Resolution directing the Commissioner of the Milwaukee Health Department to establish a program under which all City residents may receive a face mask without charge upon request.
This resolution directs the Commissioner of the Milwaukee Health Department to establish a program under which all CIty residents may receive a face mask without charge upon request. It also authorizes the receipt of gifts in cash and in-kind to further the intent of this resolution.
Whereas, The COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect the entire CIty of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, From the beginning, the effects of this pandemic have disproportionately fallen on the City's poorest residents; and
Whereas, A broad range of agencies including the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, have recommended the wearing of fabric masks as an effective tool to slow the spread of this virus; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the CIty of Milwaukee that the Commissioner of the Milwaukee Health Department is directed to establish a program under which any City residents may receive a face mask without charge upon request; and, be it
Further Resolved, That a goal of this program shall be the provision of a mask to no fewer than half of the CIty's 600,000 residents; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Milwaukee Health Department is authorized, under s. 304-24 of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances, to accept cash donations of up to $100,000, in-kind donations, and to expend any funds received to fulfill the intent of this resolution; and be it
Further Resolved, That the CIty Comptroller is directed to establish the necessary accounts and accounting procedures to carry out the intent of this resolution; and be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of the Milwaukee Health Department shall report to the Common Council as to the status of this program within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution.
James R. Owczarski
July 6, 2020