080461, 081317
Resolution amending resolution File # 080461 for the purpose of extending the period of authority, responsibilities and activities of the Alcohol Beverage Licensing Task Force to April 30, 2009.
The Alcohol Beverage Licensing Task Force (“task force”) was created by resolution File # 080461, adopted July 30, 2008, which provided that the task force complete its work within 6 months and thereafter be dissolved.
File # 080461 was amended by File # 081317 extending the authority, responsibilities and activities of the task force to March 31, 2009. This resolution amends resolution File # 080461 changing the time period in which the task force is to submit its findings and recommendations to the Common Council from 6 months to 9 months after which time the task force will be dissolved.
Whereas, The Common Council created an Alcohol Beverage Licensing Task Force (“task force”) by Resolution File # 080461, adopted July 30, 2008; and
Whereas, Resolution File # 080461 provided that the task force submit its findings and recommendations to the Common Council within 6 months of adoption after which time the task force shall be dissolved; and
Whereas, The task force met and deliberated 4 times during the Fall of 2008 and 5 times in the Winter of 2009; and
Whereas, The task force has determined that it will benefit from an additional meeting to receive public comment on its preliminary recommendations; and
Whereas, The Common Council finds that the task force has been diligent in fulfilling its responsibilities and mission and that an extension for a period of one month for submission of task force findings and recommendations is appropriate to assure successful completion of the work of the task force; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That Resolution File # 080416, as amended by File # 081713, be further amended by deleting the final “Resolved clause” and replacing it with the following:
“Further Resolved, The task force shall submit its findings and recommendations to the Common Council within 9 months of adoption of this resolution and shall thereafter be dissolved effective May 1, 2009.”