Resolution authorizing the City Comptroller to transfer additional funds to the previously established project for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the City of Milwaukee for cost participation for the design of the West Wells Street (USH 18) Bridge over the Milwaukee River in the 4th Aldermanic district with a total estimated cost increase for the project of $92,000, with a Grantor Share of $37,500 and a City Share of $54,500.
Resolution authorizing the City Comptroller to transfer additional funds to the previously established project for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the City of Milwaukee for cost participation for the rehabilitation of the West Wells Street (USH 18) Bridge over the Milwaukee River in the 4th Aldermanic district with a total estimated cost increase for the project of $92,000, with a Grantor Share of $37,500 and a City Share of $54,500.
Whereas, Additional scope has been added to the West Wells Street (USH 18) Bridge over the Milwaukee River design to include sub-consultant construction services for mechanical, electrical and hydraulic review during construction; and
Whereas, Additional funds are, therefore, necessary to complete the design and construction of the project; now, therefore be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the City Comptroller is hereby authorized to transfer fund to the project grant chart field as follows:
Project Grant Value
Project ID 2195-03-00
West Wells Street (USH 18)
Bridge over Milwaukee River
City Share Non-Assessable Fund, Structure
Fund 0303
Grantor Reimbursable Fund, Structure
Fund 0306
Total - $92,000
Previously authorized for engineering - $584,890.57
Current estimated cost of the total project including this resolution - $6,723,765.57
Original estimated cost of the total project (Resolution File ...
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