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Meeting Name: LICENSES COMMITTEE Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/9/2013 8:30 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Room 301-B, City Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
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     Meeting convened at 8:45 a.m.    Roll call Not available
     Individuals also present:

Minutes note: Thomas Wessel, License Division Adam Stephens, Assistant City Attorney Sgt. Chad Raden, Milwaukee Police Department License Investigation Unit Tracy Tabiadon, Milwaukee Police Department License Investigation Unit
    Not available
130324 11.OrdinanceA substitute ordinance relating to the scheduling of common council committee hearings regarding license applications and the investigation of license applications by the chief of police and commissioner of neighborhood services.RECOMMENDED FOR PASSAGEPass4:0 Action details Video Video
130138 02.MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.    Action details Video Video
130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 08 HERRERA, Miguel, Agent for "El Alteno Bar & Grill, LLC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer Restaurant License Applications for "El Alteno Bar & Grill" at 2338 W FOREST HOME Av. Agent did not appear. Ald. Coggs moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0) This application was reheard later in the meeting.
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 10 ABDELRAHMAN, Raed M A., Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's License Renewal Application for "Hanna Food" at 2778 N 59TH St. (expires 7/25/2013) Raed M. A. Abdelrahman, applicant 2778 N. 59th St., Milwaukee, WI 53210 No neighborhood testimony. Legislative assistant Megan O’Connor, on behalf of Ald. Michael Murphy in the 10th aldermanic district, testified that the alderman tried to contact the owner of the store over the weekend and did not get an immediate call back from the owner until yesterday. The alderman was concerned with the purchase of untaxed cigarettes as indicated in the police report and the poor appearance of the store. The store has cardboard boxes hanging out of its windows. Mr. Abdelrahman testified. He couldn’t immediately call the alderman due to the holiday. The items on his police report were a result of one mistake. He will work with the landlord on the disrepair of the store. His brother was the one to accept the purchase of cigarettes from a person who walked into the store and who was not a wholesaler. Ald. Kovac moved approval with a warning letter based on the police report and aldermanic office testimony. (Failed 2-2) Ayes: Kovac, Coggs; Noes: Dudzik, Zielinski; Excused: Perez Ald. Zielinski passed the gavel to Ald. Coggs. Ald. Zielinski moved approval with a ten (10) day suspension based on the police report and aldermanic testimony. Atty. Stephens said that the police report and the disrepair condition of the store did not merit a penalty beyond issuance of a warning letter; however, such a penalty given could be based on a lack of management and proper response to the Committee concerning the issues of the untax cigarettes and disrepair of the store. Ald. Zielinski amended his motion and moved approval with a ten (10) day suspension based on aldermanic office testimony, applicant testimony, and the lack of a proper response by the applicant. (Prevailed 3-1-1)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 11 RUEDA, Colleen C, Agent for "MILWAUKEE'S FIREHOUSE, LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications with a Change of Hours to open at 8am instead of 3pm for "MILWAUKEE'S FIREHOUSE PUB" at 2758 S 35TH St. (expires 9/2/2013) Agent did not appear. Ald. Coggs moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 15 ALLEN, Tina R Class B Tavern, Permanent Extension of Premises to Include Backyard, and Public Entertainment License Applications Requesting Amusement Machines, DJ's, Jukebox, Karaoke, and Patrons Dancing for "Tina's Lounge" at 2879 N 21ST St. Tina R. Allen, applicant 1937 N. 36th St., Milwaukee, WI 53208 No neighborhood testimony. Staff assistant Keith Stanley, on behalf of President Willie Hines in the 15th aldermanic district, was present with no objections. Ald. Coggs moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 15 PHIFER, Linda D., Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Applications Requesting Amusement Machines, Jukebox, Poetry, and Pool for "Rainbow Lounge II" at 2490 W Fond Du Lac Av. Linda D. Phifer, applicant, represented by counsel, Atty. Vincent Bobot 3129 W. Mt. Vernon Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208 Individuals testifying in opposition: Edwina Smith, 2416 W. Hadley St., Milwaukee, WI 53206 Angela Smith, 2443 W. Monroe St., Milwaukee, WI 53206 Individual testifying in support: Jacqueline Smith, 5744 N. 70th St., Milwaukee, WI 53218 Mr. Stanley, on behalf of President Hines, was present with concerns but left the Committee with discretion over the application. Ald. Dudzik moved denial based on neighborhood objections. