Resolution opposing Wisconsin 2015 Assembly Bill 469 relating to school changing rooms currently pending in the Legislature.
This resolution expresses the City’s opposition to Wisconsin 2015 Assembly Bill 469, which requires students in public schools to use multi-person restrooms and changing rooms (together, “changing rooms”) based solely on their sex at birth or to use single-occupancy changing rooms.
Whereas, The proposed Wisconsin 2015 Assembly Bill 469 currently pending in the Legislature requires students to either use only those multi-person changing rooms conforming to their sex, based on their anatomy at birth, or, upon written request for an accommodation from the student, or a minor student’s parent or guardian, to use a single-occupancy changing room; and
Whereas, The proposed legislation unfairly restricts transgender students from using changing rooms consistent with their gender identity or, alternately, segregates transgender students from their peers into single-occupancy changing rooms; and
Whereas, Forcing students to use facilities out of line with their gender identity, or singling out students from their peers to use separate, single-occupancy changing rooms is discriminatory and marginalizes and stigmatizes those students; and
Whereas, The proposed legislation is a one-size-fits-all approach and would diminish the ability of Milwaukee Public Schools to address the issues surrounding transgender students at a local level and to tailor solutions to the needs of individual students; and
Whereas, The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has stated that discrimination against students because of their gender identity or transgender status is a violation of Title IX; now, therefore be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee, that the City opposes Wisconsin 2015 Assembly Bill 469 currently p...
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