard of 2% applied to the citywide value of buildings is approximately $1 billion minus what is funded annually. Ald. Donovan asked about the 2005 Proposed Budget for gasoline and what steps if any the department is taking to address that. Mr. Gupta advised that they are advising employees to shut down the equipment when not in use and make sure the equipment is tuned-up. Mr. Gupta noted that he isn't satisfied with the gasoline budget request. Mr. Purko advised that they look at the 2003 budget and compare, and then judge what is going to happen to the industry and they budget for gas by that. Mr. Kulwicki further discussed the gasoline budgeted amount. Ald. Donovan noted his concern that they are low budgeting on snow removal and gasoline. Chairman Murphy discussed the Comptroller's audit and noted that there are no resources in the budget to purchase any new vehicles. Mr. Purko discussed the Comptrollers audit and then further explained the DPW fleet. Ald. Dudzik referred to a 2003 Common Council file regarding a request for a study of surplus equipment and made a recommendation to rent out surplus equipment to other municipalities. He then referred to the mild winters and asked if they have enough mechanics. Mr. Gupta discussed the replacement of new equipment. Ald. Dudzik asked what the $25,000 budget amount for Professional Services is used for. Mr. Gupta noted that from time to time they need specialists to look at certain parts of the organization so that they can review and determine how they could perform better. Ald. Dudzik asked what is the $30,000 for mileage reimbursement. Mr. Purko replied that the $30,000 is to be used for IT services. Chairman Murphy asked if they are within budget and on schedule with the City Hall project. Mr. Ron Schoeneck replied that they are right on time and the cost is pretty close to the estimate they got from the consultant, but they will know the exact cost once they get the bids in. Ald. Witkowiak asked what is the life span of the restoration. Mr. Shoeneck replied that it varies because there are different elements on the building that have different life spans, such as copper would have 75-100 years. Mr. James Fields, Local 33, noted his concern about the elimination of the filled positions. He noted that DPW has a large amount of equipment and some of the equipment needs restoration. He is also concerned about the aging work force and the elimination of younger workers. Mr. Gupta discussed Mr. Fields concerns. Mr. Ken Wischer, Local 423, appeared and noted his concern about the elimination of one filled custodial worker position. He noted that currently one of the 5 custodian workers has been willing to work overtime. He also had concerns about the reduction of one vacant Field Mechanic, which has currently become vacant due to a retirement. Mr. Gupta replied that they would look into the overtime issue of the custodian worker. Mr. Gupta then commented about the vacant Field Mechanic position and noted that they have the option to use an auxiliary position if needed. Mr. Rute, President of TEAM, noted his concern about the elimination of an Engineer Tech. V position. Mr. Kulwicki discussed the workload and noted that other staff are capable of handling the work the Engineer Tech. V position handle. Mr. Rute further noted his concerns with the modification of job responsibilities of a current Mechanical Engineer III position by creating a new position call Methods and Standards Engineer. He also noted his concern with the Architect III position that is being reclassified to Architect IV. Mr. Gupta explained what their plans are in relation to the above changes. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN Jeffrey Mantes, Craig Kammholz and Angelyn Ward appeared. Mr. Kammholz continued where he left off yesterday with debt services and then read his budget highlights for the Capital Improvements Plan. Ms. Ward gave a summary of her fiscal report. Mr. Mantes then gave his highlights on the capital improvement projects. Ald. Davis asked if the GPS Capital Project for the fleet is in the 2-Way radio Capital Program. Mr. Gupta replied yes, that the replacement radios have GPS chips embedded in them. Ald. Davis commented on the recreational facilities relative to the play fields and tot lots. He then asked what are the existing conditions of those play fields and tot lots? He also asked how much have they spent in capital over the last 15 years and where are they at right now in comparison to 15 years ago. Mr. Gupta replied that he would get that information for Ald. Davis. He also noted that the overall conditions in most of the parks are good. Ald. D'Amato commented on the Canal Street