Resolution directing the Commissioner of Public Works to enforce the unposted two-hour time limit on the parking of food trucks.
This resolution directs the Commissioner of Public Works to enforce the two-hour time restriction for the parking of food trucks, including issuing citations on the basis of complainant testimony. The Commissioner of Public Works will then share issued citations with the License Division for inclusion in the licensing file for the Licenses Committee.
Whereas, Section 115-45-2 of the Code of Ordinances prohibits a food truck from being parked for more than two hours in any single block containing residential premises; and
Whereas, This two-hour restriction is not typically posted with signage; and
Whereas, Food trucks parked in excess of two hours can be a neighborhood nuisance; and
Whereas, Residents should have their complaints resolved through enforcement of the time limit required of food truck operations; and
Whereas, The Department of Public Works has indicated an unwillingness to issue citations to food trucks parked in violation of the unposted two-hour parking restriction; and
Whereas, The Milwaukee Police Department does not currently have the resources to issue citations to food trucks violating the two-hour maximum; and
Whereas, The License Division should be provided records of these citations so it may share this information with the Licenses Committee; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Commissioner of Public Works shall enforce the two-hour time restriction for the parking of food trucks including issuing citations on the basis of complainant testimony; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Commissioner Public Works shall develop a system for sharing citations issued to food trucks with the License Division within 60 days.
LRB 173925
Luke Knapp
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