8/6/2018 | 0 |
Minutes note: Mr. Tim Askin said the accessibility ramp will go along one side and rear of the building. A wheelchair lift didn't work out ideally so they are requesting a ramp. Staff recommends approval with the two conditions listed in the report.
Imran Kurter - 10012 W. Capitol Dr. - attorney and son of the owner of the Risale Center of America. They have spent a lot of money on foundation repair as well as work on the interior. They serve immigrants, who are often disabled, so a ramp is a necessity. He has no concerns with staff's recommendations. Staff doesn't object to removing the window, as long as the applicant works with staff with the replacement. Staff recommends removing and storing of the stained glass windwow which is being converted to a door.
Ms. Pieper Eisenbrown was okay with a steel door for fire purposes.
Adopted with staff working on selecting the door and replacing the window. | Pass | 4:0 |
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