180629, 181188, 181189, 181190, 181191, 181192, 181239, 181240, 181242, 181243, 181265, 181273, 181304
A substitute ordinance to further amend the 2019 offices and positions in the City Service.
This substitute ordinance changes the offices and positions in the following departments:
Department of Administration, Assessor, Department of City Development, Common Council - City Clerk, Department of Employee Relations, Fire and Police Commission, Health Department, Department of Neighborhood Services, Police Department, Department of Public Works
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 180629 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows:
Under “Department of Administration, Information and Technology Management Division, Policy and Administration Section”, add footnote designations “(B)” and “(C)” to one position of “Chief Information Officer (Y)” and add footnotes “(B)” and “(C)” to read:
“(B) The Chief Information Officer shall cooperate with information officers of each department and the Public Information Division to establish a coordinated social media strategy, including branding and appearance.”
“(C) The Chief Information Officer shall cooperate with departments to develop a strategic plan for the development and implementation of information technology with the goal of reducing the City's dependence upon proprietary systems.”
Under “Unified Call Center”, add one position of “UCC Customer Service Representative III”.
Under “Auxiliary Personnel”, add twenty-one positions of “UCC Customer Service Representative III”.
Under “Assessor’s Office”, add footnote designation “(E)” to one position of “Commissioner of Assessments (Y)(D)” and add footnote “(E)” to read:
“(E) The City Assessor shall partner with Department of Administration and Department of City Development to establish a presence on the City's website to facilitate enrollment in the City's PILOT program.”
Under “Department of City Development, General Management and Policy Development Decision Unit, Office of the Commissioner”, add footnote designations “(B)” and “(F)” to one position of “Commissioner - City Development (C)(E)(X)(Y)” and add footnotes “(B)” and “(F)” to read:
“(B) The Commissioner of City Development shall partner with DNS, MPD and the Office of Violence Prevention to establish a maintenance and security plan for reducing the impact of vacant City-owned homes on crime rates.”
“(F) The Department of City Development shall develop an anti-displacement tax fund program similar to Atlanta's West Side Future Fund.”
Under “Common Council - City Clerk”, add footnote designation “(D)” to one position of “City Clerk (Y)” and add footnote “(D)” to read:
“(D) The City Clerk shall develop a pilot plan for a City merchandise retail outlet with the intent of establishing a retail presence within six months.”
Under “Public Relations Section”, add one position of “Graphic Designer II”.
Under “Television Services Section”, add one position of “Television Production Specialist II”.
Under “Department of Employee Relations, Administration Division”, add footnote designations “(A)”, “(B)”, “(C)”, and “(D)" to one position of “Employee Relations Director (Y)” and add footnotes “(D)”, “(A)”, “(B)”, and “(C)” to read:
"(A) The Director of Employee Relations shall conduct a City Department-wide evaluation of the need for bilingual staffing and translational services."
"(B) The Director of Employee Relations shall cooperate with City departments to create and implement succession plans for every City department."
"(C) The Director shall cooperate with the City Clerk and other departments to increase the utilization and effectiveness of the Direct Connect MKE initiative."
"(D) The Director of Employee Relations shall work with other departments to explore policies to disincentivize employees from separating from City employment after receiving a significant investment in training from the City."
Under “Fire and Police Commission”, add footnote designation “(D)” to one position of “Fire & Police Commission Executive Director (X)(Y)” and add footnote “(D)” to read:
“(D) The Fire & Police Commission Executive Director shall develop a plan for reducing 911 call wait times and present the plan to the council by 6/30/2019.”
Under “Health Department”, add footnote designations “(R)”, “(S)”, and “(T)” to one position of “Commissioner - Health (X)(Y)”, add footnotes “(R)”, “(S)”, “(T)” and amend footnotes “(B)”, “(C)”, “(F)”, “(J)”, “(U)”, “(Z)”, “(DD)”, “(HH)”, and “(HHH)” to read as follows:
“(B) To expire 12/31/19 unless the HIV Partner Services, available from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services, is extended.”
“(C) To expire 12/31/19 unless the Women’s, Infant’s and Children’s Grant, available from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, is extended.”
“(F) To expire 12/31/19 unless the STD AAPPS, available from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services, is extended.”
“(J) To expire 12/31/19 unless the Maternal and Child Health Grant is extended.”