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 08 HERRERA, Miguel, Agent for "El Alteno Bar & Grill, LLC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer Restaurant License Applications for "El Alteno Bar & Grill" at 2338 W FOREST HOME Av. Miguel Herrera, Agt. 2301 W. Forest Home Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53215 No neighborhood testimony. Legislative assistant Patricia Doherty, on behalf of Ald. Robert Donovan in the 8th aldermanic district, was present with no objections. Ald. Coggs moved reconsideration. (Prevailed 5-0) Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 15 VERSER, Crystal L Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Applications with a 25 and Older Age Restriction Requesting Amusement Machines, DJ's, a Jukebox, Karaoke, and Patrons Dancing for "Big C Blues Lounge" at 2779 N 12th St. Crystal L. Verser, applicant 6542 W. Mill Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53218 No neighborhood testimony. Mr. Stanley, on behalf of President Hines, was present with no objections. Ald. Coggs moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 15 WINTERS, Keith W., Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Applications for "MARY'S RAINBOW INN" at 2911 W NORTH Av. (expires 9/26/2013) Keith W. Winters, applicant 2954 N. 37th St., Milwaukee, WI 53210 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Perez moved approval with a warning letter based on the police report. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 07 ALI, Maiada, Agent for "All Star Food & Beer LLC", Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's and Food Dealer-Retail License Applications for "All Star Food & Beer" at 3100 N 27th St. Maiada Ali, Agt. 6418 S. 35th St., Franklin, WI 53132 Ald. Willie Wade, 7th aldermanic district, was present with no objections. No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 07 JEWELL, Sherlise A, Agent for "SRJEWELL ENTERTAINMENT LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Renewal Applications Removing the 25+ Age Restriction and Adding Poetry, 1 Amusement Machine, Patron Contests, Comedy, and Dancing by Perfomers for "GLORY DAAZE II BAR & GRILL" at 4200 W BURLEIGH St. (expires 9/15/2013) Sherlise A. Jewell, Agt., represented by counsel, Atty. Patrick Brennan 6546 N. 55th St., Milwaukee, WI 53223 Also appearing with Ms. Jewell and Atty. Brennan: Rickey Jewell, 6546 N. 55th St., Milwaukee, WI 53223 Atty. Brennan, Ms. Jewell, and Mr. Jewell did not acknowledge receipt of the notice of the hearing dated July 1, 2013. They acknowledged receipt of the notice of the hearing dated June 26, 2013. Ald. Coggs moved to enter a letter, from Atty. Brennan, dated October 30, 2012 addressed to City Attorney Nicholas DeSiato into the record. There were no objections. Commander Jutiki Jackson, Milwaukee Police Department District 7, testified in opposition. He has worked in MPD for about 20 years, District 7 for 2 years, recently 18 months in the Neighborhood Task Force (NTF), and 2 weeks to the present as Commander of District 7. During his tenure in NTF he was tasked with deployments and strategies, often with Glory Daaze. To him, Glory Daaze has been a violent site over many years. He conducted an analysis for CAD systems and calls for service, which showed within last year more than 25 calls for service for Glory Daaze. The analysis also showed that Glory Daaze was the second most violent site in the district. These calls for service to Glory Daaze have been a drain on police resources. Many times multiple squads, some from other areas of the City, would respond to these calls at Glory Daaze. The tavern has accounted for a disproportion amount of violent crime including first degree intentional homicide, second degree reckless endangering safety, endangering safety by use of dangerous weapon, reckless use of firearms, shots fired, violence, and arm robberies. These crimes have had a negative impact on the neighborhood. Shots fired incidents at or near the site have struck places and victims in the neighborhood. This place operates almost as a safe haven for violence and criminal activity. Glory Daaze is the only establishment opened at night whether people are leaving tavern or people driving past the tavern. Officer Brian Larogue, Milwaukee Police Department District 7, testified in opposition. Assigned as the license premise squad officer in area, he was on duty to respond to the shots fired incident on 6/20/13. Several casings were recovered in the various locations. A parked green truck on Glory Daaze’s parking lot belonging to Martel Booker, who was the manager on duty at Glory Daaze, was struck by one bullet. The shooting resulted from an incident in parking lot of Glory Daaze between individuals. Video footage obtained voluntarily from Mr. Booker, police incident reports, and witness investigation revealed to police and Officer Larogue that the shots fired on 6/20/13 stemmed from an unknown individual and employees of Glory Daaze. The unknown individual came to Glory Daaze’s parking lot from the rear alley north of the lot carrying something black in his hand. The individual would drive a car recklessly over a barricade and almost striking two people. Later, there were individuals pointed what appeared to be guns on the parking lot towards each other. The suspect then appeared to fire rounds towards the green truck on the lot causing the other individuals to flee. The case is an ongoing investigation. Officer Larogue further testified. Three firearms from Mr. Booker, a security guard, and Mr. Sanford was recovered and placed on police inventory as part of the investigation of 6/20/13. Mr. Sanford was a DJ of Glory Daaze who was not on duty that night. During conversations with Mr. Booker, Mr. Booker has told him that he did not have a manager’s license. Also, Mr. Booker has told him that he was legally armed with a gun all the time and appeared armed with a gun walking out to speak with Officer Larogue on the parking lot of Glory Daaze on 6/28/13. