Substitute 2
The Chair
Substitute resolution authorizing the City of Milwaukee Health Department to enter into affiliation agreements with various nursing schools to establishing Milwaukee Health Department sites as clinical education sites for the purpose of supervised clinical site experiences for students enrolled in their nursing programs.
This resolution authorizes the City of Milwaukee Health Department to execute affiliation agreements and Business Associate Agreements between the City of Milwaukee and area nursing schools who would like to establish the Milwaukee Health Department as a clinical education site.
Whereas, nursing education programs seek to provide as part of the curricula, supervised clinical site experiences for students enrolled in the program; and
Whereas, schools wish to establish a clinical education site for their programs at the Milwaukee Health Department; and
Whereas, Milwaukee Health Department, as part of its mission, encourages and supports training and education programs, and desires to establish a clinical education site for the Program at the Milwaukee Health Department; and
Whereas, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) imposes various requirements on health care providers with respect to the privacy and security of personal health information; and
Whereas, one of these requirements is that health care providers enter to agreements denominated as “Business Associate Agreements” in certain instances where they share personal health information with third parties; and
Whereas, the Milwaukee Health Department may share personal health information with the nursing schools and nursing students, among others, in the course of providing a clinical education site to nursing students, now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the designated officers of the Milwaukee Health Dep...
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