Resolution relative to acceptance and funding of a Green Solutions grant from the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District for the installation of bioswales in the medians of North Sherman Boulevard between West North Avenue and West Locust Street in the 15th Aldermanic District.
The resolution also authorizes the Department of Public Works, Infrastructure Services Division to accept and fund a Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District Green Solutions grant with a maximum reimbursement amount of $299,000. The purpose of the grant is to help the City pay for the installation of bioswales used to improve the quality and reduce the volume of stormwater runoff. The total estimated cost of the project is $325,000 and the City share of the cost is $26,000.
Whereas, Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) is responsible for collecting and treating wastewater from local sewerage systems; and
Whereas, Green infrastructure, such as bioswales, reduce the volume of stormwater in the sewer system and the amount of pollutants discharged to surface waters; and
Whereas, The bioswales will be constructed in the medians of North Sherman Boulevard between West North Avenue and West Locust Street (Project); and
Whereas, Plans, specifications and cost estimates have been prepared for said Project; and
Whereas, The cost to construct the bioswales on North Sherman Boulevard is $325,000; and
Whereas, MMSD desires to promote the installation of green infrastructure and is willing to provide the City funding up to a maximum reimbursable amount of $299,000; and
Whereas, The Department of Public Works has committed the remaining $26,000 for the construction of the Project per Common Council file number 150323 and Project No. SM499150107; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to accept such a grant without further Common Council approval unless t...
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