Resolution relating to the reallocation of funding from the HOME ARP Match Funds, to fund Tenant Based Rental Assistance.
This resolution authorizes the Community Development Grants Administration to reallocate HOME funds set-aside in the HOME ARP Match Funds Pool, whose primary use is for creating or sustaining affordable housing for the homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Whereas, the Common Council approved HOME funding for the HOME ARP Match Funds on May 31, 2023, in the amount of $1,000,000 CCFN 230053; and
Whereas, CDGA received a request for Tenant-Based Rental Assistance from Community Advocates, Inc. for $600,000; and
Whereas, CDGA is requesting authorization to reallocate funds from the HOME ARP Match Funds pool in the amount of $600,000, to the Community Advocate for the activity of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance, subject to CDGA staff underwriting and review, now therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee hereby approves the reallocation of HOME funds from the HOME ARP Match Funds pool to the Community Advocates, Inc.; and, be it
Further Resolved, That funded agencies shall submit budget and activity reports in amounts and according to any conditions approved by the Common Council and in accordance with File Number 74-92-5v, to the Community Development Grants Administration and the City Comptroller for review and approval; and, be it
Further Resolved, that payments for HOME costs incurred shall be paid in accordance with approved HOME reimbursement policy based on the approval by the Community Development Grants Administration and the City Comptroller; and, be it
Further Resolved, That except as modified by this resolution, the guidelines for handling the Community Development Block Grant Program set forth in Common Council File Number 74-92-5v are fully applicable to the Community Development Entitlement Funding Program.
CDGA-HOME ARP Match Funds Pool-II
Steven Mahan/Mario Higgins