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell told Officer Larogue via a phone conversation on 6/28/13 that they have not given permission for employees to bring guns and to be armed at the tavern. Ald. Dudzik moved to enter exhibits 1 through 8, submitted by Atty. DeSiato, into the record. There were no objections. The exhibits depicted photos of video surveillance on the parking lot of Glory Daaze on the night of 6/20/13. Ald. Dudzik moved to enter incident reports, submitted by Atty. DeSiato, into the record. There were no objections. Mr. Jewell testified. He and his wife do not allow guns in the tavern and have not been aware of any employees being armed with guns in the tavern since the tavern opened for business in 2008. Employees have been told to not carry and be armed with guns at the tavern. There is a “no weapons” sign on a window at the tavern. Mr. Sanford and Mr. Booker were on the parking lot of the tavern on the night of 6/20/13. Despite police telling him by phone of his employees being armed, Mr. Booker told him that he does not carry guns or is armed at the tavern. Mr. Jewell believed Mr. Booker and did not find reason to discipline employees. The time stamp in the video surveillance on 6/20/13 is twenty minutes early from the actual time. Atty. Nicholas DeSiato, Assistant City Attorney, appeared in opposition on behalf of the Milwaukee Police Department. He said that Glory Daaze has a history of gun activity there that is getting worse. Also, he said that there are serious issues in the police report that included numerous events leading to shots fired incidents and overcapacity incidents at the tavern. Ald. Wille Wade, 7th aldermanic district, testified. Glory Daaze has only received warning letters in the past. His office has received only one call from a constituent complaining of Glory Daaze. Glory Daaze is one block away from a 24 hour gas station. The argument of a drain on police resources due to Glory Daaze should be called into question. The presence of police responding to Glory Daaze is considered a drain on police resources despite being minuscule when compared to a substantially larger police presence provided to establishments located downtown on Water Street, Summerfest, and Miller Park. Police resources are not being provided equally to other areas of the city. No neighborhood testimony. Mr. Jewell further testified. He and his wife have put forth effort to minimize issues at the tavern such having an ID scanner, a hand held metal detector, and daily security guards. They have made efforts to communicate with neighbors. They are open to go beyond current parameters to make improvements. Incidents mentioned in the police report are from altercations from inside the club but rather incidents outside the club or in the area out of the tavern’s control. Patrons ejected from the tavern and people refused from entering the tavern have threatened to shut the tavern down and fire their guns at or near the bar. He and his wife are frequently at the bar but trusts Martel Booker to manage the tavern. Mr. Booker has been employed at Glory Daaze for about 3 to 4 years. There are fifteen employees total at the bar with almost all of them, except one or two, who would work there on a nightly basis. Mr. Jewell only has seen footage of the suspect encountered by his employees. He was not aware of the reckless driving of the suspect prior to the encounter and any guns being drawn. Ms. Jewell testified. She was not aware of any guns being drawn on 6/20/13, but was told by Mr. Booker of an individual driving around recklessly on 6/20/13. She has confronted Mr. Booker about being armed with a gun, but Mr. Booker has said that he does not arm himself with a gun at the tavern. Atty. Brennan said closing remarks. There is no neighborhood testimony. Incidents in the police report reflect events that happened to occur outside of the bar or in the area and not from inside the tavern. Glory Daaze has cooperated with police with providing to police surveillance videos of the tavern. A decision based on the 6/20/13 shots fired should be reserved. Ald. Dudzik moved denial of 1 Amusement Machine, Patron Contests, Comedy Acts, Dancing by Performers, and approval with a ninety (90) day suspension of the Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises licenses based on all testimony given and the police report items (dated 5/30/12, 7/18/12, 7/22/12, 8/11/12, 11/11/12, 3/21/13, 4/27/13 and excluding items that the counsel to the agent objected to) that showed poor management, overcapacity, and lawlessness at Glory Daaze. Ald. Dudzik further moved approval of the Removal of the 25 Years and Older Age Restriction and Poetry. (Prevailed 3-2)
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     Meeting recessed at 12:25 p.m.    Not available
     Meeting reconvened at 1:27 p.m.    Not available
