Substitute resolution amending a special privilege for change of ownership to Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation and for removal of various items from the public right-of-way for the premises at 219 South Emmber Lane, in the 12th Aldermanic District.
This resolution amends a special privilege for change of ownership to Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation and accounts for the removal of several items from the public right-of-way including cattle holding pens, refrigeration lines, telecommunications conduit, and a telecommunications cable and accounts for reconfiguration of security fences under the 16th Street Viaduct for the premises at 219 South Emmber Lane.
Whereas, Peck Meat Packing Corporation requested permission to construct and maintain several encroachments in the public right-of-way including cattle holding pens under the 16th Street Viaduct; five driveways; telecommunications cable and conduit; electrical lines; a refrigeration line; and security fences; and
Whereas, Permission for said items to occupy the public right-of-way was granted under Common Council Resolution File Number 80-2253-b in 1985; and
Whereas, The usage of the property and of neighboring properties has changed significantly resulting in the applicant having removed or altered its items that were or are within the public right-of-way; and
Whereas, A previous property owner applied for a Special Privilege Amendment in 1998 under Common Council Resolution File Number 971755, which was placed on file after an application for this file was received; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that Common Council Resolution File Number 80-223-b is hereby rescinded; and, be it
Further Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation, Attention Diana Gill, 200 South Emmber Lane, Milwaukee , Wiscons...
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