Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Health to enter into a local agent agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services for the licensing and inspection of tattoo and body art establishments
The Milwaukee Health Department is the local agent for tattoo and body art safety and related inspections in the City of Milwaukee on behalf of the State of Wisconsin. The Milwaukee Health Department is responsible for the licensing and inspections of tattoo and body art establishments falling within its geographic jurisdiction. This resolution authorizes the Health Department to to continue in that role through a 5-year agreement, and collect and remit fees for licensed establishments and enforcement as allowed under State law.
WHEREAS, consumer safety and licensing of tattoo and body art establishments in Wisconsin is delegated to the Department of Safety and Professional Services under Wis. Stat. Ch. 463 and Wis. Admin. Code Ch. SPS 221; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Safety and Professional Services may enter into agent agreements with local units of government under Wis. Stats. 93.06(11)a-b to better conduct licensing and enforcement of consumer safety across the state; and
WHEREAS, the Department has requested to continue the agent agreement with the City of Milwaukee Health Department to license tattoo and body art establishments and enforce relevant safety regulations in the City of Milwaukee; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the Commissioner of Health is hereby authorized to enter into a tattoo and body art establishment agent agreement substantially similar to Exhibit A between the City of Milwaukee and State of Wisconsin; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the appropriate City officials are authorized to collect and remit fees on behalf of the State and City of Milwaukee for tattoo and bod...
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