130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 14 GARZA, Jose L, Agent for "1J&M, LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Renewal Applications Requesting DJ's and Karaoke for "LA ESQUINA BAR" at 2497 S 6TH St. (expires 7/26/2013) Jose L. Garza, Agt. 2497 S. 6th St., Milwaukee, WI 53215 Mr. Garza did not acknowlege receipt of the notice of the hearing. He waived receipt of the notice of the hearing. No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 3-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 14 SEIDEL, William J, Agent for "LOGAN & POTTER, INC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Renewal Applications Adding Concerts for "BURNHEARTS" at 2599 S LOGAN Av. (expires 9/24/2013) William J. Seidel, Agt. 611 E. Ogden St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Ald. Coggs moved approval. (Prevailed 3-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 02 ROBINSON, JR, James T Temporary Extension - Alcohol Application to Include South Parking Lot on August 10 from 3-9pm for Customer Appreciation for "GENE'S SUPPER CLUB" at 4323 N 60TH St. James T. Robinson, Jr., applicant 8129 W. Kensington Dr., Mequon, WI 53097 No neighborhood testimony. Legislative assistant Sherman Morton, on behalf of Ald. Joe Davis in the 2nd aldermanic district, was present in opposition due to the police report and neighborhood complaints to the aldermanic office. Ald. Zielinski passed the gavel to Ald. Coggs. Ald. Zielinski moved denial based on aldermanic objections and the police report. (Prevailed 3-0-1)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 03 MALONE, Joshua L, Agent for "J & S Malone, LLC", Class B Tavern, Permanent Extension to Include Sidewalk Cafe and Public Entertainment License Applications Requesting Amusement Machines, Bands, DJ's and Patron Contests for "Malone's on Brady" at 1329 E BRADY St. Joshua L. Malone, Agt. 2341 E. Euclid Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53207 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 03 MUSA, Alaa I, Agent for "CASABLANCA RESTAURANT, LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Renewal Applications Adding Instrumental Musicians and Dropping "Every Friday Night from Belly Dancing" for "CASABLANCA RESTAURANT" at 728 E BRADY St. (expires 7/30/2013) Alaa I. Musa, Agt., represented by counsel, Atty. Michael Maistelman 601 E. Ogden Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Ald. Kovac moved to enter into the record materials from Atty. Maistelman. There were no objections. Individuals testifying in opposition: Elizabeth Perkins, 1710 N. Cass St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Betty Sirna, 1673 N. Cass St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Betty Colla, 713 E. Brady St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Individuals testifying in support: Stephanie Salvia, 5341 N. Shoreland Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53217 Younis Abdel-Hamid, 2128 W. Mangold Ave., Milwaukee WI 53221 Jeremy Floyd, 2632 N. Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53211 Daniel Paulus, 711 E. Pearson St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Ald. Kovac moved approval of the Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment Premises licenses with a warning letter based on neighborhood testimony and approval of Adding Instrumental Musicians and Dropping "Every Friday Night from Belly Dancing." (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 03 ONGIE, Meghan E, Agent for "Son Wukong, LLC", Class B Tavern License Application for "Mai Thai Restaurant and Lounge" at 1230 E Brady St. Meghan E. Ongie, Agt. 1230 E. Brady St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 03 SAYLES-ALBERS, Cynthia, Agent for "Dolgencorp, LLC", Food Dealer Retail Renewal Application for "Dollar General Store # 14272" at 1300 E Locust St. (expires 6/30/2013) Cynthia Sayles-Albers, Agt. W68 N410 Evergreen Blvd., Cedarburg, WI 53012 Individual testifying in support: Orlando Gee, 1350 E. Locust St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 12 MAGISTER, Peggy J, Agent for "AP, LLC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer Restaurant License Applications for "AP Bar & Kitchen" at 814 S 2nd St. Peggy J. Magister, Agt. 806 S. 3rd St., Milwaukee, WI 53204 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 12 MASON, Tyler L, Agent for "Strong Flavor Productions, LLC", Class B Tavern and Food Dealer License Applications for "Wayward Kitchen Co." at 1407 S 1ST St. Tyler L. Mason, Agt. 1407 S. 1st St., Milwaukee, WI 53204 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 12 WATERMAN, Julie A, Agent for "Indulgence Chocolatiers LLC", Class B Tavern License Application for "Indulgence Chocolatiers" at 211 S 2nd St. Julie A. Waterman, Agt. 211 S. 2nd St., Milwaukee, WI 53204 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 12 ARORA, Tani, Agent for "AGAM, LLC", Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's License Renewal Application for "LOS AMIGOS" at 2100 S 13TH St. (expires 7/29/2013) Tani Arora, Agt. 6963 S. Carmel Dr., Franklin, WI 53132 Appearing with agent: Rupinder Arora, 6963 S. Carmel Dr., Franklin, WI 53132 Individual testifying in opposition: Maribel Murillo, 2077 S. 13th St., Apt. 1, Milwaukee, WI 53221 Ald. Perez moved to enter pictures, submitted by Ms. Murillo, into the record. There were no objections. Ald. Perez moved to enter into the record a statement of improvements submitted by Ms. Murillo. There were no objections. Ald. Perez moved approval with a warning letter based on neighbor testimony. