Substitute resolution amending Common Council File Number 210894 relating to the ARPA allocation for the Big Clean MKE.
This resolution amends Common Council File Number 210894 relating to the ARPA allocation for the Big Clean MKE by repurposing $2,310,000 from the Department of Public Works to the Office of the Common Council - City Clerk.
Whereas, The Big Clean MKE is a citywide coordinated cleanup effort involving many citizens and community organizations working to beautify Milwaukee streets and neighborhoods; and
Whereas, In the first tranche of the federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) allocation that was approved in the 2022 City Budget, $2,310,000 was dedicated to the Big Clean MKE’s initiative to remove litter on boulevards, public rights of way, and highways; and
Whereas, After a multi-year absence due to COVID-19, the Big Clean MKE event is due to return in October 2022; and
Whereas, The reallocation of $2,310,000 in funding for the Big Clean MKE from the Department of Public Works to the City Clerk’s Office will improve oversight and administration of the program; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that Common Council File Number 210894 is amended by repurposing the Big Clean MKE’s ARPA allocation of $2,310,000 from the Department of Public Works to the Office of the Common Council - City Clerk; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Department of Public Works is directed to provide the Common Council with an accounting of the amount and purpose of each expenditure from the $2.3 million Big Clean MKE ARPA allocation as of October 26, 2022; and, be it
Further Resolved, That Common Council File Number 210894 is amended to reallocate the unexpended balance of the Big Clean MKE ARPA award, as of October 26, 2022, estimated at $400,000, from the Department of Public Works to the Common Council - Cit...
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