The Chair
Resolution authorizing the Commissioner of Public Works to execute documents required for the right-of-way acquisition associated with the reconstruction of South 35th Street from West Burnham Street to West Greenfield Avenue with the total estimated cost of right-of-way acquisition being $100,000, and 100% is City funded.
This resolution authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to execute documents required for the right-of-way acquisition associated with the reconstruction of South 35th Street from West Burnham Street to West Greenfield Avenue. The total estimated cost of right-of-way acquisition is $100,000. The City funds will cover 100% of the aforementioned costs.
Whereas, A project agreement has been executed by the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the City of Milwaukee for the reconstruction of South 35th Street from West Burnham Street to West Greenfield Avenue using Federal and State Aid under the Surface Transportation Program, in accordance with the Common Council Resolution File Number 100021, adopted May 25, 2010; and
Whereas, The project agreement between the Wisconsin Department of Transportation and the City of Milwaukee was revised for additional funding with the Common Council File Number 121746, adopted April 30, 2013; and
Whereas, The South 35th Street improvement project requires land acquisitions from parcels that lie adjacent to the project right-of-way within the City of Milwaukee; and
Whereas, The Common Council of the City of Milwaukee authorized funds for consultant design services for right-of-way plat preparation, appraisal, legal description and real estate acquisitions with the Resolution File Number 111700 adopted May 22, 2012; now therefore, be it
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Milwaukee that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to execute all documents required by the Right-of-Way process ...
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