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 12 ESPINO RAMIREZ, Juan L, Agent for "El Punto V, LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Applications Requesting Amusement Machines, Bands, DJ's, Jukebox, Karaoke, Patrons Dancing, and Pool for "Las Malandrinas" at 1444 S 7th St. Juan L. Espino Ramirez, Agt., represented by counsel, Atty. Michael J. Whitcomb 2041 S. 29th st., Milwaukee, Wi 53215 Atty. Whitcomb requested to hold the application. Individuals testifying in opposition: Gary Casimir, 1434A S. 7th St., Milwaukee, WI 53204 Johanna Chiarello, 1436 S. 7th St., Milwaukee, WI 53204 Three individuals in the audience indicated support for the application. Ald. Perez moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 12 VARGAS, Josephine Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Renewal Applications Dropping 2 Amusement Machines and 1 Pool Table for "EL CAMINANTE SPORTS BAR" at 1900 W LINCOLN Av. (expires 7/30/2013) Josephine Vargas, applicant 1900 W. Lincoln Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53215 Also appearing with agent: Jose Calvillo, 5832 W. Park Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53219 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Perez moved approval with a warning letter based on the police report. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 12 XIONG, Chue H., Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Renewal Applications for "NEON LIGHTS" at 1904 W FOREST HOME Av. (expires 9/20/2013) Chue H. Xiong, applicant 1904 W. Forest Home Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53215 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Perez moved approval with a warning letter based on neighborhood complaints received by the aldermanic office. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 06 ALLEN, Suzette R., Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Renewal Applications for "JUST JAZZ & BLUES LOUNGE" at 634 W NORTH Av. (expires 7/5/2013) Suzette R. Allen, applicant 4529 N. 20th St., Milwaukee, WI 53209 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Coggs moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 06 HAYNES, Willie A., Junk Collector (Truck) License Application for "Hayne's Hauling" at 2645 N Hubbard St. Applicant did not appear. Ald. Coggs moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 06 DHALIWAL, Ranjeet, Agent for "PALMER CENTER FOOD, LLC", Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's License Renewal Application for "PALMER CENTER FOODS" at 200 E CENTER St. (expires 9/24/2013) Ranjeet Dhaliwal, Agt., represented by counsel, Atty. Vincent Bobot 9229 S. 54th St., Franklin, WI 53132 Also appearing with agent: Gurinder Singh, 9229 S. 54th St., Franklin, WI 53132 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Coggs moved approval with a warning letter based on the police report. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 06 GRIFFIN-GASTON, Paula J, Agent for "Best Friends Clubhouse, LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Transfer and Renewal - Change of Location and New Food Dealer Restaurant License Application for "Best Friendz Klubhouse" at 2722 N Martin L King Jr DR. Paula J. Griffin-Gaston, Agt. 413 W. Wright St, Milwaukee, WI 53212 Also appearing with agent: Devida Glover, 3532 N. 14th St., Milwaukee, WI 53206 Individual testifying in opposition: Leonard C. Martin, 3715 N. 82nd St., Milwaukee, WI 53222 Ald. Coggs moved approval. (Prevailed 3-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 06 MARTIN, Malcolm D Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Applications Requesting Instrumental Music, Patron Contests, Poetry for "The Renaissance Room" at 4101 N Port Washington Av. Malcolm Martin, Agt., represented by counsel, Atty. Fredrick Gordon 4103 N. Port Washington Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Ald. Coggs moved to enter the document "Business Plan 2013" as part of the record. There were no objections. Individuals testifying in opposition: Mohammed Ali, owner of 4111 N. Port Washington Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Renell Banks, 4077 N. 6th St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Emma Smith, 4108 N. 6th St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Yolanda Coleman, 4113-A N. 7th St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Ken Larson, owner of 4115 N. 6th St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Bob Bramstack, owner of properties 4113, 4113-A, 4114, 4114-A N. 7th St. and 4116, 4120, 4123, 4124 N. 6th St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Elsie McDaniel, 4108 N. 6th St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Reginald Hayes, 4092 N. 6th St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Atty. Thomas Hayes, 161 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53203 Latanya Weatherly, 4113 N. 7th St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Individual testifying in support: Rick Ali-Muhammed, 628 W. Abert Pl., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Ald. Coggs moved denial based on neighborhood testimony. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: CAIN, JR, Larry W, Agent for "SoNu LLC", Home Improvement Contractor's License Application. Larry W. Cain, Jr., Agt. 3715 N. 49th St., Milwaukee, WI 53216 Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 3-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: CASTANEDA-GONZALEZ, Oscar E, Class B Manager's License Application. Oscar E. Castaneda-Gonzalez, applicant 1476 S. 85th St., West Allis, WI 53214 Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: MALTZAHN, Karlee K, Class B Manager's License Renewal Application. (expired 6/30/2013) Applicant did not appear. Mr. Wessel said this was the fourth nonappearance. Ald. Dudzik moved denial based on nonappearance. