Substitute resolution relating to establishment of the Community-Oriented, Responsible and Equitable (CORE) Development Zone.
This resolution states that it is the sense of the Common Council that owners or developers of real property located in Milwaukee’s central business district C9 zoning district which may employ workers in targeted service-sector employment (food and beverages, hospitality industry, etc.) should enter into community benefits agreements in form and substance substantially similar to the agreement between Milwaukee Bucks LLC and the Alliance for Good Jobs. This resolution shall be known as the “Community-Oriented, Responsible and Equitable (CORE) Development Zone Resolution” and shall guide and inform deliberations of the Common Council on matters that arise in connection with development in Milwaukee’s central business district.
Whereas, City investment and other actions in Milwaukee’s central business district have helped foster a prosperous and vibrant downtown area and created tremendous economic value and wealth for developers; and
Whereas, The hospitality, tourism and entertainment industries and commercial real estate sector have benefited from this vibrancy and prosperity, redounding to the benefit of owners and operators of these enterprises; and
Whereas, City of Milwaukee investments in the central business district should also benefit residents of central-city neighborhoods struggling with concentrated poverty and a lack of family-sustaining employment; and
Whereas, Increased employment and tax base from central business district development do not adequately address concentrated poverty and the lack of family-sustaining employment in central-city neighborhoods; and
Whereas, Central business district development and business activity, assisted by City of Milwaukee resources and powers, can benefit residents of central-city n...
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