Resolution authorizing the issuance of street occupancy permits to Stevens Construction for construction activities at 433 East Michigan Street, in the 4th Aldermanic District.
This resolution authorizes City officials to issue occupancy permits to Stevens Construction allowing them to occupy the west sidewalk, parking lane and traffic lane of North Jefferson Street and to close the north-south alley between East Michigan Street and East Clybourn Street for construction activities.
Whereas, Stevens Construction has been contracted for construction services at 433 East Michigan Street; and
Whereas, Stevens Construction is requesting permission to occupy the west sidewalk, parking lane and traffic lane of North Jefferson Street and to occupy the entire north-south alley between East Michigan Street and East Clybourn Street on or around March 4, 2019 through July 8, 2020; and
Whereas, Stevens Construction will maintain two-way traffic on North Jefferson Street for motorized vehicles and for bicycles; and
Whereas, Stevens Construction will be responsible to contact all affected property owners and businesses informing them of the closure and the affected dates; and
Whereas, The Commissioner of Public Works may approve temporary occupancy of up to one-third of the width of the right of way while temporary use beyond that point must be approved by the Common Council; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to issue occupancy permits to Stevens Construction allowing them to occupy the west sidewalk, parking lane, and traffic lane of North Jefferson Street and to occupy the entire north-south alley between East Michigan Street and East Clybourn Street to start on or about March 4, 2019 through July 8, 2020;
Rollin Bertran/Dawn Schmidt
February 18, 2019
433 E Mi...
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