An ordinance relating to the provision of city financial assistance to for-profit institutions of higher education or to developers of projects that include for-profit institutions of higher education.
304-97-2 am
This ordinance amends the code to require for-profit institutions of higher education and developers of projects that include for-profit institutions of higher education to meet the U.S. Department of Education financial aid regulations in force on January 1, 2017.
The Mayor and Common Council of the City of Milwaukee do ordain as follows:
Part 1. s. 304-97-2 of the code is amended to read:
304-97. City Financial Assistance to For-Profit Institutions of Higher Education.
2. LIMITATION ON ASSISTANCE. No city direct financial assistance shall be provided to any for-profit institution of higher education, including any for-profit college, university or institute and any proprietary institution of higher education as defined in 34 CFR s. 600.5 >>on January 1, 2017<<, or to any developer of a project that will include selling or leasing real estate to, or constructing a facility for, a for-profit institution of higher education, unless the following criteria are met:
a. For a for-profit institution of higher education seeking city direct financial assistance, the institution shall certify to the department of city development that it, and any other institution owned and operated by the same company as the applicant institution, is in compliance with all applicable U.S. department of education regulations set forth in 34 CFR 600 >>on January 1, 2017<<. The institution shall further certify that it, and any other institution owned and operated by the same company, has not, during the previous 3 years, been found in violation of any provision of 34 CFR 668 >>as the regulation was written on January 1, 2017<<.
b. For a developer s...
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