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: CAMPBELL, Justin A, Class D Operator's License Application. Justin A. Campbell, applicant 710 W. Historic Mitchell St., Milwaukee, WI 53204 Ald. Dudzik moved denial based on the police report. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: COLEMAN, Jessica J, Class D Operator's License Application. Applicant did not appear. Ald. Coggs moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: NIEVES SANTIAGO, Wanda, Class D Operator's License Application. Wanda Nieves Santiago, applicant 1458 S. Muskego Ave., Apt. 3, Milwaukee, WI 53204 Appearing as translator: Lianzi Martinez, 1458 S. Muskego Ave., Apt. 3, Milwaukee, WI 53204 Ald. Dudzik moved to hold the application to the call of the chair until the truancy charges are adjudicated. (Failed 1-3) Ayes: Dudzik; Noes: Coggs, Perez, Zielinski; Excused: Kovac Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 3-1)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: VOLD, Christopher M, Class D Operator's License Application. Christopher M. Vold, applicant 2822 N. 1st St., Milwaukee, WI 53212 Ald. Perez moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 01 KERN, Bennie D, Agent for "Kern's Muffler Shop Inc", Secondhand Motor Vehicle Dealer's License Application for "Kern's Muffler Shop Inc" at 2030 W Hampton Av. Bennie D. Kern, Agt. 8200 N. Pelican Ln., River Hill, WI 53217 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Ashanti Hamilton, 1st aldermanic district, was present with no objections. Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 01 NAGRA, Gurinder S, Agent for "Teutonia Greentree, Inc.", Extended Hours Establishments Renewal Application for "Teutonia Greentree Petro Mart" at 6811 N TEUTONIA Av. (expires 4/30/2013) Gurinder S. Nagra, Agt. 3776 S. Cypress Ln., Franklin, WI 53132 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Hamilton was present with no objections. Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 01 WHITLOW, John K., Junk Collector (Truck) License Application for "All Done Scrapping" at 4949 N 26th St. John K. Whitlow, applicant 4949 N. 26th St., Milwaukee, WI 53209 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Hamilton was present with no objections. Ald. Dudzik moved approval. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 01 OBI, Obiora C, Agent for "OBSTAR INVESTMENTS, LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Renewal Applications for "ONYX" at 3120 W VILLARD Av. (expires 9/15/2013) Obiora C. Obi, Agt., represented by counsel, Atty. Franklyn Gimbel 3120 W. Villard Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53209 Atty. Nick DeSiato, Assistant City Attorney, appeared on the behalf of the Milwaukee Police Department. All parties agreed to adjourn the item until the regular meeting of the Licenses Committee in September to allow consideration of the most recent police activity at the establishment. Ald. Perez moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 5-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 01 SINGH, Nirmal, Agent for "GOLDEN NORTHTOWN FOODS, INC", Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's License Renewal Application for "GOLDEN NORTHTOWN FOOD" at 4402 N 27TH St. (expires 7/30/2013) Nirmal Singh, Agt., represented by counsel, Atty. Vincent Bobot N53 W15766 Whispering Way, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 No neighborhood testimony. Ald. Hamilton was present with no objections if the applicant agreed to engage in the improvement activities of the neighbors in the community. Ald. Coggs moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 04 BERMAN, Samuel L, Agent for "746JAMESLOVELLBAR LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Applications Requesting Amusement Machines, DJ's, Jukebox, and Pool and Permanent Extension to Include Patio for "Jim's Timeout" at 746 N James Lovell St. Samuel Berman, Agt. 705 E. Glendale Ave. #3, Shorewood, WI 53211 Ald. Robert Bauman, 4th aldermanic district, was present with no objections. Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 04 WACKMAN, Thomas L, Agent for "DICK`S PIZZA, LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Renewal Applications for "DICK'S" at 730 N MILWAUKEE St. (expires 7/27/2013) Thomas Wackman, Agt. 720 N. Milwaukee St. #6, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Individual testifying in opposition: Drew Goede, 715 N. Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Ald. Bauman was present with no objections. Ald. Kovac moved approval. (Prevailed 4-0)
AMENDEDPass4:0 Action details Video Video
