Resolution directing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute document titled “State/Municipal Agreement for a State-Let Local Bridge Project” with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for the rehabilitation of the North 25th Street Bridge over the Menomonee River and to set up funds for design engineering at an estimated total cost of $200,250 with an estimated City share of $40,050 and a grantor share of $160,200.
This Resolution also authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to execute a Project Agreement with the WisDOT for rehabilitation of the North 25th Street Bridge over the Menomonee River. This resolution also directs the City Comptroller to transfer funds for preliminary engineering for this project. The estimated total cost of the project is $1,496,313 with an estimated City share of $1,189,050 and a grantor share of $307,263. The estimated preliminary engineering costs for the project is $200,250 with an estimated City share of $40,050 and a grantor share of $160,200. Construction funds for these projects will be included in a future resolution.
Whereas, A project agreement has been requested and received from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) to be executed by the City of Milwaukee for the programming, design, and construction of the following bridge rehabilitation with Federal and State aid under the Local Bridge Program:
State I.D. 2984-25-06,76
North 25th Street
Bridge over Menomonee River
Whereas, The Department of Public Works shall notify the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee of project cost overruns and changes in scope approved by the Department of Public Works; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee recognizes that the City may be 100 percent liable for project cost overruns and changes in scope as approved by the Department of Public Works; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee recognizes that the City may be liable for any cost incurred by the State should the City decide to withdraw from the project; and
Whereas, Construction of the project is currently scheduled to start in 2027; and
Whereas, Construction funds for the project will be included in a separate resolution; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to execute agreement for the programming, design, and construction of the aforementioned project with Federal and State aid under the Local Bridge Program, copy of which is attached and are incorporated into this resolution by reference as though set forth in full; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to undertake or engage a consultant to undertake preliminary engineering for the improvement of the aforementioned projects and to reimburse the WisDOT for design engineering costs they incur from the improvement; and, be it
Further Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized and directed to sign documents that are required if right-of-way acquisition is necessary as part of the project work; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the City Comptroller is hereby authorized to create within the Capital Improvement Fund, Grant and Aid Projects, the necessary Project Grant Chartfield Values for design engineering for the projects (Expenditure) and transfer to any of these accounts the amount required under the grant agreement and City Accounting Policy but not to exceed a 10 percent increase of the total amounts reserved for the grantor’s share and local share or $5,000, whichever is greater, as follows:
State I.D. 2984-25-06
North 25th Street
Bridge over Menomonee River
City Share Non-Assessable Fund Structure
Fund 0303
Grantor Reimbursable Fund Structure
Fund 0306
Grantor Non-Reimbursable Cash Fund Structure
City Share Non-Assessable Fund Paving
Fund 0333
Grantor Reimbursable Fund Paving
Fund 0306
Grantor Non-Reimbursable Cash Fund Paving
Total Estimated Engineering: $200,250
Previously authorized for preliminary engineering: $-0-
Current estimated cost of total project including this resolution: $1,496,313
Original estimated cost of total project: $1,496,313
Further Resolved, That the City Engineer is hereby authorized to approve and make periodic payments to the WisDOT upon receipt of invoices for the City’s share of the project costs.
Department of Public Works
Infrastructure Services Division
August 9, 2023