project. He then asked what is the cost and when it is going to start. Mr. Mantes replied that the project is approaching about $28 million and they are in the first phase and they will begin within a month. Ald. Witkowiak questioned the $5 million need for poor soil conditions and asked whether it was contamination or swamp. Mr. Mantes replied that it was swamp. DPW-INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES DIVISION Jeffrey Mantes, Jeffrey S. Polenske, Clark Wantoch, Thomas Bell and Angelyn Ward appeared. Mr. Bell read his budget summary. Ms.Ward than read from her fiscal report. Chairman Murphy commented that he has received complaints regarding street lights going on and off and asked why the street lights go on and off. Mr. Polenske replied that this has been an ongoing problem. He further commented that there is a study scheduled at the end of 2004 to conduct and implement a pilot project regarding street lights going on and off. He further noted that they are 60% complete with updating the old circuitry. Chairman Murphy asked if the customer call center receives street lighting problem calls. And if yes, could Mr. Mantes check with them on how many calls they receive and if a lot of the calls are coming from a certain areas. Mr. Mantes noted that he would check with the call center as far as hot spots in lighting problems. Ald. D'Amato asked if there had been an alteration on street lighting. Mr. Polenske replied that they had started making alterations on street lighting a couple of years ago. He then noted that they have since gone back and set the time back to where they used to be, which is 5 minutes before dust and 5-10 minutes after dawn. Ald. D'Amato asked what is the savings to the City for a 30 minutes burn time. Chairman Murphy replied that it was $105,000 in 2002 for a different of 5 minutes. Mr. Wantoch commented on the light savings. Ald. D'Amato asked about the cutting of crews. Mr. Mantes replied and explained the crews that are being cut and further explained the process on when they use certain crews and what they use them for. Ald. Murphy asked how the street sweeping services to Wauwatosa was going. Mr. Purko replied that it wasn't renewed in 2004 and that he had been informed that Wauwatosa had purchased a new piece of equipment to handle their own streets sweeping. Bill Sprouty, with TEAM, noted his concern on the elimination of three TEAM positions: two Engineering Tech. V and one Civil Engineer IV. Mr. Polenske replied that the two Engineering Tech. V positions are unfilled at this time, and the Civil Engineer IV position had been created from a management position and after a short time they found that the nature of the work required more management skills, so they need to eliminate it. Mr. Mantes also replied and explained his concern with the Civil Engineer IV position. DPW-SEWER MAINTENANCE PROGRAM Jeffrey Mantes, Erick Shamburger, Jeff Polenske, Martin Aquinos and Emma Stamps appeared. Chairman Murphy commented that there is no increase in the 2005 Proposed Budget. He then asked what are the projections as far as it being sustainable, are they looking to make any changes, and is their enough funding in there to deal with the issues that are being looked at. Mr. Nicolini replied that it would depend on how the city chooses to manage and finance storm water. He then noted that fee or rate increases may be required in the future. Mr. Shamburger gave his budget highlight. Ms. Stamps read her fiscal report. Mr. Polenske gave a budget overview. Ald. D'Amato mentioned the separation of the combined sewer and noted that he hopes that there isn't a complete separation. He then asked if there is a first flush capacity in that. Mr. Polenske replied that they are taking a strong look at the projects that they do on an annual basis and they are determining whether or not they are a good candidate for separation, and then they would consider if what part of that they would do the first flush. Ald. D'Amato then asked what is the $275,000 for down spout disconnection being used for. Mr. Polenske replied that they are targeting a location in the City that already has a partial separation and the funds will be used for incentives in a pilot program. Mr. Polenske and Mr. Aquino further commented on other projects that they are presenting working on. Ald. D'Amato asked if funds are being spent on the backflow problem in Ald. Wade's and Ald. Hamilton's Districts that happened earlier in 2004. Mr. Polenske replied, " yes" they are looking into that also. Ald. Davis commented on the inlet restrictors and down spout program. He noted his concern regarding the flooding in the fall and spring as far as the ice getting in