130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 04 WACKMAN, Thomas L, Agent for "KENADEE'S ULTRA PUB, LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Renewal Applications for "KENADEE'S" at 725 N MILWAUKEE St. (expires 9/21/2013) Thomas Wackman, Agt. 720 N. Milwaukee St. #6, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Individual testifying in opposition: Drew Goede, 715 N. Milwaukee St., Milwaukee, WI 53202 Lance Lichter, W63N674 Washington Ave., Cedarburg, WI 53012 Mr. Lichter, owner of 725 N. Milwaukee St., testified that there is a new application pending for the establishment. Ald. Bauman was present and said to hold the application. Ald. Coggs moved to hold the application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 3-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 04 SIMERSON, Pam, Agent for "Cudahy Sports Boosters, Inc", Class B Special License Application For Outside 650 E Chicago St and 300 N Van Buren St From August 28, 2013 Until September 9, 2013 for "Cudahy Sports Boosters" at 650 E Chicago St and 300 N Van Buren. Pam Simerson, Agt., represented by counsel, Atty. Roger Pyzyk 3924 E. Munkwitz Ave., Cudahy, WI 53110 Also appearing with the agent: Max Wasikowski, 5624 S. Illinois Ave., Cudahy, WI 53110 Appearing in opposition: John Colias, Harley Davidson, 2750 N. Hartung Ave., Milwaukee, WI, 53210 Ald. Bauman was present in support. Ald. Zielinski passed the gavel to Ald. Coggs. Ald. Zielinski moved approval. (Prevailed 3-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 04 SMITH, Robert F, Agent for "Boardroom Entertainment Mke, LLC", Class B Tavern and Public Entertainment License Renewal Application adding One Amusement Machine for "Rusty's Old 50 Grill & Spirits" at 730 N Old World Third St. (expires 7/25/2013) Applicant did not appear. Appearing and representing the agent as counsel was Atty. Vincent Bobot. Ald. Bauman was present and requested approval with a warning letter based on the police report. Ald. Coggs moved approval with a warning letter based on the police report. (Prevailed 3-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 04 MAHONEY, Eric S, Agent for "ONE SPORTS LOUNGE LLC", Food Dealer -Restaurant Renewal Application with Change of Hours and Class B Tavern Transfer With Change of Hours to be Open from 11am to Bar Close 7 Days a Week for "ONE SPORTS LOUNGE" at 1003&1007 N OLD WORLD THIRD St. (expires 6/30/2013) Eric S. Mahoney, Agt., represented by counsel, Atty. Vincent Bobot 9736 W. Tower Ave., Milwaukee, WI Ald. Bauman was present and asked that the application be held based on a request from Sgt. Stephen Basting of the Milwaukee Police Department. Ald. Coggs moved to enter a letter from Sgt. Stephen Basting, submitted by Ald. Bauman, as part of the record. There were no objections. Atty. Bobot objected. The objection was noted. Individual testifying in opposition: Lance Lichter, W63 N674 Washington Ave., Cedarburg, WI 53012 Ald. Coggs moved approval of the Food Dealer - Restaurant Renewal License Application with a warning letter and to hold the Change of Hours application to the call of the chair. (Prevailed 2-1)
AMENDEDPass2:1 Action details Video Video
130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: 04 SINGH, Manjit, Agent for "Bollywood Grill, LLC", Class B Tavern Food Dealer Restaurant and Public Entertainment License Applications Requesting DJ's for "Bollywood Grill" at 1028-30 N Jackson St. Manjit Singh, Agt. 445 Westmoor Dr., Brookfield, WI 53005 Also appearing with the agent: Lakshmana Kailash, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin Two individuals in the audience incidated support for the application. Ald. Bauman was present with no objections. Ald. Dudzik moved approval. (Prevailed 3-0)
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130138 0 MotionMotion relating to the recommendations of the Licenses Committee relative to licenses.

Minutes note: AGENDA ONLY 02 LEWAND, Laura L, Agent for "THE STAGE, LLC", Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application (adding Karaoke) and Class B Tavern License Renewal Application for "THE STAGE" at 7200 W FOND DU LAC Av. (expires 9/26/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 03 HORNG, Jin-Shoei, Agent for "WAN FU, INC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application with change of hours (open at 11:30 am, close at 9pm Sun – Thursday, claose at 10pm Friday and Saturday) for "EMPEROR OF CHINA" at 1010 E BRADY St. (expires 9/26/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 03 ST DENIS, Kristyn A, Agent for "BELAIR CANTINA, INC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application with change of floor plan (remove sidewalk café) for "BELAIR CANTINA" at 1935 N WATER St. (expires 9/20/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 04 HAERTEL, James C, Agent for "BREW CITY REDEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application with change of hours and entertainment (open at 9am and close at 2 am; add comedy acts and magic shows) for "Best Place at the Historic Pabst Brewery" at 915 W JUNEAU Av. (expires 9/21/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 04 SCHAEFER, Scott A, Agent for "MILWAUKEE BRAT HOUSE, LLC", Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application and Class B Tavern License Renewal Application with change of hours and entertainment (open at 8am; add karaoke) for "MILWAUKEE BRAT HOUSE" at 1013 N OLD WORLD THIRD St. (expires 9/15/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 04 STEFFKE, Gregg W, Agent for "HARP AND EAGLE, LTD", Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application and Cigarette and Tobacco Renewal Application and Class B Tavern License Renewal Application with change of entertainment and hours (add bands; open at 6am on St. Patrick’s Day) for "COUNTY CLARE" at 1234 N ASTOR St. (expires 9/20/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 08 LUSZ, Patricia A, Agent for "B P S, INC", Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application and Class B Tavern License Renewal Application with change