Resolution relating to the application, acceptance, and funding of a Private Property Inflow and Infiltration grant from the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) for a project in an area bounded by N. 53rd St. to N. 60th St. and W. Vienna Ave. to W. Capitol Dr. in the 7th aldermanic district.
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of the Department of Public Works to apply and accept MMSD grant funding in the amount of $329,000, for a Private Property Inflow and Infiltration (PPII) project. The purpose of the project is to identify sources of Inflow and Infiltration (I/I) and conduct public outreach for future PPII work in the Grasslyn Manor neighborhood.
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee (City) is eligible to accept funding from the MMSD through the MMSD’s PPII reduction program; and
Whereas, The work proposed is to identify sources of I/I and conduct public outreach to encourage voluntary participation in a future PPII project; and
Whereas, MMSD has offered to reimburse the City with grant funds not to exceed $329,000; and
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to accept and execute grant funding for the PPII reduction project without further Common Council approval unless the terms of the grant change as indicated in Common Council file 030712 (Grant Ordinance); and, be it
Further Resolved, That the PPII Reduction agreement (M10005MI11) submitted to this file are hereby approved, and City personnel, including the DPW Commissioner, are authorized: (i) to cause the City to enter those documents in the same form, or in substantially the same form and substance, as have been submitted to this file; and (ii) to take such further acts as may be contemplated or required to be taken by the City thereunder so as to carry out the intent and purpose of this resolution; and, be it
Further Resolve...
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