081544, 100548
Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the Redevelopment Plan for the Port of Milwaukee Redevelopment Project Area, in the 12th and 14th Aldermanic Districts.
Adoption of this resolution by at least two-thirds vote of the Common Council will amend text to expand permitted land use conditions set forth in Amendment No. 1 to the Redevelopment Plan for the Port of Milwaukee Redevelopment Project Area. Such approval is a prerequisite for exercising the powers granted to the Redevelopment Authority under Wisconsin law for implementation of the amendment following adoption of this resolution. This file has no fiscal impact.
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee (“Common Council”) declared the Port of Milwaukee Redevelopment Project Area (“Project Area”) blighted and in need of blight elimination, slum clearance and an urban renewal project within the meaning of Section 66.1333(2m), Wisconsin Statutes, approved the Project Area boundaries designated by the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“Authority”) and requested the Authority prepare a Redevelopment Plan (“Plan”) for the Project Area by adopting File No. 081544 on March 25, 2009; and
Whereas, On November 3, 2010, the Common Council adopted File No. 100548, a Redevelopment Plan for the Port of Milwaukee Redevelopment Project Area; and
Whereas, The Plan was recorded on November 26, 2010, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, as Document No. 09943225; and
Whereas, Amendment No. 1 to the Plan, a copy of which is attached to this Common Council File, updates the permitted uses under the zoning recommended by the Plan to promote investment and job creation within the Project Area boundary; and
Whereas, The Authority approved Amendment No. 1 to the Plan after a public hearing on May 19, 2011, and is hereby transmitting it to the Comm...
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