“(R) The Commissioner of Health shall establish a defined process for addressing cases of elevated blood lead levels in Milwaukee and present the process to the Council by 3/31/19.”
“(S) The Commissioner of Health shall establish a targeted intervention pilot program to reduce stressors on the most at-risk women that may contribute to premature births and infant mortality. It is the intent of the Common Council that at least $50,000 will be transferred to a special fund for thispurpose from 2018 Health Department carryover.”
“(T) It is the intent of the Common Council that at least $50,000 will be transferred to a special fund for Community Innovation for Violence Prevention and Peace initiatives from 2018 Health Department carryover. The Commissioner of Health shall investigate additional available funding for the Community Innovation for Violence Prevention and Peace initiative. A plan and performance metrics must be presented to the Common Council prior to the expenditure of funds.”
“(U) To expire 12/31/19 unless the Family Planning Grant, available from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, is extended.”
“(Z) To expire 12/31/19 unless the Childhood Lead Detection Grant is extended.”
“(DD) To expire 12/31/19 unless the immunization Action Plan Grant is extended.”
“(HH) To expire 12/31/19 unless the Hepatitis B Immunization Grant is extended. A portion of the Health Interpreter Aide may be funded by the Immunization Action Plan Grant.”
“(HHH) To expire 12/31/19 unless the Medical Assistance (MA) Outreach Forward Health Grant from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services is extended. Partially funds one position of Public Health Educator II.”
Under “Disease Control and Environmental Health Services Division, Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic”, add one position of “Public Health Nurse (X)(U)”, add one position of “Advanced Practice - Nurse Practitioner (X)(U)”, and add one position of “Public Health Nurse Supervisor (X)(U)”.
Under “Office of Violence Prevention”, add footnote designation “(L)” to one position of “Violence Reduction & Prevention Program Director (X)(Y)(H)” and add footnote “(L)” to read:
“(L) The Violence Reduction & Prevention Program Manager shall cooperate with the Mayor to establish a plan for offering onsite Trauma Informed Crisis training to City employees.”
Under “Nurse Family Partnership Program”, add four positions of “Community Outreach Liaison” and add one position of “Health Project Coordinator”.
Under “Department of Neighborhood Services, Office of the Commissioner”, add footnote designation “(H)” to one position of “Commissioner - Building Inspection (X)(Y)” and add footnote “(H)” to read:
“(H) The Commissioner shall develop a strategy for reducing illegal dumping in targeted areas that experience high volumes of illegal dumping.”
Under “Police Department, Office of the Chief”, add footnote designation “(E)” to one position of “Chief of Police (Y)” and add footnote “(E)” to read:
“(E) The Chief of Police shall develop metrics for measuring the effectiveness of the department's training programs related to interactions with the public, and present the plan to the Common Council by 6/30/19.”
Under “Department of Public Works - Administrative Services Division, Planning and Development”, add one position of “Engineering Technician V”.
Under “Department of Public Works - Infrastructure Services Division, Transportation Operations Decision Unit, Multi Modal Unit”, add footnote designation “(A)” to one position of “Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator” and add footnote “(A)” to read:
“(A) The Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator shall establish metrics for measuring the effectiveness of the implementation of bicycle lanes.”
Under “Department of Public Works - Operations Division, Forestry Section, Field Operations”, add eleven positions of “Urban Forestry Specialist (D)” and add one position of “Urban Forestry Crew Leader (B)”.
Part 2. Part 1, Section 1 of ordinance File Number 180629 relative to offices and positions in the City Service is hereby amended as follows (Effective Pay Period 1, 2019 - December 30, 2018):
Under “Department of Employee Relations - Employee Benefits Division”, add footnote designation “(X)” to one position of “Risk Management and Safety Officer” and create footnote “(X)” to read as follows:
“(X) Private automobile allowance may be paid pursuant to Section 350-183 of the Milwaukee Code.”
Under “Police Department, Office of the Chief”, delete one position of “Communications & Information Officer” and add one position of “Marketing and Communications Officer”.
Part 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Part 4. The provisions of Part 2 of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after Pay Period 1, 2019 (December 30, 2019).
The provisions of this ordinance are deemed to be in force and effect from and after its passage and publication.
Part 5. This ordinance will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication.
City Clerk's Office
Chris Lee
Clerical corrections
Chris Lee