Substitute resolution relating to a City of Milwaukee Residency Incentive Policy
This resolution describes the City of Milwaukee’s policy to provide salary and wage incentives to promote city residency of city employees and to create a task force to study and recommend other incentives that would encourage city employees to obtain and maintain city residency.
Whereas, Section 66.0502 (3) Wis. Stats., states “no local governmental unit may require, as a condition of employment, that any employee or prospective employee reside within any jurisdictional limit” excepting a 15 miles limit of jurisdictional boundaries for law enforcement, fire and emergency personnel; and
Whereas, pursuant to Black, et al v. the City of Milwaukee, 2016 WI 47, the City of Milwaukee amended its Charter Ordinance 5-02 to remove residency as a condition of obtaining or continuing employment with the City of Milwaukee, and enacted a requirement for law enforcement, fire and emergency personnel to live within 15 miles of the city’s jurisdictional borders, as permitted in Sec. 66.0502(4)(b), Wis. Stats.; and
Whereas, between July 2013 when the City of Milwaukee suspended enforcement of its residency requirement pending the outcome of Black, et al v. the City of Milwaukee, and March 1, 2019, 1,665 employees have moved outside the city’s jurisdictional borders, or have been hired and not obtained residency inside the city’s jurisdictional borders; and
Whereas, having employees live in the City provides them with better knowledge of the challenges facing the City, increases understanding of neighborhoods and enhances relationships with residents; and
Whereas, residency encourages City employees to provide better results for residents if they are themselves City residents, to feel a personal connection to city neighborhoods and city services; and
Whereas, employees who live within ...
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