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File #: 100058    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 5/4/2010 In control: FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE
On agenda: Final action: 6/15/2010
Effective date: 6/26/2010    
Title: A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2010 offices and positions in the City Service.
Sponsors: THE CHAIR
Attachments: 1. Letter to Mayor's Office, 2. Notice Published on 6-25-10




Substitute 1






A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2010 offices and positions in the City Service.


This substitute ordinance changes positions in the following departments:

Health and Police Departments


The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:

Part 1.  Section 1 of ordinance File Number 090458 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:


Under “Police Department, Operations Decision Unit, Criminal Investigation Bureau, Sensitive Crimes Division”, add one position of “Program Assistant II.”


Under “Health Department”, delete one position of “Public Health Research & Policy Director (X) (Y)” and add one position “Public Health Research & Policy Director (X) (Y) (K)”; Under “Family and Community Health Services Division, Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Section”, delete one position of “Epidemiologist (X) (Y)” and one position of “Health Project Assistant (X) (H)” and add one position of “Epidemiologist (X) (Y) (K)” and one position of “Health Project Assistant (X) (H) (K)” and add footnote “(K)” to read as follows: “To expire 7/31/11 unless the Public Health Impact Initiative Grant is extended”; under “Milwaukee Breast Cancer Awareness Program”, delete one position of “Office Assistant II(JJ) (GG), one position of “Well Woman’s Program Manager (U)(X)(Y)(GG)” and two positions of “Public Health Nurse (X)(G)(KK)(GG)(LL)(NN)” and add two positions of “Office Assistant II (GG) (JJ) (KK) (NN)”, one position of “Well Woman’s Program Manager (X)(Y)(GG)(JJ)(KK)(NN)” and three positions of “Public Health Nurse (X)(G)(GG)(JJ)(KK)(NN)”, amend footnote “(NN)” to read as follows: “To expire 6/30/11 unless the Wisconsin Well Woman Program Wise Woman Grant, available from the State of Wisconsin, Department of Health Services, is extended”, amend footnote “(JJ)” to read as follows: “To expire 6/30/11 unless the Wisconsin Well Woman Program Grant, available from the State of Wisconsin - Department of Health Services, is extended” and delete footnotes “(U)”and “(LL)” in their entirety; amend footnote”(O)” to read as follows: “To expire 06/30/11 unless the Congenital Disorders Grant is extended. Also partially funds one position of Public Health Nurse”; amend footnote “(W)” to read as follows: “To expire 06/30/11 unless the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Grant is extended. Also partially funds one position of Home Environmental Health Manager”; under “Office of Violence Prevention”, add footnote designations "(Y)" and "(RRR)" to one position of “Health Project Coordinator - Violence Prevention (X)” and add footnote “(RRR)” to read as follows: “To expire 06/30/11 unless the Sexual Assault Planning Grant from the Office of Justice Assistance is extended”; under “Women’s, Infant’s and Children’s Nutrition Program Grant (C)”, delete one position of “Nutritionist (0.7 FTE)(X) (C)” and one position of "Health Project Coordinator-WIC (X)(C)" and add one position of  “Nutritionist (X) (C)”; amend footnote “(HHH)” to read as follows: “To expire 12/31/10 unless the Medical Assistance (MA) Outreach Forward Health Grant from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services is extended. Partially funds one position of Public Health Educator II.”


Part 2.  All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.


Part 3.  The provisions of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after the first day of the first pay period following passage and publication.


Part 4.  This ordinance will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.



City Clerk's Office




7/23/10 Technical corrections made. TLB.