between the cracks and then asked if that would cause an increase in the cost of capital improvements. Mr. Polenske replied that it is a pilot program and many cities in the Midwest where weather is an issue have used inlet restrictors and it has worked for them, so that is why they are doing a pilot program here in Milwaukee. DPW-PARKING Jeffrey Mantes, Dorinda Floyd, Cindy Angelos, Jennifer Gonda and Jim Carroll appeared. Ms. Gonda gave her budget overview. Mr. Carroll then gave his fiscal report summary. Chairman Murphy asked how the kiosks project is working. Ms. Floyd replied that they plan to install three kiosks in Police Stations (Districts 2, 5 and 6) by the end of the year and hope they will be ready to sell first quarter nighttime parking permits and annual permits for 2005. She noted that they have been delayed but had been assured that they will be in by the end of the year. She noted that this is a pilot program, but hopes to implement the kiosk technology in all police station districts. Chairman Murphy asked if they have found the internet useful in terms of citizens accessing the web for parking information. Ms. Floyd replied that there is a lot of use for payment of citations and night parking permissions. She also noted that the over the phone payments have been successful too. Chairman Murphy then asked if there is any proposal or plans to sell any parking structures. Ms. Floyd noted that not in the near future. They plan to put out a RFP and receive bids some time next summer, because they know that there is some interest out there. Chairman Murphy asked how much revenue is being collected from all sources. Ms Floyd replied that they will finish 2004 with about $3.6 million more than projected and that ties into the redraw from reserves. She further explained the sources of revenues. Ald. D'Amato commented about the streamlining of the daytime parking permits system. He then commented that he had been informed of parking checkers on foot patrol. Ms. Floyd replied that they had started a Pilot foot patron in July of 2004 but they have not had a meeting yet on the results. Chairman Murphy asked if there are any legislative changes that Ms. Floyd could recommend regarding handicap-parking issues. Ms. Floyd answered that the illegal use of Handicap hangtags result in a loss of meter revenue, but mostly the loss of parking spaces. Ald. Witkowiak asked if the parking checkers could get information about handicap hangtags to see if its legal. Ms. Floyd replied "no". Ms. Angelo replied that a police office is called and they could check the license plate and the hangtags to see if it matches. DPW-WATER Jeffrey Mantes, Carrie Lewis, Dale Mejaki, Erick Shambarger, Emma Stamps and John English appeared. Mr. Shambarger gave a summary of his budget highlights. Ms Stamps thereafter recited her fiscal report. Ms. Lewis appeared and gave a summary of the water works budget and noted that they have no layoffs and no water increases in the 2005 Proposed Budget. Ald. Murphy asked how they managed to have no water rate increase for 2005. Ms. Lewis replied that they have been absorbing a lot of additional costs in the past two years since their last rate increase. She noted that when they first get a rate increase they actually get more money than needed for that initial year or two and then, after the rate increase has been in place for a couple of years and their expenses gone up, the money from that rate increase is less sufficient. They have been absorbing a lot of expense in security since 9/11. Chairman Murphy asked if there has been any request to purchase water from the west of the continental divide. Ms. Lewis replied formally "no". Chairman Murphy commented on the position that he put into the Water Dept. budget to attract more water base industries. He asked what efforts have been made and has there been any success as of yet. Ms. Lewis commented that they have made enormous progress with that person in developing outreach business and literature, etc. Ald. D'Amato asked why the DPW call center and the water call center haven't merged. Ms. Lewis replied that the expertise that is required to answer those water questions are a bit complex. Ald. D'Amato asked is there is a possibility in the future to merge the call centers. Ms. Lewis replied that it is possible. Ald. D'Amato asked if the water bills being put on the property tax bill could be taken off so that they could use tax intercept program? Ms. Lewis replied that the water bills go on to the property taxes bills because they bill properties, not people. She also noted that the State Statutes require them to bill properties.
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