File #:
On agenda:
Final action:
Substitute resolution approving The Milwaukee Streetcar project, as described in the Draft Environmental Assessment, and authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to take various actions to advance this project and appropriating funds for the project, with the City cost of this project estimated at $9.7 million and the total estimated cost at $64.6 million.
1. Letter from the Comptroller, 2. PowerPoint Presentation, 3. Ald. Donovan Press Release, 4. Part 1- Milwaukee Streetcar DRAFT Environmetal Assessment, 5. Part 2- Milwaukee Streetcar DRAFT Environmetal Assessment, 6. Letter From Ald Bauman to Federal Transit Administration, 7. Response from Federal Transit Administration to Ald Bauman, 8. Letter from AT&T, 9. Letters of Support, 10. Letters in Opposition, 11. Letter to Common Council from MMAC dated July 13, 2011, 12. E-mails from Abbot Row Co-op, 13. Media Advisory 7-13-11, 14. Table 6 Fixed Route Services, 15. Unemployment Rates, 16. 2011 Milwaukee County Transit Guide, 17. Location of Proposed Streetcar Route Relative to High-Poverty Areas, 18. Hearing Notice List, 19. Ald. Zielinski and Bauman Amendment, 20. Ald. Bauman and Kovac Amendment, 21. Ald. Donovan Amendment, 22. Letter from American Transmission Company, 23. News Release from Ald Bauman 8-29-11, 24. Bauman Letter to Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, 25. Letters in Support of Milwaukee Streetcar, 26. Communication from William Sell, 27. Registration Forms, 28. Letter to Ald Bohl and Plans, 29. Street Specifications
7/27/2011 | 3 |
| SIGNED | | |
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Not available
7/26/2011 | 2 |
Minutes note: Amend the resolution by adding, before the last “Further Resolved” clause, a “Further Resolved” clause that reads as follows:
Further Resolved, That no funds shall be expended for The Milwaukee Streetcar project, and no cost-incurring actions directed by this resolution relating to implementation of this project shall be taken, unless the majority of the City of Milwaukee electorate votes in the affirmative in the spring 2012 primary election (February 12, 2012) on a referendum question asking electors if they support construction of The Milwaukee Streetcar project; and, be it
| Fail | 3:12 |
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Not available
7/26/2011 | 2 |
Minutes note: Amend the 11th “Whereas” clause to read as follows:
Whereas, The annual operations and maintenance cost for the streetcar system is estimated at $2.65 million, which would be offset by potential sponsorships and advertisements estimated at $250,000 and farebox revenues estimated at $590,000, leaving approximately $1.85 million to be funded from City parking revenues or such other revenue sources that may become available between now and 2014, when streetcar operations would commence >>, except that the City share of operating costs shall not exceed the incremental property tax revenues generated by growth in the assessed value of property in the corridor served by The Milwaukee Streetcar<< ; and
| Pass | 15:0 |
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Not available
7/26/2011 | 3 |
| ADOPTED | Pass | 10:5 |
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Not available
7/26/2011 | 2 |
Minutes note: Replace the current 3rd “Further Resolved” clause with the following:
Further Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Downtown Streetcar Implementation shall select a streetcar vehicle vendor or vendor team through a Request for Proposal process; and, be it
Replace the current 9th “Further Resolved” clause with the following:
Further Resolved, That the process of final design and construction shall be supervised by the Joint Committee on Downtown Streetcar Implementation and, if during the process of final design and construction, it becomes apparent that the total project cost will exceed $64.6 million, the Joint Committee on Downtown Streetcar Implementation shall promptly report this conclusion to the Common Council, along with any adjustments to the project plan, including potential route modifications or other cost-saving measures for Council review; and, be it
Add the following “Further Resolved” clauses after the revised 9th “Further Resolved” clause:
Further Resolved, That the Joint Committee on Downtown Streetcar Implementation shall periodically report, on at least a quarterly basis, to the Common Council on the progress of final design and construction of the Milwaukee Streetcar, including both physical improvements and financial status; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller shall prepare a report (“Comptroller’s Report”) which verifies completion of both the Engineering Design Report, at 60% complete related to capital costs, and the Draft Operational & Financial Plan, including detailed information on headways/levels of service, expected ridership estimates and assumptions, proposed system operator requirements, maintenance requirements, detailed projections of operating and non-operating revenues, parking fee changes and debt service; and, be it
Add the following “Further Resolved” clauses after the current second-to-last “Further Resolved” clause:
Further Resolved, That only funds necessary to prepare or conduct the Engineering Design Report, utility coordination, the Streetcar Request for Proposal process, the Draft Operational & Financial Plan and the Comptroller’s Report shall be immediately released by the Comptroller; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Comptroller shall provide the findings of the Comptroller’s Report to the Common Council in a timely manner prior to releasing funds for any major capital expenditure, including right-of-way, streetcar procurement and construction contracts; and, be it
| Pass | 15:0 |
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Not available
7/14/2011 | 0 |
Minutes note: Individuals appearing:
Mayor Tom Barrett, City of Milwaukee
Jeff Polenske, City Engineer
Rocky Marcoux, Commissioner of the Department of City Development
Ghassan Korban, Commissioner of the Department of Public Works
Mark Kaminsky, HNTB Corporation
Franlyn Gimbel, Wisconsin Center District
Ald. Nik Kovac, 3rd District
Ald. Wade, 7th District
Beth Nicols, Executive Director, BID 21-Downtown
Stacey Callies, BID 1-Westown
Don Sykes, President and CEO, Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board
Ken Yunker, Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission
Jeff Kober, Milwaukee Composites Inc.
