Resolution relating to the expenditure of funds to be reimbursed by greater than anticipated revenue. (Special Purpose Account - Firemen's Relief Fund)
This resolution authorizes supplemental appropriations necessary for payment required under provisions of the Milwaukee City Charter.
Whereas, Section 304-91 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances establishes procedural guidelines related to the expenditure of funds to be reimbursed by greater than anticipated revenue; and
Whereas, The City of Milwaukee is annually required to pay to the Firemen's Relief Association 1/8 of the Fire Insurance Premium received from the State of Wisconsin; and
Whereas, The Fire Insurance Premium received by the City of Milwaukee results in an amount required to be paid to the Firemen's Relief Association greater than the appropriations in the Special Purpose Account, and
Whereas, The Comptroller has certified that greater than anticipated revenue in the amount of $8,051.64, pursuant to s. 304-91,
Pursuant to s. 304-91, I hereby certify that the money required for this is to be realized on or before December 31, 2021, and is to be expended only for the purposes specific in this resolution.
Comptroller Date
_____________________________________________ ______________________
; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to increase appropriations in the amount of $8,051.64 in the SPA Firemen's Relief Fund (0001-2110-0001-S133-006100) and to increase the estimated revenues (0001-3600-0001-009352) for the payment of 1/8 of the City's portion of the fire insurance premium received from the State of Wisconsin in 2021; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Comptroller is authorized and directed to establish the necessary accounts and accounting procedures to carry out the intent of this resolution.
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