Substitute 1
A substitute ordinance relating to traffic controls.
This ordinance establishes the above-mentioned traffic requirements in various parts of the City.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. Section 101-13-8 of the code relating to School Speed 20 MPH is amended by striking the following:
“On West Clybourn Street from North 29th Street to North 31st Street”
“On West Michigan Street from North 29th Street to North 31st Street”
Part 2. Section 101-16-1 of the Code relating to Stop signs is amended by adding the following:
On North 28th Street at West Michigan Street
On North 29th Street at West Michigan Street
On North 30th Street at West Michigan Street
On North 31st Street at West Michigan Street
On North 33rd Street at West Michigan Street
On North 34th Street at West Michigan Street
Part 3. Section 101-16-2 of the Code relating to Through Highways is amended by striking the following:
“West Michigan Street from the west line of North 20th Street to the east line of North 25th Street”
“West Michigan Street from the west line of North 25th Street to the east line of North 26th Street”
“West Michigan Street from the west line of North 26th Street to the east line of North 39th Street”
Part 4. Section 101-16-2 of the Code relating to Through Highways is amended by adding the following:
West Michigan Street from North 20th Street to North 27th Street
West Michigan Street from North 35th Street to North 39th Street
Part 5. Section 101-18-1 of the Code relating to No Heavy Traffic is amended by adding the following:
On West Clybourn Street between North 27th Street and North 35th Street
On West Michigan Street between North 27th Street and North 35th Street
DPW - Infrastructure
Joseph C. Blakeman:C. Murphy
May 9, 2018