Lyle Balistreri, Milwaukee Building and Construction Trades Council
Jason Haas, Milwaukee County Supervisor, 14th District
Ron San Felippo, BID 2-Historic Third Ward
Steve Bass, Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce
Steve Chernof, Working to Revitalize West Wisconsin Avenue
Mike Mervis, Zilber, LTD
Wallace White, African American Chamber of Commerce
Nancy O'Keefe, Historic Third Ward Association
Andrew Nelson, Pabst Theater Foundation
Frank Nicotera, Milwaukee World Festival, Inc.
Earl Buford, resident
Gary Witt, Pabst Theater Foundation
Mark Rausch, Clear Channel Outdoor
Jim Carpenter, Peace Action Wisconsin
Ms. Rose, Community Micro Managing Advocates
John Rossetto, Transfer/VIA
Dana Schultz, 9 to 5 Milwaukee
Jeff Sherman,
Joyce Tang Boyland, citizen
Patrick McMormack, citizen
Jerry Sanders, citizen
Francis Klein, citizen
Chris Socha, citizen
Nick DeMarsh, Transit Riders Union
Jeramy Jennene,
Richard Geldon, citizen
Dave Reid,
Ald. Bauman moves to make a written statement from Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce part of the record. Prevailed 7-0. (Ald. Donovan excused)
Ald. Davis moves to make the Milwaukee County Transit Map, Tables 6, 7 and 8, a chart of unemployment rates and a map of the location of the proposed streetcar route relative to the high-poverty area of Milwaukee part of the record. Prevailed 6-0. (Ald. Donovan excused) | Pass | 7:0 |
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Not available
7/14/2011 | 0 |
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Not available
7/12/2011 | 0 |
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Not available
7/12/2011 | 0 |
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Not available
7/6/2011 | 0 |
Action details
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Not available
Number 110372 Version SUBSTITUTE 3 Reference 100994, 110324 Sponsor ALD. BAUMAN, KOVAC, WADE, WITKOWIAK, HAMILTON AND WITKOWSKI Title Substitute resolution approving The Milwaukee Streetcar project, as described in the Draft Environmental Assessment, and authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to take various actions to advance this project and appropriating funds for the project, with the City cost of this project estimated at $9.7 million and the total estimated cost at $64.6 million. Analysis This resolution approves The Milwaukee Streetcar project, as described in the Draft Environmental Assessment, including the Locally Preferred Alternative, for the Milwaukee Connector transit initiative: a 2.1-mile streetcar system. The resolution also directs the Commissioner of Public Works to take various actions to advance this project, including: 1. Establishing a Streetcar Vehicle Selection Committee that shall select a streetcar vehicle vendor or vendor team through a Request for Proposal process. 2. Contracting with the selected vendor or vendor team for vehicles, system maintenance and system operations. 3. Undertaking, or engaging a consultant to undertake, final design engineering for The Milwaukee Streetcar project. 4. Acquiring necessary real estate interests for the development of a streetcar-system maintenance facility. 5. Proceeding with construction of the streetcar system. 6. Applying for any additional federal capital funding as may become available for the construction of extensions to the streetcar system. 7. Working with Milwaukee County and the Milwaukee County Transit System to coordinate operation of the proposed streetcar system with the existing local bus service. 8. Working with public and private utilities to coordinate and resolve utility issues. This resolution also provides that the $9.7 million local share of the capital costs of The Milwaukee Streetcar project shall be funded by Tax Incremental District No... Click here for full text