000428, 051108, 130246, 141313, 160299, 161500
Substitute resolution approving Amendment No. 5 to the Project Plan and authorizing additional funding and expenditures for Tax Incremental District No. 41 (Time Warner Riverwalk), in the 6th Aldermanic District.
This substitute resolution approves Amendment No. 5 to the Project Plan for Tax Incremental District No. 41 to authorize funding of new project costs for the Bronzeville Streetcar Extension.
Whereas, Chapter 105 of the Laws of 1975 of the State of Wisconsin, with amendments from other chapters of said Laws, created Section 66.1105, Wisconsin Statutes, titled “Tax Increment Law;” and
Whereas, Boundaries and a Project Plan for Tax Incremental District (“TID” or “District”) No. 41 were approved by the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (“Authority”) and the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee (“Common Council”) in 2000 by adoption of File No. 000428; and
Whereas, Amendment No. 1 to the Project Plan for TID No. 41 was approved by the Authority and the Common Council in 2006 by adoption of File No. 051108; and
Whereas, Amendment No. 2 to the Project Plan for TID No. 41 was approved by the Authority and the Common Council in 2013 by adoption of File No. 130246; and
Whereas, Amendment No. 3 to the Project Plan for TID No. 41 was approved by the Authority and the Common Council in 2016 by adoption of File No. 160299; and
Whereas, Amendment No. 4 to the Project Plan for TID No. 41 was approved by the Authority and the Common Council in 2017 by adoption of File No. 161500; and
Whereas, On May 16, 2019, pursuant to Section 66.1105(4)(h)1 and Section 66.1105(2)(f)1.n., Wisconsin Statutes, and following the required notice and public hearing, the Authority recommended adoption of Amendment No. 5 to the Project Plan for TID No. 41 (“Amendment” or “Amendment No. 5”), a copy of which is attached ...
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