of entertainment (add one game) for "PJ PUB GRUB & BILLARDS" at 3000 W LINCOLN Av. (expires 9/26/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 10 HUTTERER, James J, Agent for "JJH VALLEY INN, LLC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application with change of entertainment (add one game) for "VALLEY INN" at 4000 W CLYBOURN St. (expires 9/24/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 12 DIXON, Timothy J, Agent for "IRON HORSE MILWAUKEE, LLC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application and Cigarette and Tobacco Renewal Application with change of entertainment (add instrumental music) for "THE IRON HORSE HOTEL" at 500 W FLORIDA St. (expires 7/29/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 12 GUDIEL, Byron F, Agent for "Siervito Properties LLC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application with change of entertainment (add bands & karaoke) for "La Casa Vieja" at 1629 S 10th St. (expires 9/24/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 12 KAKUK, Charles D, Agent for "Next Act Theatre, Inc.", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application (add comedy, dancing by performers) for "Next Act Theatre" at 255 S Water St. (expires 9/19/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 12 SINGH, Paramjit, Cigarette and Tobacco Renewal Application and Class A Malt & Class A Liquor License Renewal Application with change of hours (open at 8 am) for "BEER CAPITAL" at 1600 W BECHER St. (expires 9/25/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 14 CONNELLY, Bridget A, Agent for "Apple Hospitality Group, LLC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application with change of agent for "Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar" at 270 W Holt Av. (expires 9/26/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 14 LEAF, Sam J, Agent for "AA Entertainment, LLC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application and Cigarette and Tobacco Renewal Application and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application with a change in requested capacity to 149 for "The Backyard" at 2155 S KINNICKINNIC Av. (expires 9/19/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) 14 MC KIERNAN, Gene M, Agent for "LANDLUBBERS, INC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application with change of entertainment (add 1 game) for "VICTORIA'S" at 1100 E POTTER Av. (expires 9/20/2013) Granted by Ald. Dudzik. (Prevailed 3-0) Warning Letter 04 DEHNE, Jacob E, Agent for "OLD WORLD, LLC", Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application and Cigarette and Tobacco Renewal Application and Class B Tavern License Renewal Application for "BUCKHEAD SALOON" at 1044 N OLD WORLD THIRD St. (expires 9/21/2013) Granted by Ald. Coggs. (Prevailed 3-0) 04 SINGH, Amardeep, Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's License Renewal Application for "LUCKY SUPERMARKET" at 2701 W WISCONSIN Av. (expires 9/26/2013) Granted by Ald. Coggs. (Prevailed 3-0) 06 EID, Yousef J., Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's License Renewal Application and Cigarette and Tobacco Renewal Application for "LOCUST FOOD MART" at 2900 N MOTHER SIMPSON WA. (expires 9/20/2013) Granted by Ald. Coggs. (Prevailed 3-0) 08 ASSAD, Raeid K, Agent for "R K A, LLC", Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's License Renewal Application and Cigarette and Tobacco Renewal Application for "ABC STORE" at 1143 S 22ND St. (expires 9/15/2013) Granted by Ald. Coggs. (Prevailed 3-0) 14 FINCH-NEHRING, Anne C, Agent for "NEHRING'S BAYVIEW MARKET, LLC", Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application and Class B Tavern License Renewal Application for "G GROPPI'S FOOD MARKET" at 1441 E RUSSELL Av. (expires 9/26/2013) Granted by Ald. Coggs. (Prevailed 3-0) 14 JOHNSON, Scott M, Agent for "MO JO OF MILWAUKEE, INC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application for "PALOMINO BAR" at 2491 S SUPERIOR St. (expires 9/23/2013) Granted by Ald. Coggs. (Prevailed 3-0) 14 LANGE, Marisa D, Agent for "CLASSIC SLICE, INC", Class C Wine Retailer's License Renewal Application for "CLASSIC SLICE PIZZA" at 2797 S KINNICKINNIC Av. (expires 9/20/2013) Granted by Ald. Coggs. (Prevailed 3-0) 14 NUNEZ, Antonia, Agent for "BUCKSHOTS BAR LLC", Class B Tavern License Renewal Application and Public Entertainment Premises License Renewal Application for "BUCKSHOTS BAR" at 3219 S 13TH St. (expires 9/20/2013) Granted by Ald. Coggs. (Prevailed 3-0) 15 JARABA, Mohammed AA., Cigarette and Tobacco Renewal Application and Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's License Renewal Application for "Sam's Food Market" at 1802 W Center St. (expires 9/19/2013) Granted by Ald. Coggs. (Prevailed 3-0) 15 SINGH, Mamta, Agent for "GURU FOOD, LLC", Class A Fermented Malt Beverage Retailer's License Renewal Application and Cigarette and Tobacco Renewal Application for "GURU FOOD" at 4028 W LISBON Av. (expires 9/20/2013) Granted by Ald. Coggs. (Prevailed 3-0) EDWARDS, Crystal C, Class D Operator's License Application. Granted by Ald. Coggs. (Prevailed 3-0)
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     Meeting adjourned at 6:19 p.m. Chris Lee, Staff Assistant Tobie Black, Staff Assistant    Not available
     This meeting can be viewed in its entirety through the City's Legislative Research Center at http://milwaukee.legistar.com/calendar.    Not available