080457, 091017
Resolution directing the Milwaukee Water Works, the Legislative Reference Bureau and the Department of City Development to prepare analyses relating to a proposed water service agreement and requesting submission of a report by the City of Waukesha.
This resolution directs the Milwaukee Water Works, the Legislative Reference Bureau and the Department of City Development to prepare and submit written analyses and reports as provided in the policies and procedures adopted by the Common Council in Resolution File Number 080457, relating to an anticipated proposal to provide drinking water to the City of Waukesha.
The resolution also directs the City Clerk to request a report from the City of Waukesha to be included with the submissions of the Milwaukee Water Works, the Legislative Reference Bureau and the Department of City Development in a communication file not less than 7 working days prior to hearing by the appropriate Common Council committee.
Whereas, The Milwaukee Water Works maintains significant excess capacity and can readily supply water to new customers; and
Whereas, Resolution File Number 080457, adopted by the Common Council on July 30, 2008, establishes the process by which the City may provide drinking water to neighboring communities; and
Whereas, Resolution File Number 080457 provides that negotiation of a potential water service agreement shall not be authorized prior to introduction and adoption of a resolution, requested by the Milwaukee Water Works, directing the Milwaukee Water Works, the Legislative Reference Bureau and the Department of City Development to perform evaluations and analyses, relating to a proposed water service agreement with the City of Waukesha and in accord with the policy in Resolution File Number 080457; and
Whereas, Resolution File Number 080457 provides further that negotiation of a potential water service agree...
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