Resolution supporting 2017 Wisconsin Senate Bill 449, funding for Reach Out and Read, an early childhood literacy initiative.
This resolution expresses the City’s support 2017 Wisconsin Senate Bill 449, funding for Reach Out and Read, an early childhood literacy initiative.
Whereas, A third of young children, and half of children living in poverty, in the U.S. arrive at kindergarten without the skills they need for success at school; and
Whereas, More than 95 percent of a child's brain is formed during the first few years of life, and a child's early experiences irreversibly affect how the brain develops - for better or worse; and
Whereas, Nurturing family interactions support healthy brain development in young children; and
Whereas, Reach Out and Read prepares America’s youngest children to succeed in school by partnering with clinicians to prescribe books and encourage families to read together; and
Whereas, Reach Out and Read doctors and nurse practitioners have the greatest access to families with children in the early years, when it counts, since more than 91 percent of children under the age of six attend routine pediatric visits at least once a year; and
Whereas, The evidence-based Reach Out and Read model is supported by 16 independent, peer-reviewed, published studies; and
Whereas, The American Academy of Pediatrics has endorsed the Reach Out and Read model, promoting it as an essential component of pediatric primary care; and
Whereas, Wisconsin Senate Bill 449, providing State funding for Reach Out and Read, has been introduced by Senators Olsen, Wanggaard, Harsdorf, Johnson and Vinehout; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the Common Council expresses its support for 2017 Wisconsin Senate Bill 449, funding for Reach Out and Read; and, be it
Further Resolved, That the Common Council urges all residents of Milwaukee to become involved in the program by understanding its detailed vision, objectives, priorities and goals; and, be it
Further Resolved, That upon adoption of this resolution, the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to each member of Milwaukee’s delegation to the State Legislature and to the Office of the Governor of the State of Wisconsin.
Adam Wickersham