031745, 031746, 060259, 180316
Substitute resolution authorizing City of Milwaukee entry into an Open Space Restriction Agreement concerning part of 2320 North Lake Drive, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the 3rd Aldermanic District.
This substitute resolution authorizes City of Milwaukee entry into an Open Space Restriction Agreement concerning part of 2320 North Lake Drive.
Whereas, The property at 2320 North Lake Drive is part of a General Planned Development known as Columbia St. Mary’s and a Detailed Planned Development known as Columbia St. Mary’s, Phase 1; and
Whereas, Common Council File No. 180316 is a file to remove a portion of 2320 North Lake Drive from General and Detailed Planned Development zoning, which portion is herein referred to as Lots 2, 3 and 4; and
Whereas, The same property at 2320 North Lake Drive is part of a certified survey map (“CSM”) being processed that is assigned the Department of City Development (“DCD”) identifying number 3183 and that CSM identifies the proposed boundaries of said Lots 2, 3 and 4; and
Whereas, The CSM and rezoning are associated with a pending sale of the CSM Lots 2, 3 and 4 by the property’s current owner, Columbia St. Mary’s Hospital Milwaukee, Inc. (f/k/a St. Mary’s Hospital of Milwaukee), to a buyer; and
Whereas, Regarding Lot 4, Columbia St. Mary’s and the City of Milwaukee (“City”) have negotiated an “Open Space Restriction Agreement,” a copy of which is attached to this Common Council File; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that as long as the City duly passes Common Council File No. 180316 (the rezoning) and approves the CSM (DCD No. 3183), the appropriate City officials are authorized to enter into and sign the Open Space Restriction Agreement, in substantially the same form and substance as attached to this file, and to take such further actions to effectuate the i...
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