Substitute resolution relating to certification of ambulance service providers for the city emergency medical service system.
This resolution certifies 4 ambulance service providers for the citywide emergency medical service system, as required by s. 75-15-3 of the Code of Ordinances.
Whereas, The City is required by s. 75-15-3 of the Code to certify ambulance service providers for the citywide emergency service system; and
Whereas, The Milwaukee Fire Department, by correspondence dated October 20, 2020, has forwarded to the Common Council the applications of 4 ambulance service providers together with internal correspondence from the Police Department, dated October 15, 2020, containing a recommendation from the License Investigation Unit to approve the applications, which recommendation was forwarded by the Police Department consistent with s. 75-15-6 to 13 of the Code; and
Whereas, The application of the 4 ambulance service providers were reviewed by the Ambulance Service Board as provided in s. 75-15-2-b of the Code; and
Whereas, The 4 applicants have satisfied the requirements for certification, including the requirements of s. 75-15-4, 12 and 13-b-1 of the Code; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Common Council certifies the following 4 ambulance service providers for the citywide emergency medical service system under s. 7515 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances:
1. Bell Ambulance Service, 549 E Wilson St., Milwaukee, WI 53207-1635
2. Curtis Universal Ambulance, Inc., 2266 N. Prospect Ave., Suite 440, Milwaukee WI 53202.
3. Meda-Care Ambulance, 9401 W. Brown Deer Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53224.
4. Paratech Ambulance Service, 9401 W. Brown Deer Rd., Milwaukee, WI 53224.
; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Health Department shall issue permits or certificates in the manner specified in s. 75-15-8 of the...
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