Substitute resolution granting a special privilege to Maynard Steel Casting Company to keep and maintain a retaining wall and stationary planters for the premises at 2856 South 27th Street, in the 13th Aldermanic District.
This resolution grants a special privilege to Maynard Steel Casting Company to keep and maintain a retaining wall and stationary planters for the premises at 2856 South 27th Street.
Whereas, Maynard Steel Casting Company is requesting permission to keep and maintain a retaining wall and raised planters in the public right-of-way; and
Whereas, The aforementioned items, which had been present for many years, were discovered to be located in the public right-of-way during the design phase of the recent South 27th Street paving project; and
Whereas, Said items may only legally encroach into the public right-of-way by granting of a special privilege resolution adopted by the Common Council; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that Maynard Steel Casting Company, 2856 South 27th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215 is hereby granted the following special privileges:
1. To construct, keep, and maintain a 1-foot wide retaining wall with fence projecting 6 inches into the east, 8-foot wide sidewalk area of South 27th Street. Said wall commences at the Bridge over the Union Pacific Railway, structure B-40-437, located north of the subject premises and extends south 412 feet 6 inches. Said wall extends up to 6 inches above and several feet below the adjacent sidewalk grade. The fence is bolted to the top of the retaining wall.
2. To construct, keep, and maintain a raised planter projecting 6 inches into the east, 8-foot wide sidewalk area of South 27th Street. Said planter commences at a point approximately 412 feet 6 inches south of the Bridge over the Union Pacific Railway, structure B-40-437, and extends south 45 fe...
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