Substitute resolution relating to a Minor Modification to the Detailed Planned Development known as the Eastsider for the mixed-use building at 2900 North Oakland Avenue to allow additional building identification and tenant signage, located on the northeast corner of North Oakland Avenue and East Locust Street, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.
This zoning change was requested by Locust Prop. Co. LLC and will allow additional building identification signage as well as more flexibility with respect to tenant signage.
Whereas, Section 295-907-2(i) of the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances permits minor modifications to planned developments after approval of the Common Council; and
Whereas, The detailed plan for a planned development (“DPD”) known as the Eastsider, located on the northeast corner of North Oakland Avenue and East Locust Street, was approved by the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee (“Common Council”) on November 18, 2017 under File No. 161714; and
Whereas, The minor modification to allow additional building identification and tenant signage is consistent with the spirit and intent of the approved plan and will not adversely affect the surrounding development, a copy of which is attached to this Common Council File as Exhibit A which is on file in the office of the City Clerk and made a part as though fully set forth herein; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council, that the minor modification:
1. Is consistent with the spirit and intent of the previously approved DPD.
2. Will not change the general character of the DPD.
3. Will not cause a substantial relocation of principal or accessory structures.
4. Will not cause a substantial relocation or reduction of parking, loading or recreation areas.
5. Will not cause a substantial relocation of traffic facilities.
6. Will not increase the land coverage of buildings and parking areas.
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