Resolution relative to the cost participation and installation of traffic control signal improvements under a Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Grant at 88 intersections in various Aldermanic Districts at a total estimated cost of $1,425,749.43 with an estimated grantor share of $1,030,400, and an estimated City share of $395,349.43.
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works and Comptroller to enter into a funding agreement with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for installation of traffic control signal improvements under a Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Grant at 88 intersections in various Aldermanic Districts at a total estimated cost of $1,425,749.43 with an estimated grantor share of $1,030,400, an estimated City share of $395,349.43 to install these improvements upon execution of the agreement. This resolution also authorizes the Comptroller to establish and transfer funds to the appropriate accounts for the project. The total estimated cost of the entire project is $1,598,249.43, with a grantor share of $1,168,400, and a City share of $429,849.43.
Whereas, The Project Agreement for the installation of traffic control signal improvements at 88 intersections was approved by the Common Council under File Number 140767; and,
Whereas, The Congestion Mitigation Air Quality program is intended to reduce delay and vehicle emissions; and
Whereas, Eighty eight intersections have been identified for replacement of traffic signal controllers and installation of improved communications; and
Whereas, The total estimated cost of this project is $1,320,138.36 for the alteration and upgrade of traffic control signals; and
Whereas, The total estimated cost for state review for the project is $105,611.07; and
Whereas, $395,349.43 is not reimbursable and is included in the Division’s 2019 Capital Purpose Project Grant Number ST320190000; and
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